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    Jurassic Park made obscure dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Dilophosaurus household names. The newfound fame attracted marketers to the dinosaur money train, inspiring new basketball teams (the Toronto Raptors), and useless spin-off products such as the Meanie Babies' "Velocicrapper". (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    The Hunt
    By raptorpack _

    Jurassic Park IV
    The Hunt

    September 15th
    "I’m going to revert power to Isla Nublar now, Sir.”
    “Good, now we’ll see where Nedry is.”
    “I don’t understand how this is going to help.”
    “Well, when we return power we can hack into the Park’s network and access the vehicle locator.” Jurassic Park’s mainland operations. Head of InGen, Robert Ludlow, Peter Ludlow’s son, was running an operation to discover the whereabouts of the embryos that Nedry stole. “Sir power is restored.”
    “Good, hack into the computer mainframe and access vehicle locator.”
    “Now, get Neil to get in there and find those embryos.”

    “Mr Tembo could you please open this new hunting reserve, we ne…”
    “Look what type of reserve is it?”
    “I don’t know, I’ve just by asked by some guy called Ludlow if you’d be interested…”
    “Ludlow? Tell him I’m not interested, if he wants somebody tell him to get Ian Malcolm.”
    “But the fee is apparently millions and…”
    “Well tell him I might be interested, as long as there’s a fence and me and the animals are separated.”

    Three years later
    “Welcome to Jurassic Hunt!” John Hammond, the former head of Ingen was at the new opening of the new hunting reserve in Africa. Some of the most well known hunters were there to witness this new chapter in hunting history. John then got up and sat down to let way for a few speeches.
    “I’m not happy about this one bit, these animals were created for the enjoyment of families, not for the pleasure of hunters.”
    “Yes mister Hammond, but the technology is just sitting there and the R.S.P.F.H.T.D. (Royal Society of Protection For Humans To Dinosaurs) thought another park would cost more innocent lives, and now the dinosaurs have transmitters so if they go too close to the hunters they will get a ringing in their ears and back off.”
    “Yes, yes, but I’m worried about the dinosaurs, some of them might not be used to the heat, and the sauropods won’t have enough vegetation to feed on.”
    “The sauropods have been miniaturised, so they will not require the full amount of vege… veget… plants needed. Don’t worry they are going to be treated with respect and no-one will die, only experienced hunters can get in, with specialist weapons,” the head of security and safety at Jurassic Hunt, Richard Keine was having a hard job to try and convince John Hammond that there was nothing wrong with this new hunting reserve, he wasn’t even thinking of going to mention that the engineers thought that as soon as the safety mechanisms in the dinosaurs had been tested 100% successful they were going to open the reserve as a holiday camp with dinosaur and man living together. But the reserve had to be proved both profitable and safe before an inexperienced hunter was to set foot inside the place. There was no way a dinosaur could escape past the electric fences, 20ft long moats, the 20ft long and deep trenches and the 27” steel walls.
    “And now for a word from the most recognised hunter in this entire ceremony, Mr Roland Tembo!” this was followed by a short applause and then Roland made his way to the front of the hall.
    “Thank you for that most unnecessary introduction, I don’t really want to be here today. I have witnessed these creatures in the wild and seen the destruction they can cause. My hunting partner and close friend Adjay, lost his life when with me on an expedition to the breeding grounds of these animals, so I would just like to say be careful when you are out there. Also, to have one of these animals in your trophy room is a real honour, so if you’re up to it get out there and hunt!”
    “Mister Roland Tembo everybody! And if you need any help on hunting the animals Mr Tembo will be here for several weeks giving some lectures on hunting these animals.”

    “First of all you may be as experienced a hunter as I am but you have never come face to face with animals as dangerous as this. After I went to the Island I began to go to lectures by another famous dinosaur expert Alan Grant. I have learned behaviour in dinosaurs from him, and intend to use it to show you how to behave around these creatures. This is not a game, only experienced hunters can get into the reserve and no one is as experienced as me in this field. So now we will start by introducing you to dinosaurs. There are many varieties of dinosaurs…”

    “So how did it go?”
    “Terrible Richard, I’m a hunter who doesn’t want to hunt anymore, and now I’m teaching lectures about the things I don’t want to hunt. These men are experienced hunters who wouldn’t mess around in an environment such as this, I can only teach them what I know and I know how to hunt. I’m fed up, I’ve hunted the greatest prize possible and now I’ve nothing left to do. I’m retiring from hunting and you can’t stop me.”
    “But Roland!”

    “Eagle to Falcon over.”
    “Falcon speaking.”
    “I have a Velociraptor in sight”
    “Okay be careful, out.”
    “Thanks, out,” out in the reserve Adam Redhorn was hunting in the jungle zone. He was just about to shoot at the raptor, when he noticed some movement to his left, he reached for the remote in his pocket just as two young microvenators lept out onto his back, he shook them off and when he looked up again the raptor was gone. ‘Oh no,’ he sighed and started looking around nervously as if it was stalking him. He pulled out the dinosaur tracker, which has him at the centre like radar, and any dinosaur within a 200metre radius will be picked with the transmitters, one of the many new safety precautions to ensure that no-one would have an accident while hunting. When he looked at the screen he couldn’t see anything coming towards him, the only thing on the screen was him and two other blips which when he looked up but it turned out to be three triceratops, he thought this was a bit weird when his radio started crackling
    “Hey Adam, you got a minute?”
    “Yeah, what?”
    “I think you’d better come see this”

    A few minutes later Adam and the rest of the hunters were standing around the trench.
    “This was found a few minutes ago,” said Keine, “by one of the helicopters entering the facility.” The hunters looked down and saw a half dead Mamenchisaurs struggling to get up the sides off the trenches, “we won’t be able to get her out, she’ll just die but we noticed a few fresh scratches on her back, and we think that she was herded here by the combined forces off the 3 raptor-packs in the facility, they chased her here and some jumped onto her back as she crossed the moat she then must have fallen into the trench and the raptors unable to swim the distance of he moat jumped up onto the other side and are still there. We need some off you to go and circle the area to see if you can find them, you can take copters or you can leg it, I don’t really care as long as they are back here alive.”
    “Why do we have to fix your problem? I mean, you designed it so this wouldn’t happen you go out to fix it. Come on,” there was a sudden mumbling of agreement among the crowd.
    “But you can’t do this.”
    “Yes we can.”
    “But that’s what you’re here for, to hunt and this is hunting, isn’t it?”
    “Well I’m game.”
    “Yeah, me too.”
    “Yeah lets do it!”

    After three hours they met each other after splitting up and heading in different directions. They hadn’t seen anything at all even though they used the radar and binoculars.
    “What do you mean you can’t see them?! Get me the dino screen now!” the dino screen was basically a screen showing the position of all the dinosaurs in the reserve.
    “What do you mean they aren’t there! There is no way they could escape, do an underground scan.”
    “Nothing sir, this means that, that, they’ve escaped. Along with some of the microvenators and compys…”
    “And some of my men,” everybody turned around and saw an African chief standing in the doorway of the control room. Richard recognised him as one of the men the reserve bought land from.
    “What do you mean, and how did you get in?”
    “Never mind that, I’ve lost some of my men and,” he held up his arm as if to stop them, “don’t worry about your animals, my men are experienced hunters, so I believe that you owe me money.”
    “Sure, um, how many men were lost? I can give you 100,000 each…”
    “150 and it’s a deal.”
    “100,000 or,” he stopped after seeing the look on the chief’s face, “150 it is then, have a good day,” and with that he stormed of to the vault.

    The next week there was a safety inspector in inspecting the park after the incident in the tribal village accident, everything was going according to plan, the animals were behaving, nobody got hurt, there was a few hunters got lucky and everything seemed to be going fine, fine, that is, until the inspector asked to see where they bred the animals.
    “We, um, you, you, you aren’t authorised to see this area.”
    “I have full authorisation from the Costa-Rican, African and American Government,” and with that he took out a sheet of paper and flashed it in front of Richard.
    “As you can see I can shut down this facility if I don’t get to see what I need to see.”
    “Yes, well, follow me, and if you would like to put on one of these coats, just standard safety precautions,” Richard led the inspector down a steep spiralling staircase, that was so thin that they had to walk sideways to get down it, it also had an extremely low ceiling. When they got to the bottom they found themselves in a glass elevator, Richard pressed the button and they then descended slowly into the deep. At the bottom they stepped out into a small room with several inch thick steel bars.
    “If you could just care to look this way,” then he pulled up a steel window, then they could see the reason for all the secrecy. A huge cavern that extended for a mile or so at one end there was a small lab that was a small steel cage with no walls, they could just make out two large signs BIOGEN THE FUTURE OF GENETICS and roaming around were dozens of dozens of dinosaurs running free, they weren’t too old but they could do some serious damage, because you could see several larger dinos that had been brought down.
    “What on earth is happening down here?”
    “Well this is our breeding site, we breed the animals down here and then move the females to the surface.”
    “And I thought this was an Ingen operation not a combined Biyson and Ingen.”
    “Yes, well we take the deformed animals and then give them to Biyson so they can clone them and, well, open a new park on another Island.”
    “Well this is absolutely preposterous, I am afraid this is going to shut you down my friend, I am goi…” at that moment a small Megaraptor jumped in front of the window and started shaking the building, Richard was staring at it when he heard a thud beside him, he looked down and saw the inspector clutching his heart not moving or breathing.
    “Well that’s a relief,” he then picked up the clipboard and carried it off to the Biogen vault.

    “Well it was definitely a heart attack, no doubt about that, I’m afraid nobody wants to inspect this facility now that one man has died, but I’m sure that you should start cleaning up your act for a surprise inspection.”
    “Yes, well, I’m sure you won’t find anything wrong with this place.”
    “I’d better not.”

    “What is this, how did this get out!?” a news article with a story about the Biogen project was plastered in front of the morning newspaper. Underneath was a picture of the man who had presented the discovery to the African government. Richard recognised him as a high-level security officer who had direct access to the vault but not the underground breeding ground.
    “Whoever he is have him sacked.” Richard had ideas of the worst that could happen and he was right as there were a few phone calls later on in the day from several members of the African government telling him to pack up and ship out.

    Later on in the day a frail old man was walking towards the site hotel
    “I was right and you were wrong, this was all a bad idea, my grand nephew didn’t know anything about this did he?” Richard looked up and saw John Hammond standing in the doorway of his room.
    “I don’t think so, I just wanted to help people.”
    “In what way?”
    “Well you just wanted a theme park, I wanted scientists to come in and witness these animals acting like they would in the past, without any fences or being genetically modified, to study, this was just a hunting ground, and Biysons Island was the ‘lab’, well, not exactly the lab the, the, the place which picked up your pieces and put them back together.”
    “But why Biyson? They would have modified them in ways you couldn’t imagine, patented them and sold them as pets while you, you where doing a lot of hard work in trying to create them, and they are genetically modified, you told me yourself that you miniaturised the herbivores so that they weren’t eating to much.”
    “Huh? Oh you thought I meant here, I meant…” Just at that moment an official from the American government came in to the room telling Richard that Robert Ludlow had phoned in telling him that he was to supervise the moving of the animals.
    “He also says that if any of the animals gets hungry, we should have fair idea of what to do.”
    “What, oh, yeah, well I’d better get going Mr. Hammond”, as he said this he moved towards the door but then he stopped and turned around, “well at least we only had 20 animals escape unlike your island.”

    “Easy, easy! I don’t want those animals hurt now,” the movement had begun. The compys had been rounded up had flown out to the Biyson Island which was going to be the home of all the other dinosaurs. The larger animals had proven to be harder to move, a hole was blown in the wall and the rubble was used to build a ramp up the ditch and the moat and river were drained and filled with rubble to make a ramp. There was a large holding pen to fit the larger animals in like the Mamenchiosaurs, they would then be tranquillised and allowed to wander to the closest river (which was a mile away) under the watchful eye of more guards who had tranquillisers in case they broke out of their sleepwalking, once at the river they would be tranquillised once again and shipped onto many large boats which would sail to the Biyson Island.

    The first animal out was a Mamenchiosaur, it was so big they decided to give it 20 darts; they had just made a terrible mistake. The sauropod walked several yards and then collapsed. Most men rushed forward to help it, and then it happened, a fully grown dilophosaur got out passed the holding pen so naturally everybody rushed over to tranquillise it, but it just spat on, them killing most of them instantly, with it’s tar/acid mixture and that’s when the operation fell to pieces, the carnivores came out first and then the herbivores. Before long over 200 dinosaurs had escaped and where roaming Africa, wild.

    3/30/2002 4:39:04 PM

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