By Michael Crichton
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    The dinosaur the T-Rex is snacking on in JP3 is a Datausaurus, according to the JP3 novelization. (From: OsamaKiller)
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    By mikeymike

    Part One

    Scully’s car crunched up the gravel driveway to the George Washington University. It was too early to be here considering she didn’t need to be here until ten thirty but she had a mountain of marking that, thanks to an extremely hectic weekend, had not been completed. It was so unlike her to be unorganised! But, over the last year she had completely abandoned her FBI efficiency and indulged in a lack-lustre academic attitude.
    The building was buzzing with activity this Monday morning as she made her way down numerous corridors to her office on the first floor. Scully wasn’t feeling her best as she clutched a pile of unmarked papers to her chest. She was the teacher and yet her whole composure this morning resembled that of a student. It wasn’t like her to be on edge but something someone said this morning worried her. She didn’t know why but an off-hand comment had shaken her to her soul.
    Just a student saying there was some ‘Big $hit going down at the Hoover building’ had thrown all her senses. She used to love the thrill of working in the FBI headquarters wandering down corridors until she reached the elevator that led down to ‘the FBI’s most unwanted’. Her and Mulder’s shared office although she NEVER did acquire her own nameplate upon the door! But then she never did ask for one.
    The FBI was all in the past she had a new life, made up of consistency, stability, regularity and above all, the security of staying in one place for more than one week at a time. Her office didn’t change much apart from the rising mountains of paperwork most of which were internal memos containing invites to staff parties, office jokes and notes from students, which subsequently became ‘stored’ in the trashcan.
    Heaving her paperwork onto her desk she slumped into her office chair with a loud sigh. Picking up the first paper Scully smiled to her-self at the familiarity of the style, the clinical detachment that was ever present in this students work. It reminded her of the numerous FBI reports she had written and read throughout the course of her career. Now she had assigned herself the role of reading hundreds of assignments, which she hoped would make the grades. Due to her expertise Scully had already been chastised, by her senior colleagues, for marking the students’ work too harshly. She had been reminded, on more than one occasion that these were students and not FBI agents. It had been hard to learn to pick out the good points from some of the dire assignments, truth be told, she now instructed her Freshman students in how to write professional reports, justifying to her seniors that this was the accepted method in any forensic career. They were here to learn how to do their job!
    It was her job to make sure they developed the skills they would need in their future careers and she would not let them forget. The skills would alter slightly but they would never change, the same way she would never forget how to diagnose a patient or to conduct a case file for the FBI. Sometimes she missed the getting involved in the lives of other people and investigating their ‘crimes’ and, more often than not, she had been travelling all over the United States after some crackpot theory of Mulder’s. Scully knew that she would be lying if she said she that she didn’t miss working alongside Mulder but he was gone now, forever. To her knowledge, he wasn’t dead although he might as well be, he’d abandoned her and she found that even after six years she couldn’t comprehend why.
    There may be the reason that she was sick although Flu wasn’t a valid enough reason for letting her wake up scared and alone. At least he had ‘dumped’ her with her Mother who took the next week and a half to get her well. Scully still couldn’t understand why he felt he had to leave her. Eventually she surmised that his leaving her was a blessing in disguise, she had been able to create a normal life, the life she had always wanted but it lacked one thing, Mulder.
    She couldn’t hate him as much as she wanted to, she had loved him back then and truth be known she still did. Although that chapter of her life was over in many respects she was still in need of closure. Scully wanted Mulder to tell her why he had done what he had, why he felt it necessary to leave her when she most needed him.
    She looked at his face that was smiling in front of her, from a photograph on her oak panelled desk. Mulder was holding their son, William, the pride was evident in his every feature his eyes illuminated the fact that he was a Father, a dad! Picking up the photo from its designated place Scully looked in Mulder’s eyes wondering if he knew then that he would leave her three days later. Softly she stroked his cheek with her fingertips.
    “I love you!” she found herself whispering to him. She had so wanted to make it work with him, for them to make a normal family. If he could change at knowing he was a Father had she not changed to become the ‘Mother’ of their little family?
    Scully’s own demeanour had changed when she had given birth to William, she was a Mom, and after years of believing herself to be barren she had finally achieved her dream. Then she had to let her miracle child go… To give away her son in favour of a life on the run from the Bureau, the super soldiers and God knows what else, was the biggest mistake she had ever made. She’d never have her son back with her and she didn’t have Mulder. That pivotal point in her life had nearly sent her to the edge. The hurt, the betrayal, the weeks of considering the whys and what for had driven her crazy and how could she escape the criminal charges against her? Then Skinner had called saying the charges against her had been dropped! He’d cooked up a plan with the help of Agents Doggett and Reyes saying she had been on an assignment. She would never forget what the trio had done for her.
    They were her friends and although she felt a great deal for them she had left the Bureau to pursue the career she was now entertaining, as a forensic science tutor. The Bureau had too many memories, some of which she like remembering, others she wanted to forget. Mostly it was the X-Files office, she couldn’t go inside without reminding herself beforehand that she would not open the door and see Mulder lying back on his chair, feet up on his desk, asleep. A smile tinged with sadness crept over her lips.
    Scully placed the picture back where it belonged. She had to try to move on but it still created a pang in her heart that her lover and son were no longer a part of her life, having one or the other was a compromise but having neither was in no way a part of the deal! She had thought about trying to get William back but had stepped away from the idea. How could she cope? At the time she had no job, was under a criminal investigation with the severe likelihood of going to prison for a number of years but worse still she was sick, the flu was never ending. Something that had eventually subsided unlike the desire to be a Mother to her child, William was HER child and yet she was letting him be raised by people who didn’t have a clue as to the potential danger he could be in.
    She had found out where he was, she still kept tabs upon the couple that had permanently fostered him. At least Mulder had convinced her not to go for the full adoption, something that she thought better as William’s name would change.
    Their lives had all moved on six years and asking to take William away from the people he considered, as his family was something she couldn’t do. He was a lovely boy, she’d watched him from afar in the local park, it was local to him that is, and William had stopped playing on the monkey bars and had stared directly in her eyes. At the time she had thought he knew who she was but in retrospect she saw he had seen the ice-cream truck pull into the park. After that she had left. That was only three months ago and she had regretted it every day since. Mental torture, seeing the son she should have with her but couldn’t because of sheer concern not to rip him away from his ‘family’.

    The office phone rang cutting her thought of how she could bring William back to her without damaging him emotionally.
    “Dana?” said a familiar voice, one she hadn’t heard in many months.
    “Hello, Walter.” It was AD Walter Skinner.
    “I’m sorry to call you so early but I couldn’t reach you at home…”
    “I’m catching up on some paperwork.” What do you want? She added in her mind.
    “Can you come by my Office? Today, well now, if possible?”
    “Umm…(she stared at the clock which read 8.45am) sure, my class doesn’t start until eleven.”
    “That’s great. Thank you.” Skinner sounded almost too pleased at her agreement, it didn’t sound good.
    “Can I ask what this is all about?”
    “Not over the phone.” This meant something was wrong… especially if he couldn’t speak about it
    “Alright… I’m on my way.” They both hung up.
    This was serious and Scully was a little apprehensive about what lay ahead in Skinner’s office. Grabbing her keys and bag she quickly left the security of the university office, which she locked behind her. Tearing down the corridors she reached her car in record time. The only thing left to hear was the ripping and scratching of gravel being sprayed away from her tyres.

    3/5/2003 5:22:59 PM

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