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    JP star Jeff Goldblum starred as scientist Jim Watson in the 1987 TV movie about the race to define the structure of DNA before a rival group of scientists did so, "The Race for the Double Helix". (From: 'BJP3E')
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    Jurassic Rage Part 1: Creation, Chapter 5
    By jp

    Chapter 5: Creating the Past

    6 months later
    'Dr. Cole, Dr. Cole. Wake up.' Said a voice.
    Andrew wakes up and sees Paul looking at him. 'W- what? Are we there yet?' Asked Andrew.
    'Yes we are at Sandurio Island.' Replied Paul.
    Andrew looks out the window and sees a giant island full of mountains and dense forests. Also has large waterfalls and buildings that are almost finished construction. 'This set up of the island went fast.' Said Andrew with some confusion in his voice.
    'When you are doing something that the UN is supporting you on, you'll always get all you need and fast.' Said Kelsey.

    * * * * *

    The helicopters land on the helipads on top of a communication building. The group gets out of the helicopter and heads down the stairs and into the main hall. There was a over-hanging sign on the ceiling that said to left is the control room and to the right is the generator room. 'So what type of power does this island run on?' Asked Kelsey.
    'It runs on different types of power, from a turbine at a waterfall to wind turbines to solar power. We can't risk any pollutions that can damage this ecosystem that could cause the dinosaurs to go back into extinction. All this power goes through our generator room which then goes to the rest of the island.' Replied Jessica.

    They entered the control room with a total staff of 20 men and woman. 'This is Johannes Slatmon the very man who created the system that this island runs on.' Said Paul with a little pride in his voice.
    'Hey how about a raise for the very man who created the system for this island?' Said Johannes with a smile.
    'You are already paid enough. Do anything extra to help out around the island other than sit on your ass then maybe we'll talk.' Replied Paul quietly.

    Johannes smile quickly disappeared and his expression was replaced with disappointment and anger. 'He's always asking for a raise or extra time off, that he doesn't need, and I keep on telling him no. It's kind of getting annoying.' Whispered Paul to the others. The group exit the control room to see more of the island.
    'No one pisses me off like that. I'm going to make that son of a bitch pay. I'll make you pay.' Johannes mutters to himself.

    * * * * *

    'Where should we go first?' Asked Jessica.
    'Where else? The observation area. We should see how the dinosaurs are doing.' Replied Andrew.
    The four got in the hummer and drive down a dirt road. The scenery on the way down was very green. Many trees and bushes on this island. 'The dinosaurs are held in the observation until they are sub-adult and are able to hunt for themselves. They are then set free into the wild of this island where they live freely.' Said Jessica.
    Paul and Jessica were explaining to Andrew and Kelsey of everything that is happening on this island becuase they weren't informed about anything of construction.

    It was about 15 minutes before they could see a giant building up ahead. It was about 6 stories tall. They drive right into a garage next with some other vehicles like a cargo truck and some atvs. They go up a floor and down a hallway then into a room labeled observation. They see large walls with a door at the corner. They look into a room labeled "Tyrannosaurus." They see a 5 foot tall tyrannosaurus taking a catnap next to its kill. 'The Tyrannosaur grows very fast. The Tyrannosaurus gains 2.1 kilograms in weight everyday.' Said Paul.
    They go down the hallway a little more and look into a room labeled "Pachycephalosaurus." They see 5 pachycephalosaurs eating a bush. They sort of reminded Andrew of cows. They go down the hall a little more and look into a room labeled "Velociraptor." They look in to see a scientist in there.
    'What is he doing in there?!' Asked Andrew.

    'Don't worry. He'll be fine. The Velociraptors take a nap at this time. He's taking some feces samples. To make sure the raptors are healthy.' Said Jessica.
    Andrew looks very closely into the room. The group continued down the hall without him. He saw some movement in a bush 30 feet away from the scientists. He then sees a velociraptor run across the room behind the scientist. The raptor was a light brown colour with a feather crest on its head. Andrew watched the reaction he was expecting from the scientist of the raptors. He wasn't doing anything. The scientist is completely oblivious to the fact that the raptors are, are, hunting him. Andrew rips open the door and runs right into the room. 'Dr. Cole! What are you doing!?' Yelled Paul. Paul runs to the room and sees why Andrew ran in. The raptors weren't sleeping.

    Andrew yells at the scientists. The scientist turns his head to finally catch what the man running towards him is yelling at him for but was knocked down by a raptor. Andrew ran up to the raptor that was looking down at the scientist. Its mouth was watering. Its sickle claw was pulling back to jab into the scientists stomach. Andrew tackles the raptor right of the scientist. He quickly gets back up to react to the raptors next move. He was outnumbered badly by the raptors. He looks at the scientist and yells. 'Run damn it!'
    Andrew looks on the ground for some weapon. He spots a thick branch at the base of a tree. He runs for it but gets knocked over by a raptor to the right. He grabs the raptor by the mouth and holds it shut like a dog to prevent it from biting him. The raptor was still able to move its claws and slashed Andrew's face causing three cuts across his face. He rolls over and puts the raptors on the ground. He lifts his fist up in the air and punches the raptor right in the face. He continues to the tree. He picks up the branch and turns to see 5 raptors looking right at him. He was at least 50 feet from the door. He decided to charge right through the raptors. A raptor jumps up right at him and he slams it down to the ground with the tree branch. He continues running with the remaining 4 raptors literally trying to bite his legs to make him fall. He saw the door up ahead with Paul standing next to the door ready to close it. Andrew runs right through the door with Paul closing it right after him. Andrew collapses on the wall trying to catch his breath. He was holding onto his face. He was in major pain. Blood was running down from between his fingers all the way down his arm. 'He would, be, fine. Ha. That wasn't really fine for him.' Said Andrew still trying to catch his breath.
    'That was the first time that ever happened I swear. We will know better next time...' Said Paul while being cut off by Andrew.

    'What if there wasn't a next time? That man couldv'e died!' Yelled Andrew.
    'Where did you learn to fight like that?' Jessica asked.
    'Hunting with my uncle. I've been caught off guard before by wildlife like wolves and cougars.' Replied Andrew. Andrew managed to pull a smile and said. 'I say we can call it a day.'
    'You need some medicial treatment for that cut. This security guard will take you to the Med room.' Said Jessica.

    * * * * *

    Paul walked to the doorway of the worker lounge. He paused and thought of those words that Andrew said echoing in his head. 'What if there wasn't a next time!' 'What if there wasn't?' He asked himself. He sighed and walked into the lounge.
    Paul walked and saw Jessica sitting there on the couch. She got up and went to Paul. 'Don't worry about what Andrew said. We will know better next time.' She then kissed him.
    Paul actually felt better. He pulled a smile on his face and grabbed onto Jessica's hand. They then walked right into their bedroom and closed the door.

    Coming Soon Chapter 6: Rage

    4/4/2005 6:57:41 PM

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