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    Jurassic Rage Part 1: Creation, Chapter 4
    By jp

    Chapter 4: Asking the World for Help

    Paul was going around the artifical forest checking the health of all the animals they have cloned. The artifical forest was a basement level room, to prevent any visitors from seeing them, and was about 2 acres in size. Paul looked at his charts and noticed how fast the animals were growing. At this rate they will need a much larger area. He saw Andrew walking towards him.

    'I'm sure you've notice how fast these animals are growing.' Said Andrew. 'You and I both know we are going to be needing more space very soon for these animals and the once being cloned as we speak. We need to get a reserve, a place where they can run around freely.'
    'You're right.' Sighed Paul. 'The only way we can get reserve land now is to ask a country for some, all land in the world is owned by some country. We have to go to the UN and ask for their help, this will make this project public at the same time. I knew someday we would have to say it but never thought this soon. Should I set a date to present our find?'

    'Yes, the sooner the better.' Replied Andrew.

    * * * * *

    A week later the whole staff that is involved in any aspect of this project was present in New York. They took some of their animals to prove what they have done. The containers were very heavy but this will all be worth it when they are able to get these dinosaurs proper land. They finally reached the entrance of the room where Paul would be doing his speech. Andrew stayed with the dinosaurs to make sure no one would take them. Paul walked right onto the stand in front of all the countries in the world. Right when he pulled out his cue cards the whole room became silent. Paul started his speech he hopes will help him get the land the dinosaurs need. Paul introduced the lab staff and workers on this project, outlined this virus they used, how they could create the dinosaurs and hopes in research of these creatures will bring us like understanding of our past, new cures and anti-biotics. Paul finished his speech finally after about 25 minutes. When he finished he looked around the room that was completely silent, everyone was just staring at him. As quickly as the room became silent the room broke out in a roar of laughter. Obviously these country leaders did not believe him and took him as a joke.

    'This place is for serious discussion, not ridiculous topics like bringing back dinosaurs!' Exclaimed the President of the United States.
    'I am being serious. We have proof of our acheivements with us right now.' Said Paul with a grin on his face. 'Andrew, could you please bring in the specimens?'
    Andrew walked in the room pushing the three containers. The containers finally reached Paul. Paul opened the door of one of the containers and out came a juvenile pachycephalosaurus. 'Here's our proof. This is a pachycephalosaurus, an animal that hasn't been around since the creataceous.' Said Paul.

    The country leaders were still very skeptical. One of them jumped out and made a conclusion against this project. 'That is not a real dinosaur, that is obviously an animatronic robot!' Yelled the country leader.
    'Please come down here and see for yourself that this is no robot.' Replied Paul.
    The country leader walked down the aisle and came very close to the dinosaur.
    'Now pet him.' Said Paul.

    The country leader did on the neck.
    'Do you see any wires? Do you feel warmth from the animal?' Asked Paul.
    'No. Yes.' Replied the country leader.
    'If some of you are still skeptic let me show you this.' Said Paul.
    Paul uncovered the other two containers. One had an baby elasmosaurus swimming around and the other had a pteranodon. Paul took out a needle and stabbed it into the pachy and sucked out blood. The whole room was silent.

    'This is obviously one of the greatest discovery, ever.' Said the President of the United States. 'For a project like this land is no issue. There is a island chain off the coast of Japan that no country owns so we just keep it an island that is restricted to go on.'
    'This is excellent, what is the name of the island chain?' Asked Paul.

    'The Takkia Islands, the largest island is called Sandurio Island.' Replied the President. 'These islands have many different environments and good weather conditions, maybe a tropical storm here and there but never is very serious.'
    'Thank you all so much. These islands will serve to make the largest wildlife perserve in the world.' Replied Paul.

    * * * * *

    On the flight back to London, England everyone was thinking of what they will be able to acheive with these animals. Paul was thinking of the fame his team and himself will get. Everyone was thinking of scientific breakthroughs that they will achieve. The only person who wasn't thinking of scientific breakthroughs was Andrew. He was imagining being in a world over 65 million years old and filled with these creatures. He can already smell the dense air and hear the cries and roars of the dinosaurs roaming around him.

    Coming Soon Chapter 5: Creating the Past

    3/26/2005 1:53:02 PM

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