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    Jurassic Rage Part 1: Creation, Chapter 3
    By jp

    Chapter 3: The Experts of the Past

    Andrew was hard at work chipping away red rock to a tyrannosaur bone in the Drumheller Badlands, maybe even a skull! Andrew had a PhD in paleontology and knew dinosaurs like the back of his hand and even came up with a theory on what killed the dinosaurs that gave him his doctorate. He believed a super virus killed all the dinosaurs and many other animals. None of the animals were able to evolve very quickly because of the virus. He was only 28, had blonde hair and he liked wearing khaki shorts and light coloured t-shirts. Bit by bit the red rock crumbled away. He finally removed all of the rock to reveal a T-Rex skull that was in good condition. A great find indeed, not many T-Rex skulls are found in this condition. He called out to his excavation team to come see this find. Everyone was congratulating him.

    'Good job, Dr. Cole, this is a truely amazing find!' Exclaimed a grad student in front of the group.
    'Thank you so much but I wouldn't have found this skull without everyone's help.' Andrew said trying to be modest.
    A student was running through the small crowd to tell Andrew something. 'Dr. Cole there is a someone here to meet you in the trailer.' The student said. 'Who is it?' Andrew asked. 'He didn't tell me, he just said it's urgent and time is limited.' She replied.

    Andrew got up from his dig and went through the crowd. He reached the small trailer used as a mini-lab for fossils. Andrew saw the red hair man standing there next to the door. He was wearing dark coloured clothing which is strange to Andrew because the temperature outside is like over 35 degrees Celsius. Andrew walked over to wash his hands free of dust. 'Hello, sorry to keep you waiting but we just uncovered a well perserved T-Rex skull.'
    The man walk a little closer. 'Hello Dr. Cole, it is indeed nice to meet you. I am Dr. Daniel Eaton a biologist at the BGC in London, England. The staff and I need your help at our lab and are willing to pay you for your services.'

    'Why would a bunch of biologist ask for my help, I'm just a paleontologist?' Andrew asked.
    'Trust me we do need your help and we are willing to pay you your year's salary if you come.' Replied Dan.
    After hearing that offer Andrew quickly just to his answer. 'Ok! I'll have time in a few days to leave for England.'

    'Excellent this is great news. We will be looking forward to seeing you in a few days.' Dan said with the feeling of happiness in his voice. He was just walking out of the trailer when he said, 'By the way, I love that theory you had about the super virus.'
    'Thanks.' Replied Andrew.

    * * * * *

    Andrew got off the plane and at the terminal he saw a man standing next to a black limo holding a sign with his last name on it. 'I guess that's me' He said to himself. Andrew got in the limo and saw there was someone else in ther with him. A young looking woman with light brown hair which is tied into a ponytail. She has brown eyes and was wearing a red T-Shirt and black shorts. She was smiling with a look of worry in her eyes.
    'I'm Kelsey Smith, a paleobotanist.' She said.
    'I'm Andrew Cole, a paleontologist. By anyway chance do you know why we are here?' He asked.

    'No clue.' Kelsey replied.
    They mostly sat there in silence. Andrew looked at the window and saw the sign for the BGC building. 'We're here.' Said the driver.
    Andrew and Kelsey got out of the limo and walked towards the building. They saw the lab staff standing there waiting for them to come.
    'Dr. Cole and Dr. Smith, it is an honour to meet you two.' Said one of the scientists.

    'Why are we here?' Andrew asked.
    'We'll explain to you on the way to the lab.' Replied the scientist.
    'I'm Dr. Paul Clarke. I'll get to the point. We found a mega-virus that is is more deadly than ebola. It was frozen in arctic ice and we have confirmed that it has been around since the mesozoic.' Said Paul.

    Andrew frooze there, his theory. This must have to do with something of his theory.
    'This virus was not just special for how old it is. It was special for what it was able to do.' Said Paul.
    'What could it do?' Andrew asked in confusion.

    'It was able to hold onto parts of its host cell especially the DNA. We took the DNA and were able to recreate beings that haven't been around for 65 million years, the dinosaurs and they are almost ready to hatch. You are here so we can understand these animals better. Dr. Smith, you are here so we know what plants are needed for these animals to keep alive. Also to know how these animals will act.' Paul replied.
    Andrew and Kelsey stopped right in their tracks and were silent. They looked up with a smile on their faces and broke out in laughter. 'You got to be kidding with me! We didn't travel halfway across the world to be mocked!' Said Andrew through his laughter.

    'I assure you that this is no joke. Just follow us.' Said Paul with a sigh.
    They all went down the hallway to the main lab. When they got in they saw ultrasound footage of the eggs. Andrew and Kelsey were in awe. 'You were telling the truth.' Said Kelsey.

    'Of course we were, the eggs should be hatching anytime now according to the sensors around the eggs. Would you two like to go down and watch? This will be the first dinosaur in 65 million years' Said Jessica.
    Andrew and Kelsey followed Jessica to a lower floor. They went inside a room that was filled with over a hundred incubators. Andrew and Kelsey went straight to looking through the glass of the incubator. After about 5 minutes of staring an alarm went off over one of the incubators. The whole lab staff rushed to the incubator as the claw holding the egg lowered. The exit hatch opened and Paul grabbed the egg from the incubator. They then took the egg to another room that imitated a jurassic environment. The egg is placed in the nest where it can hatch. Andrew put on latex rubber gloves and crept closely to the egg to watch it hatch. A crack appeared on the egg. The animal inside was trying its hardest to get out. Finally the egg bursted open to reveal a small long neck dinosaur. 'Brachiosaurus.' Said Andrew very quietly.

    'Date of birth?' Asked Jessica.
    'July 25, 2005 6: 34 p.m.' Answered Ralph.
    Andrew picked up the dinosaur and watched it rest on his warm hands. 'We should get this guy some mushed oatmeal and even some mushed deciduous plants.' Said Kelsey.
    'This guy should be named Zeus.' Said andrew.
    'Why would we name the brachiosaur by that name?' Asked Paul.

    'It makes sense. We name dinosaurs mostly by greek names and this is probably going to be the biggest dinosaur you will clone and Zeus was the great Greek God.' Answered Andrew. 'This guy is definently warm-blooded, he's generating his own body heat. This guy should be able to move on its own in about a half a day. This guy is going to eat a lot because his definently has a high metabolism because his is warm-blooded and because he has to grow a lot. How many species have you got being recreated now?'
    'At least 30 species of dinosaurs, reptiles, mammals and birds. Since the first amount of ice we got we sent out people to get more for us. We said that the ice was for cooling for our high-powered computers and stuff like that to avoid attention.' Answered Ralph.

    'Only question now is are you willing to work for us, with these magnificant animals?' Asked Dan.
    'Do you even need to ask?' Said Andrew with a smile.
    Andrew continued looking at the brachiosaur rest in his hands and watched it breathe.

    Coming Soon Chapter 4: Asking the World for Help

    3/9/2005 5:53:43 PM

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