The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Jack Horner quickly nixed the idea of the raptors having "flicking toungues" like snakes in JP. (From: Erick)
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    The Firebird Legacy chap 1
    By firebird


    The Saints III Coming Soon

    The Following Evil Trilogy:
    --------------Wolf Castle-----------

    By Tobycompy 2.0

    And now our feature presentation:

    Youvyon peered over the edge of the lake.

    "Neoma niha treema toola," She muttered to herself. She threw a rock into the water. She sighed and picked up her bucket and began to go into the woods to collect Reoha Berries. She didn't go but five feet when she heard the thundering of hundreds of hooves. She peered into the dark forest, and made out the figures of Sabors, ready to attack the Firebirds. She was fearful, and clutched her Stlalf, redy to wstrike down any Sabor that neared her. But instead, they moved westward, towards the Firebird village. She moves toward the army, but there are hundreds of them, she could never survie if she attacked them. She hid in a bush and reamined silent until they were gone.


    Youvyon ran over Remajaha Hill, and looked down at the once florishing village. All life there was dead, not one thing remained.

    Youvyon took what she could. She had decided to live with the humans, but that would be a long journey. She knew their language, for many did. She set out into the cold night air.

    Four months had passed. The world had became evil, Youvyon could see it. Kryats dominated half the land, and Sabors dominted the other half. Still she carryed on, only travelling by night. She grew taller and taller, she was now almost eight feet tall. She taught herself how to fight and defend herself.


    Eight months had passed since she had left. She was now twenty-two, muscular, and traveled day and night now, since no creature dared jump her.

    She hadd finally reached Beohaja, the city of the Humans. They were short creatures, only five feet tall. When she walked into the town, they all cowered.As she walked on, she tryed to fit in, but it didn't work. So she carried on.

    1/28/02 4:25:46 PM

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