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    Jeff Goldblum appeared in the 1977 Woodie Allen movie, 'Annie Hall'.
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    Soldier Down-part 2
    By ernie the velociraptor

    The Argentina desert. The sun beat down on the back of the necks of the seven students using their pick-axes to chip away rock. The wind was blowing fast, but, was too humid to do anything but make the team hotter. An older man with a thinning beard and gray hair was bent over a small area in the red dirt.
    He had a small paint brush and a screw driver chipping away rock and brushing away dirt that seemed to continuosly bury his work. "DR. GRANT!" a voice rang through the wind. Grant looked up, spitting the rough, gritty dirt from his already dry mouth. He stood up, grabbed the cantine hanging from around his shoulder and took a long gulp.
    "What is it, Rob?" Grant said. Rob came stumbling up the small hill towards Grant. "We think we may have found an adult Amargosaurus!" Rob said with great enthusiasm. Grant pulled out his dusty red cloth and wiped the sweat that was pooling from his forehead. "Well," he said, "if that's truly what you think, then, let's have a look see." Grant walked down the incline to the other six students, standing around a flagged off area.
    A large femur bone petruded from the rocky dirt, what seemed to be claw marks were embeded into the bone. Grant bent down and looked at the leg bone. "Is this all you have found?" Grant said impaitiently. Rob was about to speak when the voice of another student broke the silence. "DR. GRANT!" the voice of Kim said. Grant looked up at her. She was waving a shovel and grinning. He used the femur to get up and walked over to her. He couldn't believe his eyes upon arrvial, a rib-cage, spine and full neck and skull of Amargosaurus. The strange claw marks were in this one also.
    "What could have made those deep gashes?" Kim said. Grant wipped the dust from his eyes and smiled back at her. "Probably the same thing that I'm working on at my station." He said walking away. The others were perplexed and followed him up. In his small pit, he had the almost complete skeleton of a baby Megaraptor.
    Grant was trying to explain his theory of the Megaraptors when the wind kicked up even more and he looked up in the air. "Shit!" Grant yelled. Three black, military helicopters were headed strait for his camp. "COVER UP THE SITES, NOW!" Grant said, pulling a small tarp over his baby. The others rushed down with tarps and began hammering over their finds. It was a great day, until the military helicopters landed. The engines stopped and a tall, gruff man in his early sixties stepped out, full general decoration on. "Are you Dr. Alan Grant?" the man asked. Grant reluctanly nodded his head and strectched out his hand to shake the mans. "Dr. Grant," he paused, "I am General Kilmartin, and we need to talk."

    2/5/2003 7:03:21 PM

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