Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Soldier Down-part 1
    By ernie the velociraptor

    He ran through the thick jungle, grasping his abdomen in pain. He felt the blood and froth from the infected wound flowing through his grip. With each step he took, he got more and more weak. But he couldn't stop now, no, for his hunter was still with him. He figured just behind the small line of palm trees to his right.
    He was being toyed with, like a mear mouse to a cat. With his one free hand he grasped the only weapon that survived his crash, a small .38 pistol. "Ah, one bullet, damn, it hurts so much!" He said using his muscular forearm to push away the dew covered palm leaves that continuously slowed him down. He saw her now, his stalker, her yellow eyes watching him as he ran. Where he was going he wasn't sure, he just had to get away from her.
    He sloshed through the boggy mud puddles that had seemed to stretch for a few miles by now, past half eaten stegosaur carcasses; he covered his face with his torn shirt, hiding the disgusting stench. The heavy breathing and occasional grunts of the stalker disturbed him. "Why doesn't she just try and attack?" He mumbled.
    He looked over at her yellow eye still running with him, WHAM! He didn't even see the large fallen tree that he tripped over. He face covered in mud, his wound bleeding out of control, he knew it was over. The stalker emerged from the dense jungle. "Velociraptor." He said crying. She revealed her razor sharp teeth and clamped down on his leg. He screamed in pain as she tore off a chunk of flesh, exposing the dry bone. She pounced on him and began to lick the wound on his abdomen. "I'm a gonner." He mumbled, blood flowing from his mouth. He raised the pistol from its muddy surrounding, put it to his temple and pulled the trigger.

    2/2/2003 4:58:51 PM

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