Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    By dwr

    Henry dodged the small trees quickly, catching a glimpse back to see the two female adult's jumping apart and racing after him from the left & right.
    But suddenly the raptor on the left, went down onto the ground hard being thrown down with the force of one of the dinosaur's which had chased them before.
    It began ripping into the raptors skin with its sharp claws.
    He watched the dirt around it quickly become red.
    Bright streams of blood went flying high into the air around the two animals.
    The other raptors quickly gave up the chase and ran towards the fallen animal.
    Which he could now see it was dead and spasiming out. It began to foam at the mouth and its legs coutinued to twitch.
    The other raptors violently attacked the dinosaur, as two jumped onto its back, two more ran at it from the right,
    running straight out of the jungle.
    He hadn't seen them there.
    They all four tore into the animal with horrifice strength, sending the flesh of the dinosaur sailing into the jungle around them.
    "COME ON LET'S GO !" He yelled.
    Leading the group along a path he spotted, the battle behind them had still not stopped but that was what he had hoped for. While they eat finish that animal, they'll be able to get a head start on them.
    But they were all four suddenly stopped by a juvinile raptor which jumped out of the jungle and landed right infront of them.
    It's head tilted up into the air and it began to bark repeatedly.
    He knew it was sending a cry for help and that the other raptors would not be far behind it.
    "EVERYONE FOR THEMSELF !" Jose shouted just as he dashed off into the jungle foliage.
    Thinking quickly, Henry signaled to Static to bring the kids towards the left of the foliage.

    The four of them moved fast among the thick trees.
    Tori watched Henry move up ahead and quickly look around to see if the raptors were fallowing.
    "This way !" he yelled motioning towards the right.
    Once they cought up to him, she saw he was pointing towards a small doorway which lead down into the ground.
    Henry had already reached the door and began struggaling to pull it open.
    Static raced past her and Chris and moved toward Henry to help him with the steel doors.
    The doors finaly fell loose and swung open with a loud creek which rang through the jungle.
    "Everyone inside !" Static shouted.
    Following Chris inside, she saw that the interior was gently lit, and the air was humid smelled like there was an open sewer inside with them.
    Turning around, Henry and Static had begun to start to close the huge steel doors.

    1/16/02 7:47:29 PM

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