Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    A line performed by the late Notorious B.I.G. in Puff Daddy's song "Victory" goes: "trying to make dough like Jurassic Park did." (From: jurassiraptor)
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    jurassic park 4 the DNA search chap. 2
    By dinogod65

    The airport was crowded at 10:30 in the morning. It was like raptors on Eddie. "God is it crowded in here.Pure chaos." "Ian. Please stop your theories on chaos. It's getting on my nerves." "C'mon Alan where's your sence of adventure?" "Mine is at my dig site in Hell Creek.Billy Brenan is an coleage of mine and is taking care of the site until I come back.Happy?" "Chaos.K" The intercom suddenly came on "Will the people heading for Jhon Hammond's jet please come at the gate C13? Thank you." "That's our flight Ian let's go.
    The plane took off after 3 and a half hours until Isla Sorna was in sight. Suddenly a flock of Pteranadon came peacefully at the plane but something was bad. A black a yellow Pternadon came in front. "Oh God!" Ian blurted out. The fling beast came right for them. It took a fatal blow on the front of the plane but it didn't hurt at all but it did shatter the glass and slapped the propellers out of whack. One exploded and they went doen down falling...
    "AHHHHHHHH!" " WERE DEAD!"... WHAM! the plane stoped on the ground with a lot of damage on it. "Ian are you ok?" Alan asked a little shaky. "Yeah. I'm ok." they unstraped themselves and made their way through the plane to the exit.
    Beep! Beep! Beep! static went on the radio. Quickly Ian hurried to the the cockpit. "Hello? Please respond. Hello?" There was a sratchy voice "This is the coast guard waht's the emergency?" " We are stuck on the island of Isla Sorna." Ian said. "Isla Sorna?! The island infested with dinosaurs? Ok go to the port of the island where are you on the island?" "Uh...the west coast I think." "No good. there is a impassible canyon to get to the port jus- His speech was cut off with static and out of frequency. then the ground shook. "What was that a Rex?" Asked Ian. "I don't think so. It sounds a little weaker. Then a Carnotaurus Came crashing to the scene. "God.Look get the guns from the weapon compartment and get the weapons that work. Now!" Ian did so to grab the weapons. This is the first rumble in the jungle. [to be continued]

    2/9/02 11:15:11 PM

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