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    The only dinosaurs to appear in all three JP movies are Velociraptor, T-Rex, Triceratops and Parasaurolophus. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    Jurassicpark 4 The DNA search Cp.6
    By dinogod65

    Alan and Ian walked down the hall when they heard a squeaking sound. They walked a little more and still heard it. Then Alan turned around and saw it was the pack of compys! They ran down the hall trying to get away from the compys when they got to a room that said
    "Genetics Lab WARNING! Biohazard area. Poisonous substances are contaned in the area.
    Alan and Malcom saw their oppertunity and entered a sliding door into a dark room full of shattered incubaters and crushed egg shells. The compys opened the sliding door and entered as well. Malcom made gesture to Alan and pointed to a locker that said in faded and moldy words,
    emergency weapons locker
    They ran to the locker and easily opened it and found a pack of gas grenades and three stun guns. They grabed the grenadees and one stun gun. Then suddenly a compy jumped on Ian and bit him in the ear. "Ahhh!" Ian aimed his stun gun at the compy and sent a jolt of electricity in the compy which fell unconcious on the floor. "Move to the exit!" Alan shouted. They ran to the exit when the unthinkable happened, Ian tripped on a loose wire. Alan turned and pulled him up just as the compys pounced where Ian just was. They ran through the exit where they reached a stair case. They heard a high piched shriek up the stairs and there was a raptor! "Cover your nose and mouth!" Alan yelled. They did so and Alan shot a gas grenade at the raptor. It stunned the raptor cold while Alan and Ian ran up the stairs and ran out the door. They ran throgh the grassland passing all kinds of herbivorous dinosaurs. Then a Tyrannosaurus charged from the trees and caused a stampede. it was total choas, Hadrosaurs stomped grass flat, Sauropods hurried right in front of Alan and Ian. The Tyrannosaur's roar was like a roar from another planet. It charged and took down a nearby Hadrosaur. He Grabbed it by the throat and shook savagly. Alan and Ian ran to the east near the abandoned camp site.

    4/5/2002 11:58:00 PM

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