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    Jurassic Park IV: Tim Returns Part 1
    By darkyoda141

    Military Base
    10:15 AM June 8th

    * In a short Scene, Tim Murphy and his best friend Jack Conley join the military, They have been asked to leave and return on June 10th by Cammander Sade*

    Chapter 1:
    Military Base
    5:38 PM June 8th

    *Lieutenant Grawldo picks up phone*''Hello, this is Lieutenant Grawldo how may I help you?" John Hammond:"Hello, My name is John Hammond, I am the former CEO of InGen. I have a propisition I'd like to discuss with you.'' Grawldo:''oh, umm ok, if you want you can come by my office and we'll chat.''
    Hammond: ''That'll be just fine, I should be there within the next half hour. *Hammond hangs up and gets driven by a cab to the military base, he is welcomed by Lieutenant Grawldo and they sit down*

    Grawldo: Now, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Hammond: ''As you know, I own two islands off the coast of coasta rica, there's Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna. Now, Ilsa Sorna, I've been checking up on it for every year now since I was fired from being the CEO of InGen. But Isla Nublar, I havent sent anyone to check it out since I abandaned it 13 years ago.'' Grawldo: ''yes, okay'' Hammond: ''Now I was wundering if perhaps I could perswade you to send a team of troups to the island to inventigate whats changed since I last saw it 13 years ago.'' Gwaldo: *thinks for about 5 seconds* '' thanks for the offer but -'' Hammond: ''I could give you and your team all the money you want.'' Gwaldo: *He gives Hammond a little smile* '' I shall prepare a team of troups immediately.'' Hammond: *Hammond smiles back* ''pleasure doing buissiness with you sir.'' *They shake hands*

    Chapter 2:
    Tim and Jacks appartment
    11:43 PM June 9th

    * Tim Murphy and his friend Jack Conley are in their beds which are in their appartment which they share*

    Jack: ''Tim, I still don't understand, why did we enter the military? People die in the military.''
    Tim: I don't know, ever since I was 15, I liked the military and plus, we'd be representing our country,''

    Jack: fine but when you die, don't come complaining to me.''
    Tim: *chucks a pillow at Jack* ''Well, we'd better get some sleep since we're heading to the military tommorow.
    *They sleep till morning*

    Chapter 3:
    On The road
    10:AM June 10th

    *Jack and Tim drive to the military and greet Cammander Sade (The groups leader which they are in)*

    Jack: ''sup Sade!''
    *Sade sorta chuckles* ''Nothin Much''
    *Tim and Jack leave Sade and join a line with their fellow troups, Max, Dewy, Collin, Drake, Erik, Connor, and Alex*

    Sade: ''We shall start doing training right away and if all goes well, you will join more skilled militay men and be sent on a mision.

    Drake: ''Whats this mission you speak of?'' Sade: ''You'll find out after your training.''

    *Tim, Jack, and their fellow troups are sent to certain drills to test their weaponry skills, courage, agility, strength, intellegence, and etc. Tim is most skilled in: corage and intellegence. Jack is most skilled in: weaponry, strength, and agility. They train for 5 days.*

    Sade: ''good work soldiers, time for bed, head to your bunks!''
    *They start walking and limping to there bunka*
    *Grawldo walks outside of his office* ''Sade, can you come here for a minute.''

    *Sade walks into his office, he shuts the door. Tim and Jack leave their fellow troups and head to the door. They put their right ear against the door.*

    Grawldo: ''So, Sade, are your troups ready?'' Sade: ''as ready as they'll ever be sir.'' Grawldo: ''okay good, cause we need them ready for their little mission tommorow morning at 7''.

    Sade: ''tommorow?'' Grawldo: ''is that a problem?'' Sade: no sir, not a problem.''

    Grawldo: ''okay good, I have a total of 8 other troups coming with you tommorow and a total of 4 offroad vehicles coming with you too''.

    Sade: ''Thank you sir'' *Grawldo and Sade salute each other and Sade starts walking ot the door, Tim and Jack hear his foorsteps and quickly run away to their dorm. Sade opens the door and walks away.*

    Chapter 4:
    Military Base
    7:00AM June 16th

    To be continued shortly

    8/4/2006 9:49:35 PM
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    (Updated: 8/4/2006 9:53:31 PM)
    (Updated: 8/4/2006 9:56:06 PM)
    (Updated: 8/5/2006 2:15:17 PM)

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