By Michael Crichton
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    The final issue of the JP comic book, "Jurassic Jam", had 12 artists contributing to it -- each artist did a page or two. (From: Drakkenfyre)
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    D.N.A. Chapter: Peep Of Agression
    By coder78

    Grant and the group (Justin, Aaron, Josh, Jack and Fiona) neared a corner. They were stuck in what seemed a hatchery, everything was metal and badly scratched; doors hung wide open and but to the relief of the others nothing ever got through the doors. Josh and Jack both had M-60's, watching the groups back in case they were attacked; Fiona and Aaron were in the middle while Justin and Grant went forward with Uzi's. They followed the corner and ran into a door, it was wide open and revealed a small little room; probably to care for hatchlings. They all filed in, "Close the door, lock it too. We can hold out here for a while." Grant said, Josh and Jack did as told and blocked it with a filing cabinet sitting in a corner. They all sat down on the ripped up remains of carpet, those with guns reloaded while Fiona and Aaron spoke to each other. "I'm scared" he said and cuddled, "We all are" Fiona replied and drew him nearer.

    "So should we stay here for the day or move on at night, not much has been around here lately; see no tracks, no new attacks. See everything is covered in dust." Justin said, holding up what seemed to be a toy elephant covered in a thick layer of dust. "Yes, we'll move at night, something will come sooner or later and i don't want to be here when it does" Grant said back and moved over and began examining the skeleton of a young brachiosaur that had died in the room.

    Jack and Josh sat side by side, exchanging ideas and ammo with each other. Josh was thinking for a moment and said, "I don't like this place, seems to set-up; like we're being watched." "Don't fret, nothing is here and nothing will get into this room, we've sealed it so don't worry." Jack replied, got up and went to check the area for holes.

    Day passed into night and Grant, Aaron and Fiona slept underneath a soggy blanket in the corner; soft snores emmiting from Grant at steady intervals. Justin, Josh and Jack sat around a fire cooking canned tuna for the others; they had already eaten of course. Jack went over to Grant and shook him, Grant snorted slapped at his shoulder and rolled over; Jack rolled his eyes and pinched Grant's nose. "Ow" he moaned and shot upwards, Aaron and Fiona woke suddenly as well. They were used to waking instantly ever since they came to the island, night was always dangerous. Grant got up, "You idiots!" he yelled and began stamping the fire out, "You'll attract dinosaurs, use a torch". His voice echoed loudly, out the door and down the corridors, disturbing the peace. "Use a torch and keep the light to the ground" he said and whipped up the tuna and began sharing it amongst Fiona, Aaron and himself. Josh and Justin slumped back down on a step, Josh with the torch to the ground and following a beetle as it scurried from he watching eye and into a crack in the ground. Justin fingered a gun nervously, he stopped abruptly and looked around. "What is it?" Josh said and followed his gaze, a slight chirp and a clatter echoed through the wall. Justin shot up and threw himself against the wall, following the sound.
    Chrirp, scratch, clatter, chrip,scratch, clatter, squeal. the pattern repeated from behind a closet. "They're coming through the walls!" he shouted back to Grant, "Oh My God!" Jack said and grabbed his M-60, throwing a uzi to Grant who grabbed it and began pointing at the wall. They all grabbed guns, Aaron and Fiona stayed back; away from the windows and away from the walls. They all looked around, wide eyes and suddenly out from the closet shot a raptor,knocking Josh to the ground; Jack pumped six bullets into it and it fell to the ground heavily. "Josh! Josh! wake up!" Justin yelled but more raptors peeped from the hole, leaping out onto Josh but they were shot before they could hurt him. Josh was unconscious. Aaron and Fiona fled from the room and into the night at Grant's word, Grant left too, leaving Justin and Jack alone. "C'mon Justin, just go for it" Jack urged and shot as one veered towards him; a smirk on its fearful face. Justin hesitated and ran sideways, facing the hole in the closet where the raptors had come from. He shot them and they're bodies collapsed ontop of each other, blocking the hole gradually. Justin and Jack fled after Grant and Justin looked behind him to see a raptor, watching with its big lamp-like eyes; it stood and emitted a loud croak to show their victory and their trophy: Josh.

    5/31/2002 10:35:10 PM

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