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    D.N.A. Chapter 3
    By coder78

    It was sunrise already. Fiona sat on the sandy beach, sipping some powdered coffee and watching as two seagulls fought over some fish remains. The morning was cold but it had warmed up since they got off the boat and set-up, Fiona threw the coffee away in disgust and headed back over to the group. Fiona was a tall woman, gold hair and brown eyes. She was athletic and had a great smile which Grant always pointed out. She wore a brown shirt and dark green cargo pants, she wore a gold chain around her neck. Justin and Aaron were mucking around, they greeted her with the odd gesture of knocking her over. "Thanks!" she said, getting up again and putting the mug back into a bag; the area was mainly sand and they all sat on rocks or logs. Camp was rough, only she had thought of a blow up mattress but the others she could see were happy with it. Grant and the others were still sleeping, they were still to find the person, Josh and Fiona wanted to hurry so that they could start some study.

    Hours passed and they'd started on breakfast without Grant, guiltily. Oats and badly burnt toast, "yum" Aaron said and bit in with a loud crunch. The adults began on some rather scruffy bacon and eggs, they had to eat in doors so that they didn't attract dinosaurs. Suddenly the tent became a buzz with scratching and moaning from outside, they all stopped; Justin edged slowly for a weapon. The zipper slided open and Grant entered, "We've got to fix those" he said and grabbed a piece of toast. "So Grant, should we head inland and find Josh; the townspeople that came are a bit nervous about this" Justin asked as soon as they got comfortable with the addition of one more person, meaning less leg room. "No, not yet; even if we did move it'll take a while to pack up" Grant replied, "We'll travel in the trees, no walking, it leaves us open to attack and i don't want that again." Grant said back but became aware that Fiona was quiter than usual. "What's the matter?" he said, "Have you noticed...I mean have you heard or seen the townspeople this morning, i thought there asleep but its now 10:00am and we've got to move, no staying in one place for longer then 3 hours was their rule" Fiona said and exited the camp, leaving the door flapping in the wind. Justin and Aaron noted that she was right, they hadn't heard or seen much of them.

    Fiona burst into the tent, on the ground were empty sleeping bags stuffed with gravel and sand. "They've left us! They've left us!" she screamed and ran out of the tent to the others, "They've left us here on our own, they left us with everything to carry apart from some gear." she said to them when she got back, they all stopped in mid-bite. Instantly they got up and backed, they left major things and only kept 2-man tents; they took the weapons (what was left of them) and started off. They moved by trees, stealthily, one by one; over herds of dinosaurs such as Stegosaurs and Anklysaurs.

    The morning became evening and the white clouds passed over head to reveal a blue sky, yellowing slightly. Several coloured birds accompanied them on their venture, chirping loudly, twice Grant had to shoo them away so they could move in silence. They had no problems until they met two Allosaurus and a gap in the tree. "It's a nest" Grant said and boy he was right, two large adult Allosaurus' were being held down by large metal bars and a group of men had guarded the nest from predators, a man they recognised that had come with them. "Those bastards" Justin whispered and loaded his gun, Grant held out a hand to stop them but just then Jack left the group below with the Allosaurus'. They stopped arguing to watch, he took of his hat and splashes red food dye on it, screamed, and fled into the bushes. Immediately the group came over, they looked at the hat and threw it away; dismissing him as being eaten. An unwatched Allosaurus roared loudly in discomfort but a man nudged it with his gun. Grant turned to the group, "lets go catch up with Jack" he said and they moved on.

    Tune in next time when an attack becomes imminent and what about Jack, why did he fake his death. By the way don't expect to keep writing these, i don't like it, i like action.

    6/13/2002 3:49:28 AM

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