Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    When characters in the recent film "Big Fat Liar" take a tour of Universal Studios, they not only hear the JP theme, but discover a feathered JP3 raptor and pachycephalosaurus in a prop room. (From: Ceratopsian)
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    D.N.A. Chapter -Assault-
    By coder78

    It was warm, warmer then usual on Isla Sorna Grant noticed. The sun was a burning blob, crossing the sky slowly; the game trail struck Grant and Co's path like a tail, daring them to follow. Grant stepped forward and began examining the tracks, the others stayed back; some loading weapons and others keeping watch for movement. The tracks Grant recognised as Velociraptor, Oviraptor and strangely Spinosaurus. Grant stopped to think, minutes later he turned back to the group. "A group of dinosaurs travelled this way, carnivores" Grant said, Jack stepped forward, "What kinds" he asked and sat down onto a stump. "I don't know but i think that they're heading north-west maybe; we should follow them, it will give us time to grab a boat and get off this island. If we kill some of their team then the the dinosaurs might be confused, they'd need time to come after us." Grant said and the group fell silent at the idea. Grant went on, "Fiona and Aaron you follow me and we'll go overhead and shoot, I'll take the RPG Launcher, Justin, you join Jack and throw grenades; this will create a distraction while I'll go in and get Josh". Jack opened his mouth to speak and shut up instead, he knew it was probably the best idea for their situation.

    The carried on in the supply truck. Grant with the repetive thump as his head hit the roof. They all loaded, each with fear that showed in their eyes, Jack was probably more scared; he had the job to insert them into position. If it went wrong it would be most likely that he'd die. The truck slowed and stopped abruptly, Grant was thrown against the walls; "Damn" he moaned. They all filed out silently together, Grant, Aaron and Fiona climbed the trees straight to their left; clinging onto the vines. Jack and Justin ran further down the trail and climbed a tree, the reason for this was that the entire truck was set to explode; they'd covered in the remaining oil, the door stayed open so that Grant could lob a grenade in.
    Jack stood up and fired a flare, this was the sign for 'GO'; Grant pushed Fiona and Aaron behind him and threw the grenade. He missed. It clattered to the ground and rolled under the truck, and into a spinosaurus print. "Holy Sh..." was the respone Grant made just before he thre himself onto a tree branch, shielding the others. The truck blew up more then expected, it bounced off the ground and Justin saw the air itself ripple outwards. The car shot up into the sky with a tower of fire, another explosion sounded and the car shot up even further. The car swivelled in the air and began to fall, right into the tree Justin and Jack were hiding in. They jumped from the tree as the flaming wreck collapsed into the tree, setting it alight like a torch. Immediately the growls started and screeches came their way before they had a chance to hide again, the raptors appeared first, leaping out and screaming loudly. The blue skin and feathers looked stunning against the gree undergrowth, the sound of a roar meant the arrival of a Spinosaurus. The ground shaked as it came from a tree, right next to Grants' Grant readied himself with the launcher. The raptors circled them a spinosaurus waiting in the outside, finally there came what they waited for; amazed that they hadn't eaten him, Josh was pulled from the bushes, diry but no major damage, he was being dragged along by an Oviraptor. A screech erupted from the Alpha-Male, the oviraptor released the body immediatelt; this Justin and Grant percieved as saying "Let him go". Again screeches erupted and the spinosaurus shuffled a bit before stepping right in front of Grant' tree. Everything was going wrong. Remembering the plan and not forgetting the threat, Jack pulled a grenade gently pulled the pin off and rolled it in front an unecpecting raptor who was watching Grant with extreme interest. The raptors screeched but it was too late, the raptor exploded in a second, as quick as that; a raptor, then air. This sparked confuson, the Oviraptor lunged forward; Justin with quick reflexes rolled forward, pulled out his two M-60's in both hands and shot it in the chest, he continued the fire and the raptors attacked.

    Up in the tree Grant froze in horror there is protege was, near to death and he couldn't do anything because of that damned Spinosaur who sat directly in front of them, too close for them to fire without killing themselves. A flash of light came from in front of it, followed by loud gunshots. The Spino stepped forward, far enough to kill it, Grant lifted the launcher and fire; the rocket sailed through the air and hit its neck, a loud boom sounded and the body collapsed to the ground, dead. Revealing Justin and Jack in a serious, all out battle with the raptors, each firing; Justin with the M-60's and Jack with the uzi. Grant cupped his hands and yelled, "Get Josh!" and pointed to the crumpled body that lay next to a chunk of Spinosaurus. Justin ran to it, forward flipped over the flesh and grabbed Josh; Jack followed, keeping cover as Justin got Josh out of there. Getting the idea, Grant got Fiona and Aaron to get out of the tree; they did and as Grant prepared to jump and dropped a grenade in a burrow. He jumped from the tree, loaded his M-60 and ran with Fiona and Aaron to Justin and co. Behind them the tree exploded, the remaining raptors were sidetracked by it as Grant and the others escaped.

    They ran, Grant and Justin carrying Josh and Jack protecting Aaron and Fiona. All in all they had wiped out about 57 raptors, 2 oviraptors and 1 big spino. That was an achievment. They scaled a tree about 4000 metres away and hid and rested.

    6/4/2002 6:51:10 AM

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