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    The original JP logo, as envisioned by Michael Crichton in his novel, was blue. (From: 'Drakkenfyre')
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    By coder78

    Justin turned back to see snarling raptors turn around and run into the bushes, like they knew what was happening. Justin held his M-60's close to his body, afraid to let go. He manuevered his parasail and followed the coast, the sun disappeared behind the cloud and the wind was rough, pungent with the smell of rotting flesh.

    Grant and Fiona came from the bushes, covered in mud and grasses after sleeping in a ditch that they covered with palm leaves. Grant's back was sore and Fiona was still shaken from the escape from the deformed raptor. They looked up to see a yellowand red parasail soar through the air, dangerously close to the cliff. Grant smiled and yelled, "Justin!
    he yelled repeatedly until a squeal came from teh bushes away to their left. The direction towards the cliff where Justin escaped from the raptors.

    Justin erked his head towards the coast to see two little specks against the suede brown dirt and green shrubs. They were calling his name but stopped abruptly as if startled, Justin called back; "Grant?!" and overwhelmed with the joy he headed towards the coast, coming down slowly to land on the dirt.

    Suddenly out from the bushes lept a raptor, screeching loudly and advancing on Grant.

    Grant stopped yelling because a blue raptor had just lept from the tree off to his left. He stepped backwards, shielding Fiona with his hans. The raptor crouched and lept,two loud snaps sounded and a whir as six bullets hurtled past and hit the raptor in the jaw and body, it collapsed to the ground with a final chirp.

    Grant looked and found Justin coming into land, he rolled on the ground and unclipped his parasail. Justin forward rolled and ran towards them firing, "What!" Grant murmured and ducked as the bullets missed him and shot a pair of raptors sitting the shadows of the trees in wait. The parasail had complete landed by this time. Grant and Fiona ran forward and began hugging him, after some time they helped him back the parasail up. They headed off into the jungle again, talking and laughing but another chirp sounded from the bushes behind them. They turned and stared a group of raptors emerged, "Run! Run! Run!" Grant yelled and they did. Justin running backwards and shooting, and then he realised he had gotten a lot better since he first got the guns.

    5/29/2002 2:52:34 AM

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