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    illusions-chapter 1
    By climbhigh8589

    Chapter One

    --Grant’s House--

    Dr. Alan Grant stared intently at the TV in front of him. Its blurry screen displayed the face of a newswoman. It was FOX News, and Grant had to admit it was rather boring. The newswoman was speaking in an incessant dull tone, and it was enough to drive someone crazy.

    But her face reminded him of someone he once knew, some one he once loved. Ellie. Her name rang a thousand times in his head. Grant sighed as the memories started flowing back. How he missed her so. He smiled to himself, lost in his warm memories. But his smile quickly faded. Ellie had a life; a husband; kids. If it weren’t for Jurassic park, they’d probably still be together. But Gant chose not to continue their relationship. And now, he had none of those. Grant’s happiness was replaced with sadness.

    He reached for the remote. The newswoman reminded him of Ellie. He wanted to brandish that memory from his mind forever.

    He was about to change the channel when he heard what the newswoman was saying. He dropped the remote in surprise.

    “Isla Nublar off the coast of Costa Rica,” a picture of the island was displayed in a small caption in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, “ best known for the deadly accidents that took place there several years ago, is apparently going to be destroyed. Kenneth Davis,” a picture of Nublar was replaced with a picture of a man, probably Grant’s age, “the new CEO of InGen, the company who created this island, says that the destruction of the Island is imperative for public safety, and is scheduled for sometime within the next six months.”

    Grant stared at the TV in utter awe. He didn’t care to hear the rest of the story. He had heard all he needed to hear. Finally, someone smart had taken over InGen.

    --Dig Site--

    “Is it true? Are you sure its not a hoax?” Billy asked, amazed at what Dr. Grant had told him.

    “Yes, it was on the news last night.” Grant replied.

    “And it’s on right now!” one of the students yelled from inside the trailer, “C’mon!”

    Both Grant and Billy ran to the trailer, gravel crunching beneath their feet. They got there just as the newsman was starting the story.

    “And there’s more news on the destruction of the ‘Dinosaur Islands’. There is now a confirmed date for when Isla Nublar is to be bombed. June 1st.”

    On the screen was a picture of a pteranodon and a missile.

    “See, I told you. Now do you believe me?” Grant asked Billy. He didn’t answer, only stared at the screen with the same amazement Grant had when he first heard the news.

    “Hopefully, InGen will leave us alone now, right?” Grant said. When Billy didn’t answer, Grant turned and looked at him.

    “Right?” he repeated.

    “Well, you see, I got this letter…” Billy said.

    Grant gave him a very stern look.

    “But it has nothing to do with going to any islands.”

    “Well then, what is it?” Grant asked.

    “They want me to go to a conference in Washington D.C., and I need your permission to go.” Billy told him.

    “Well then, in that case, yes, you can go.” Grant said.

    “Thank you, Dr. Grant!” Billy said as he walked out of the trailer.


    The first thing Billy noticed when he got to the plane was that they were loading guns and missiles onto the plane. He suddenly felt very apprehensive about going on this trip.

    One of the men loading the equipment turned around and spotted him. “Ah, you must be Billy Brennan.”

    “Yes,” Billy replied.

    The man stepped foreword and extended his hand. “Pleased to meet you. I am Kenneth Davis, the CEO of InGen.”

    “Um, Mr. Davis—”

    “Dr. Davis. I have a PhD in Virology.”

    “Oh, well, Dr. Davis, I was just wondering why you were loading guns and missiles onto the plane. After all, we’re only flying to D.C., right?”

    “Well, you know, protection from terrorist attacks, radical groups, you know. Being a businessman can make yourself many enemies.”


    “We’d better get going. Time is a rather valuable thing, especially now.” Davis said, and motioned for everyone to board the plane.

    Billy didn’t know what he meant by that, but he decided not to ask. Instead, he got on the plane as he was told.

    The plane wasn’t very big, but it wasn’t extremely small, either. It could probably hold up to 30 people, including the pilot, copilot, etc. The seats were small, but not uncomfortably so.

    Billy sat near the front of the plane, and Dr. Davis sat on the opposite side of the isle. A few flight attendants filed in, sitting near the rear of the plane.

    “Please fasten your seatbelts,” a pre-recorded voice spoke on a speaker above their heads, “and turn off all electronics until we are in the air. Thank you.”

    The plane started going foreword down the runway, and in no time at all the clouds were rushing by. They ascended to a higher level of the atmosphere, and were surrounded by a cloudless sky. Down below, rivers, buildings, and bridges were almost microscopic.

    Thirty minutes later, Billy noticed that they were flying over some mountains. They were snow-capped and pretty tall. Almost immediately, he recognized them as the Rocky Mountains. But that made no sense at all. How could they be flying over the Rocky Mts., which were south of Montana, when they were supposed to by fling east to Washington D.C.? The only explanation was that they weren’t going east, but south.

    “Dr. Davis, why are we going south?” he asked, alarmed.

    Davis glanced out the window. “Well, I guess you know your mountain ranges pretty well. I could never tell the difference—”

    “Answer the question.”

    “Now, there’s no need to get hostile—”

    “Where the heck are we going?”

    “Well, I have to say that we certainly aren’t going to Washington D.C. You see, there is no conference. The only reason you are here is because we need you for something.” Davis said.

    Billy looked at him, confused.

    “Let's start from the beginning, shall we? Three weeks ago in Russia, one of the last samples of smallpox was stolen. It was then given to me. I, with my infinite knowledge of biological warfare, have engineered the virus. As soon as that bomb on Nublar blows, the virus will be ejected into the atmosphere. Only I have the vaccine to this new smallpox, and it will cost the government big bucks to buy it from me.”

    “Your crazy!” Billy said, horrified.

    “Wait, but you haven’t heard your part yet! We are going on that island to plant the bomb. You are going to help us install security measures to protect us from those rampaging animals. You will be paid half a million dollars.”

    “No way! I am NOT going to do that! You are crazy!” Billy cried.

    Davis shook his head. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I don’t think you understand. I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”

    Davis snapped his fingers, and the flight attendants got up and withdrew sub-machine guns.

    “Now I suggest you cooperate,” Davis said, “Or we’ll kill you.”

    Chapter 2 coming soon

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    4/29/2002 10:01:49 PM

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