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    After meeting on the set of Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern hit it off, becoming engaged in 1995 (they broke up in 1997, however).
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    The Worst It Gets chapter 7
    By climbhigh8589

    Chapter 7

    “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!” Yelled Ian. They ran back into the jungle, the Spinosaurus on their heels.
    Soon, they came upon a river. The current was flowing rapidly, and could easily sweep away a human. There seemed to be no way across, but Ian soon spotted a string of boulders leading across the river.
    “That way!” he yelled, and began leading the group across the boulders. Behind him, he could hear the Spinosaurus’ roars coming nearer.
    The four of them began hopping across the boulders. The rocks were wet, slippery, and hard to move across.
    Suddenly Douglas lost his balance and stuck his hands out on either side of him. Doing so, he knocked Cassie and Ian off, and all three of them fell into the icy water with a splash. The current quickly carried them downstream.
    Billy, who was in the back of the line, watched in horror as his friends were swept away. He crossed the river as quickly as he could, and was soon on the opposite side. Behind him, the Spinosaurus was almost at the edge of the river. Running, he followed the river to try to keep up with his companions.
    The Spinosaurus crossed the river with five giant strides, and was now running after him. But Billy was far ahead of it by now. With a roar of frustration, it slowed to a stop. Apparently, it would rather have an easier meal.
    Billy was relieved, but he still had to rescue the others.

    As Cassie was carried downstream, she struggled to stay afloat. She had lost sight of Ian and Douglas, because the current separated them. She had tried to swim to shore, but the current was just too strong.
    Up ahead, she saw a tree trunk that had fallen across the river. As she floated up to it, she grabbed hold of one of the branches. The branch started to snap under her weight, and it seemed as if it would break apart any second and send her shooting down the river again.
    But just when she thought it would break, someone grabbed hold of her and hauled her to shore. She started coughing up water, but soon caught her breath.
    “You okay?” asked Billy.
    “Yeah,” she replied hoarsely.
    He helped her up, and they continued following the river. They were going pretty slowly because Cassie was not feeling well.
    Soon, they came to a huge waterfall that fell almost 100 feet. Ian and Douglas had probably gone down that waterfall.
    “There is no way they could have survived that,” said Billy.
    “They could still be alive,” she protested, “We have to go look for them.”
    “We can’t. The plane’s going to be here in 5 hours.” Said Billy.
    “Please?” she pleaded.
    After a long pause, Billy answered. “Fine. But we have to go quickly.” He said.
    “Okay, lets go.” Said Cassie.
    The two of them headed down to the base of the waterfall.

    When Ian woke up, the first thing he saw was compys all over him.
    “AHH!” he cried. He jumped up and shook them off. With little chattering noises, they ran off into the bushes.
    After they had left, he looked around to see where he was.
    He was standing on a rocky little beach. The river next to him was calm and shallow, unlike the river he had last remembered. All around him were tall trees and large bushes.
    It was rather peaceful here, despite the fact that not far off in the jungle there was probably a t-rex or something.
    He looked around him once more, and realized he was all alone. Last thing he remembered was that Douglas and Cassie were with him.
    “Cassie! Douglas!” He yelled. When no one answered, he figured that they were probably further downstream.
    He set off to find the others, staying alert for predators.

    Chapter 8 coming soon
    Please comment!

    1/28/02 8:03:16 PM

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