Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Spielberg liked the T-Rex sound effect in the original "King Kong" that he reportedly used it in both Jaws and Duel. (From: Ronald)
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    The Worst It Gets chapter 5
    By climbhigh8589

    Chapter 5

    “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Billy screamed as the hybrid landed right in front of him. Just before it pounced on him, he slipped between two formaldehyde tanks. The hybrid tried to follow, but its body was too big to fit in between, and it became stuck. It hissed and snarled, but its angry protests didn’t help it extricate itself.
    Just then, Ian and Cassie came running up.
    “Oh my God…” she said when she saw the hybrid, “What IS it!?”
    “I’ll tell you later, but we have to get out of here NOW!” Replied Billy. He grabbed the papers on the table and ran out. As they ran out of the lab, the hybrid broke free, and took after them.
    They ran to the door, where Douglas was standing.
    “Hey, what the-”
    All four of them ran as fast as they could. Some distance behind, the hybrid followed, chasing after them. It wasn’t as fast as a raptor, but it was faster than a human.
    Ahead of them, a huge fence appeared. It was 30 feet high, and had strong metal supports to keep out-or in-larger dinosaurs. A thick wire mesh covered the whole area of the fence to keep out smaller ones. The fence was climbable, though. As long as it wasn’t electric.
    Ian hoped to God it wasn’t.
    It probably wasn’t, because the fence was presumably old. They ran up to the fence, and then stopped. Cassie threw a stick at it, and when no spark flew, they saw there was no electrical charge. As soon as they saw that, they started climbing the fence. It was difficult, however, because of the overgrowth of ferns and vines on the fence.
    About halfway up, the hybrid appeared below. It looked up at them, seemingly calculating something.
    Good, thought Billy, it can’t climb the fence.
    But suddenly, it gripped the steel wire with its hands and started climbing the fence. At first, it had some trouble, but soon it was climbing better than they were.
    Cassie had already reached the top of the fence, and was already climbing down. Ian and Douglas were close behind her, but Billy was still several feet from the top. They hybrid was soon only one foot away from him. Then, with a snarl, it latched its teeth on his shoe.
    “AHH!” he yelled. He yanked his foot upward, and his shoe came off. He climbed up a couple more feet, and was at the top of the fence.
    By then, the others had already reached the bottom. Suddenly, a loud shriek came from the sky. A giant pteranadon swooped down from the sky.
    “JUMP!!!!” the others yelled, “JUMP!!!!”
    Billy shook his head. That was at least a 20-foot jump. Above him, the hybrid was almost to the top. The pteranadon was still there, swooping down, trying to pluck him off the fence.
    “JUMP!!!!!!!” they screamed again.
    Above him, the hybrid was at the top of the fence.
    “Okay!!!!!” he said, and let go of the fence. He landed on the ground with a jarring thud that knocked the wind out of him.
    Overhead, the pteranadon flew down and hit the hybrid with its sharp beak. The hybrid reacted by slashing the pteranadon with a razor-sharp claw.
    The two were soon engaged in a tense battle, and the hybrid was knocked off the fence. In a tangle of wings, arms, and legs, the two creatures clawed and bit each other. Finally, the hybrid was able to escape and ran into the woods. The pteranadon flew over the jungle, circling and cawing.
    “You ok?” Cassie asked Billy.
    “Yeah….” He replied.
    Next to her, Ian glanced at his watch.
    “I just remembered, there’s supposed to be a plane or something to pick us up today!” he said.
    “Oh yeah,” said Douglas, “At the north end of the island!”
    “Well then, let’s go!” said Ian. They all started walking, but Billy stopped them.
    “What about my shoe?” he asked.
    “You can live without your shoe. Let’s go.” Said Cassie, and they walked north.

    Chapter 6 coming soon
    Please comment.

    1/25/02 9:52:10 PM

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