Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    The End- Chapter 1
    By callie

    Chapter One

    The moment it started, I knew what was happening. Some people denied it; others believed it was the wrath of God. But I understood. I was the only one who knew that the year 2002 would be the year human kind would become extinct.

    This whole thing actually started many years ago, with a fool named John Hammond. A fool who thought he could make the past become present. Hammond thought back then that his creations would help mankind, but it would eventually become the reason we will be wiped out. John Hammond recreated the dinosaurs. Intelligent, meat-eating predators. He made plant eaters, of course, but that they could be just as dangerous. He underestimated the power of these beasts, and things quickly spun out of control. Even though some survived, the number of deaths greatly outnumbered the number of survivors.

    Hammond, the sneaky man that he was, actually had two islands filled with his deadly creations. Meaning twice more the number of dinosaurs. This man had to be crazy. I mean, dinosaurs are wonderful to learn about and study safely from books, but to make them real was pure madness. But what surprises me is what the government did to prevent an outbreak of dinosaurs. Or rather, what they didn’t.

    Then, not too long ago, some other crazed maniac wanted to reveal the exciting world of the dinosaurs, and brought them onto the mainland. His name was Billy Brennan.

    So, all those things led to what is happening now. To make a long story short, the dinosaurs broke out and are currently rampaging around outside my house. It’s 3:00 PM right now, but the sky is dark because of smoke from fires. I can’t really see outside, though. I’m huddled in my basement.

    I can here, though. And what I hear frightens me. Screams, roars, crashes; they’re all mixed into one horrible whirlwind of noise. My sister is pushed up against my side, whimpering softly. There is no one else. We are all that is left of our family.

    As I sit here, I curse John Hammond. I curse Billy Brennan. I even curse God. How could God let something like this happen? Why did He do this to us?
    The Christian in me answered that question. God didn’t do this to us. We did it to ourselves.

    Chapter 2 coming soon!
    Please comment

    3/27/2002 6:09:06 PM

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