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    TLW's Richard Schiff's (Eddie) wife has an interesting profession -- she gives private exotic dancing lessons to women in their house, and has recently written a book on the subject. (From: SeanArcher)
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    Ben The Flooder Slayer - Episode 2x02 Where Was I
    By beno_yo

    Previously – On Ben The Flooder Slayer

    Ice picked up the book that Becky had left them. He read a few lines and went to the back room.

    Ice: Show me the spirit of the one who loves, bring her to me to help me.

    Becky appeared in the back room.

    Becky: Ice…my friend. How are you?
    Ice: I’m scared.
    Becky: Of what?
    Ice: What we’re doing.
    Becky: Don’t be.
    Ice: Does he know?
    Becky: No.
    Ice: Becky! You have to tell him.
    Becky: I can’t. I can’t channel his soul. I think he’s locked in a hell dimension.

    Becky knew that she had to lie to get Ice to bring back the slayer. Ice’s eyes grew with her telling him that his best friend could be locked in hell.

    Ice: This is not fair.
    Becky: You need to get him back. I sense grave danger on the site. Be prepared. I will come back when I know you are ready.

    The two looked at each other, Becky disappeared. We follow Becky up into a heavenly scene.

    Ben: Who was that?
    Becky: Oh…someone who needs someone here.
    Ben: Oh…I wonder if the gang is missing me.

    Becky looked at him with a “what the hell is wrong with you” face.

    Becky: Yeah, I think they miss you.

    Monk: He shall arise and take the lives of all that oppose him. My master, my lord, awaken. Be known in this site that is sitting on a hell-mouth. Take my voice take my soul. Take me to become you.

    The pool lit up and started bubbling.

    Ice: That was my best friend…and you for some reason can’t concept that we a group, a gang if you will. We helped him. But you come along with your fancy Elite Force to stop Flooders. Let me tell you something, there is only one slayer and he is…
    Mysterious Figure: Right here.

    The group looked at the figure.

    Mysterious Figure: My name is Majestic; I’m the flooder slayer.
    Ice: What?
    Anya: Of course! ‘One slayer dies, and the next is called on to take his place.’
    Ice: But the council, they said –
    Brad: They couldn’t stop it. It doesn’t matter how long.
    Ice: But he already died.
    Brad: Yes, I know. What took you so long to get here?
    Majestic: My watcher sent me as soon as we finished training. Sorry.
    Brad: Don’t be sorry. Who was your watcher?
    Majestic: Post Grant.
    Brad: Oh my goodness. You should be a tough one to beat.
    Majestic: I like to think so. You’re Brad Giles…why are you still here?
    Brad: Well, no reason. I was on my, uh, way of leaving.
    Majestic: Is this the slayer I replaced?
    Brad: I guess.
    Tara moaned. Ice sat her up and leaned her on him.

    Ice: Tara, honey?
    Tara: Did it work?
    Ice: [hesitating] No.
    Tara: Oh my god! He’s gone…he’s really gone.
    Ice: I know. I know. Come on Tara. Please…let’s just go back to the magic box.

    The monk succeeded. His creation was rising. It was a full dinosaur, in human form. The face looked like one of the flooders, only with the two fangs, there were many more sharp teeth. The man starred at the monk.

    Monk: Master!

    The monk kneeled and kissed the hand of the beast.


    We see the tombstone, then the entire top of the ground, which was loosened from the fray. Out of nowhere, Ben’s hand flies out of the ground. His other hand comes up and he pushes himself out. He looks around. He then sees his tombstone. He looks at his hands. They are bleeding all over the place. Knuckles, the palms, even his arms are scrapped. He stands up and walks away from the graveyard.

    Para: Ben? Is it really you?
    Ben: Yes, I think. [He paused] Am I in Hell?
    Para: No…you’re home. With me, and Tara and Mandy, and Brad…you’re home. Remember? Ice is your best friend…and he’s married to Anya.
    Ben: I remember. I just, [he sighed].
    Para: What? [Her hand caressed his head, moving his air. Dirt came off from his hair onto her hand.]
    Ben: I can’t feel my legs.
    Para: Oh my god! Why?
    Ben: You’re sitting on them.



    Para puts a washcloth under the sink. Ben is standing right behind her. She pulls the washcloth from the sink and starts to clean Ben’s face.

    Para: Wow…you know what your mom used to say…clean them ears or plant corn!

    Ben did nothing in reply. Para continued to clean him. She got his face cleaned.

    Para: See…there you are. I knew you were somewhere under all that dirt.

    Ben looked up at her. Para realizing what she said corrected her self.

    Para: I meant the dirt on your face…I’m sorry.

    She put her hands on his. Ben’s eyes grew wide. His hands were still opened, blood still flowing and dirt mixing in.

    Para: Oh my god. How’d this happen?

    Ben was silent.

    Para pulled his shirt off. She got him another shirt.

    Para: Put your hands up.

    Ben did so. Para put the shirt on him.

    Para: Let’s take care of those hands.

    They walked out of the bathroom and towards the stairs. They heard the front door close.

    Seth: Para?

    Para looked at Ben.

    Para: Follow a few seconds behind me. [Yell] I’m here Seth.

    Para started down the stairs.

    Seth: I could kill you, you know?
    Para: Why?
    Seth: I thought we were going off together tonight.
    Para: No…

    Ben started down the stairs. Seth noticed.
    Seth: I see you got the damned bot back together.
    Para: Seth, look.
    Seth: Yeah, I see it. It’s that damned bot you made.

    Seth looked more closely. He noticed his hands.

    Seth: Did he make you hamburgers?
    Para: No…why?
    Seth: Bloody hell, he’s bleeding!

    Seth finally put it all together.

    Seth: It can’t be.
    Para: It is. I was just on my way to fix his hands. I don’t know what happened.
    Seth: I do. Broke out of your casket, didn’t you?

    Ben nodded.

    Seth: I’ve done that before.

    Ben sat down in the living room and Para started to but ointment on his hands. The three of them heard voices coming down the sidewalk.

    Para: Seth, you better get out of here.

    Seth ran out the back kitchen door.

    The front door opened. Tara was being carried by Mandy. Anya and Ice walked in holding hands, followed by Brad.

    Tara: Put me down, please.
    Mandy: Sure.

    Mandy placed her down gently. The two starred at each other. They hugged.

    Brad walked through and saw Para sitting facing the window.

    Brad: Para, what are you doing in here?

    Brad stepped forward and saw Ben getting his hands wrapped.

    Brad looked at him. Ben looked at him.

    Tara made her way to be next to Brad when she saw Ben.

    Tara: Oh my god!! You’re alive!! You Guys!! He’s here!
    Anya, Ice, and Mandy all rushed to see. Para stood up and pushed them back.

    Para: Take it easy…who did this?
    Tara: I did. Wow…it worked!
    Brad: How are you feeling?
    Ice: Yeah, are you okay?
    Ben: I’m fine…it’s just too much.

    Ice looked at Ben’s hand that was un-bandaged. He saw the flood and cuts going up the arm.

    Ice: Oh my god…what have we done you guys?
    Tara: What do you mean? We brought him back.
    Ice: Yeah, we brought him back, right where he was…under ground in a casket.
    Tara: Oh my…
    Ben: I’m fine, I swear guys…I’m going to sleep…Para, see them out.

    Ben walked up the stairs. Everyone’s eyes followed him.

    Para: I don’t know why, but I know you have a lot of explaining to do Tara.
    Anya: Well, Ice and I will head home. Leave you all to being, uh here. Come on honey.

    Anya and Ice left. Brad followed.

    Para headed up the stairs, a little flustered.

    Tara: Para, I’m sorry, but he’s back now.
    Para: I know…but you didn’t tell me.

    Para went into the bedroom.

    Mandy: I don’t have anywhere else to go…do you mind if I stay here?
    Tara: What’s another person? Come on.


    Monk: My master…your name…what have you chosen?
    Man: I have chosen the name of my decedents. Falcon Glick.
    Monk: My lord, what are we to do of the slayer?
    Falcon: The slayer is of no concern to me. He steps in my way…he will die.
    Monk: Perhaps we should work on your powers.
    Falcon: You fool…I have my powers harnessed…I can become any reptile I please, and I can even be human.

    Falcon’s body changed from a large scaly lizard man to an “average Joe.”

    Flacon: The slayer will be no match against me…

    Falcon smiled, and as he smiled his teeth showed…all the big fangs from a t-rex.


    Beno_yo as Ben Summers
    ParaGirl as Para Harris
    Icebreaker as Ice Masterson
    JurassicChic31 as Anya Masterson
    Aussie Embryo as Tara McClay
    Seth Rex as Flooder31/Seth Rex
    Mandee as Amanda Rosenberg
    Brad as Brad Giles



    The lights flashed on, as security went through the building on a typical procedure. They had no clue of the events that had just happened.

    Falcon Glick’s eye’s opened. He sat up and got to his feet. The monk was already awake getting his books and what not together. Falcon went to him.

    [Guest Starring Dan Finkelstein as Dan]

    Falcon: Someone is in here.
    Monk: I know we must leave at once. I have a place.
    Falcon: I’m hungry…

    The monk looked around. The gate to the dinosaur area was opened. Three members of security came in. They saw the monk.

    Security: Hey! This is off limits! How’d you get in here?
    Monk: Sorry sirs, I was becoming at peace.


    Falcon hid off in behind the T-rex skeleton. Out of nowhere, Falcon was now as tall as the skeleton - - he was actually a T-rex. He let out a loud roar. The guards were frightened, but were easily devoured by the huge beast. Falcon morphed back into a human form.

    Falcon: Wow. That was intense.

    [Jester Pocus]

    MAGIC BOX (Training Room, in the back)

    Ben is punching away his problems on the punching bag. Tara was watching with Brad. Brad picked up a large staff.

    Brad: Ben?
    Ben: Yeah, one sec.


    Ben punched the bag so hard he knocked its hanging post.

    Ben turned around and Brad swung the staff towards Ben’s face. Ben blocked it with his hands thrusting the staff down to the ground. While still holding on, Ben swung his right leg around and connected with Brad’s head. His foot hit the padding on Brad’s head. Ben then followed through with a spinning punch. Brad went to trip him, but as Ben tripped, he did two back flips away from Brad. Ben did a kart wheel, which turned into a flip and landed right on top of Brad, knocking him down.

    [Written and Produced by: beno_yo]

    Brad, a little worried said,

    Brad: Well, I don’t think we have to work on you’re strength.
    Ben: I’m pretty spry for a corpse.

    Brad just looked at him. Brad got up and went to his office as Tara walked in.

    Tara: So are you feeling okay?
    Ben: I’m fine.
    Tara: Can we talk?
    Ben: We are…well; I’m listening and sort of talking, but anyway…
    Tara: Is it okay if Mandy rooms in the house with me?
    Ben: Are you two, uh…well, you know…uh…
    Tara: Sort of. We met through a Wicca meeting. It’s so nice having a magically inclined person to be with, and we’re just so together…
    Ben: I don’t care.
    Tara: I need you to care.
    Ben: Why?
    Tara: Get pissed off at me.
    Ben: Why?
    Tara: Because…Just like Anya and Ice having sex all over your house.
    Ben: And you know I believe you?
    Tara: You’re right you caught me. Big fib, only to cover up the whole night of sex I had with Rivvir.
    Ben: Tara…what are you doing?
    Tara: Pissing you off?
    Ben: Yes, true. Why?
    Tara: Because since you’ve been back you haven’t been big with the emotions and anger is very strong. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to…
    Ben: I get it. Yes, it’s fine that Mandy moves in.


    Seth sits watching TV in his crypt. His stomach rumbles.

    Seth: Oh boy…time for the blood of the day.

    Seth gets up and walks to a small refrigerator. He opens it to grab a vile of blood. The door to his crypt swings open. It was Ben. The daylight scared Seth back into a corner.

    Ben: It’s just me.
    Seth: Close the bloody door!

    Ben kicked the door back closed.

    Ben: How are you doing?
    Seth: So this is how it starts?
    Ben: How what starts?
    Seth: You coming back…

    Ben starred at him.

    Ben: I was happy.
    Seth: In hell?
    Ben: I don’t think I was in hell…
    Seth: Where do you think you were?

    A pause.

    Ben looks at Seth. He then looks away from him.

    Ben: I think I was in heaven.

    Seth’s eyes got wide.



    Seth: We swear you were in hell…even Ice.
    Ben: They can never know.
    Seth: I hate to make it sound like I don’t care…I mean, I do, just there’s something going on.
    Ben: What?
    Seth: This morning on the news, two security guards were found dead at the dinosaur exhibit in the museum.
    Ben: Any listed reasons of death?
    Seth: Devoured. Almost as if a dinosaur ate them.
    Ben: Keep your eyes open for me?
    Seth: Sure.
    Ben: Let me know the minute something’s reported. This is something I feel I must take care of.

    Ben walked out of the crypt, closing the door behind him. Seth sighed.


    Falcon (in a human form) with his Monk stand outside of an old castle.

    Falcon: This is it! This will be my place of hell on earth.
    Monk: So be it.

    Falcon and the Monk walk inside the creepy old castle. Falcon claimed more than half of the castle leaving the Monk with a mere amount of space. Falcon called the Monk to his Quarters.

    Falcon: Call your Monk friends and send them here. We must form an army. When they arrive, they are to track down any and all Flooders…and they are to turn to being my servants and track down and kill the Slayer.

    Monk: Yes, my master.

    Falcon laughed as the Monk bowed and exited the castle.


    John Arnold walks down a hallway followed by Dac and Para.

    Para: What of this new slayer?
    John: That’s what you are going to find out.
    Para: John, I can’t.
    John: Why not?
    Para: I just got him back, and I’m not going to loose him.
    John: And it doesn’t make sense that there are two slayers. This other one must be found. I not only can tell something will happen, but I’ve been advised to be rid of him.
    Dac: What if we get the new slayer to “die,” but not.

    They all stopped. John and Para turned to face Dac.

    John: Where are you going with this?
    Dac: I researched it. “One slayer dies and the next are called.” That’s what the book says. So if we could find a way to kill him, yet keep him alive, we could have him work with us. A slayer is born with their abnormal strength and he could prove worthy of fighting with us.
    Para: Perhaps he is right, John. Maybe there is a way around this all.
    John: You both have forty-eight hours to get me this slayer. Don’t kill him, we’ll drug him and revive him here…

    Para & Dac: Yes, sir.

    Para and Dac headed out of the Elite’s Headquarters. They walked by a conference room and Jester Pocus ran out.

    Jester: Lieutenant Harris! Private Rogers! I have something you guys need to read. Especially you Para.

    The two corporals stopped. They turned around and followed Jester Pocus into the conference room.

    Para: What is it private?
    Jester: Read this article.

    Jester handed a newspaper article to Para. After gazing over it, Para said…

    Para: Well this is just that two security guards were killed in the dinosaur exhibit at the museum.
    Dac: What’s so odd about that? People die everywhere.
    Jester: Well I hacked into the cameras, and watch this.

    Jester worked his way on the computers and brought up the screen of the Monk throwing various bones in the pool of water. Jester then fast forwarded it to where the dinosaur raised his hand out of the water. Para noticed the time on the camera.

    Para: That’s right around the same time we re…never mind.

    She continued to watch the video. She saw that the body came out and morphed into a huge dinosaur no one had ever seen. It had the snout of a Spinosaurus, The Body of a T-Rex, The plates of a Stegosaurus going down it’s back and hands like the Spinosaurus, and two huge retractable claws on it’s feet. She saw how the Dinosaur ate the two security guards and how it transformed into a flooder then into the flooders human form.

    Dac and Para: Holy Shit.

    Jester: Interesting, huh?
    Para: Get this to General Arnold immediately! Dac, you stay here with General Arnold and figure this out, I’ve got to go get Ben and the Gang. We’ve got to stop this thing.


    Anya is counting down the register as they are closed.

    Anya: Even at 200!
    Ice: Wonderful.

    The two kissed.

    Anya: Are we married?
    Ice: What do you mean? We did the church thing.
    Anya: Yeah, but the whole legality papers. We didn’t do those.
    Ice: Balls…I forgot all about that!
    Anya: Even more the reason to re-marry and vow are love.
    Ice: That’s at the 50th wedding anniversary.
    Anya: Oh.
    Ice: What was up with Ben’s hands? He never has them bandaged.
    Anya: A fight? I guess the life of a slayer is never done.
    Ice: Yeah, I guess.

    The door burst open.

    Seth walked through.

    Ice: We’re closed…you know the hours.
    Seth: I’m not here on business…you’re little un-dead slayer friend is in some deep trouble.
    Ice: What do you mean?
    Anya: Do you know what he fought?
    Seth: What do you mean, what he fought?
    Anya: His hands are bandaged. Why?
    Seth: Think about it, demon. Flooders and Vampires do it all the time.
    Anya: He’s sucking blood?
    Seth: No. When a Flooder or Vampire is sired they are bitten and have their blood sucked. But then they have to suck their blood out of the Flooder or Vampire to become one with them. They still die.
    Anya: He was sired?

    Ice figured it out.

    Ice: Oh my god…
    Anya: What?
    Ice: He was dead…and we brought him back.
    Anya: So?
    Ice: So…when we die, we are buried, six feet under and locked away in a casket. He had to beat his way out. Oh my God. He’s probably traumatized.
    Anya: He’s a slayer…I’m sure he sees this stuff day in and out.
    Ice: I don’t think you see yourself digging out of your own grave.
    Anya: Oh.
    Seth: See…maybe if you guys would listen up to the flooder that’s on your side, maybe you’d know some things.
    Ice: Why are you helping us, anyway?
    Seth: I…don’t…. know…?


    Nighttime came, and Ben was in his bedroom. He put on some looser clothes. He grabbed a wooden spike, and headed down the stairs. Tara and Mandy were in their room giggling like little school girls. Ben walked to their door.

    Ben: Tara?

    Ben could hear the girls telling each other to be quiet.

    Tara: Yes? [Giggle]
    Ben: I’m going patrolling. I’ll be back later.
    Tara: O
    Mandy: K

    Ben shook his head and headed down the steps. He was flipping his spike in his hand as he walked to the kitchen and un-locked the door. Then he walked to the front of the house. He opened the door, and to his surprise there was Dan and Rivvir who was back at his age of 16.

    Ben: Dan? Rivvir? What are you guys doing here?
    Dan: We were in town.
    Ben: And you really expect me to believe that?
    Dan: I can’t fool you. Look, something strange is going on.
    Ben: That’s the beauty of living on a Hell Mouth.
    Dan: Not that.
    Ben: What is it?
    Dan: Look at Rivvir.

    Ben looked at Rivvir. Rivvir looked nothing at all like him.

    Rivvir: We’re different.
    Ben: Huh?
    Rivvir: You came back wrong.

    Becky suddenly appeared

    Becky: You came back wrong.

    Dan: You came back wrong.

    Tara and Mandy’s voice were heard chanting, “You came back wrong”

    All this kept playing through the slayer’s head as the world was spinning around him.

    Ben sat up in his bed, breathing heavy from the nightmare that just occurred.

    There was an army of flooders standing before Falcon and Falcon had all the magic books he needed to be a real pain.

    Falcon: Flooders! Hear Me! We are now at an all time high! We can strike and kill anything we want. We will take out the Slayer and have this place to ourselves!

    The flooders cheered as the Monk stepped forward from his monks. Falcon turned around and side-commented to Glass, the Monk that created him…

    Falcon: How do you think we did?

    Black Screen with Red Text


    An All New Episode Next Monday

    Don't Miss An Episode Or You'll Feel Like Hell

    3/6/2002 5:44:08 PM
    (Updated: 3/6/2002 11:43:49 PM)

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