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    Eddie Carr was originally supposed to be the "hero" in TLW, which explains why the Eddie action figure comes with the so-called "hero hat". (From: 'Salvester2')
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    Ben The Flooder Slayer - Episode 1x04 - Vader
    By beno_yo


    Ben the Flooder Slayer walks through the graveyard of Dan’s site. He walked past Vader’s crypt and starred at it. It was black, no lights on. Just very dull looking. The slayer sighed and walked on.

    He reached the area where he was buried, but that is now the resting place of his wife’s body.

    The slayer starred down at it.

    Ben: Where do I go from here?
    Becky [off]: Wherever you want.

    Becky materialized, descending from above. She had a light red glow to her.

    Ben: What do I do? I’m still the slayer, I’m still killing flooders, and vampires and demons, right?
    Becky: Well, they’ve sent someone else to take care of the vampires. She is strong.
    Ben: Buff?
    Becky: Well, Buffy…the vampire slayer.
    Ben: Cute.
    Becky: Anyway, you’ve been given chances over. Do the right thing.
    Ben: But…I…

    The slayer sighed again.

    Becky: This is why I had to leave you. Our time was meant to end. Much like Vader and you. He is off, re-deeming his actions. You’ll find what you’re looking for. I promise.
    Ben: I hope so.

    They starred at each other.

    Ben: What’s the difference between Flooders and Vampires?

    Becky: Well, they’re the same…they bite someone’s neck and feed off of the blood. That bite also turns the victim into a vampire, if they wish it. Other than the fact that Flooders are more annoying, really nothing is different.

    Ben: How come SGD and Max still keep coming back? I’ve staked them several times.

    Becky: I feel that their bodies are not exactly in this world or in the other one for that. And I can tell you, Shane is locked between the worlds. All someone needs to do is set him free with an incantation, and this site is done for.

    Another pause.

    Becky: I must go. I’m needed again.
    Ben: Goodbye.

    With that, Becky ascended back to heaven where she could watch over her beloved slayer and her son, who was training to become a slayer with Ben’s former watcher, Dan.

    As Ben started to slowly walk the rest of his patrol out, he started to hear leaves on the ground crackle fast, and hearing heavy breathing with it. He turned around. Hitler leapt into the air above the running man and started to throw punches, but the man handled himself like a slayer. After blocking several punches, the man grew tired from his running and was knocked out cold. Ben walked towards the fray.

    The slayer pulled out his wooden stake.

    Ben: Hey!

    Hitler turned to face the slayer.

    The man jumped to his feet and dropkicked the flooder, shoving him into the slayer’s wooden stake.

    Ben: You all right?
    Man: Yeah…I think.

    The man had a very strong English/British accent. The slayer started to walk off.

    Man: Hey! Wait! I’ve been looking for you. You’re the slayer right?
    Ben: Yeah, so?
    Man: Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brad Giles. I’ve been sent by the watcher’s council to the chosen one, which is you. Am I correct?
    Ben: Yeah.
    Brad: Okay…so, um. Good job on killing him.
    Ben: Let’s go get a drink.
    Brad: Right on!

    The Slayer and his new watcher headed out of the graveyard towards the Bronze.

    Flooder31 jumped off of a branch of a tree onto the top of Vader’s Crypt. He looked at the Slayer.

    Flooder31: The Master will be pleased…


    Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme by Nerf Herder

    Starring beno_yo as Ben Summers
    Becky as Becka-Lynn Summers
    Brad as Brad Giles
    Icebreaker as Ice
    JurassicChic31 as Anya
    Vader as Himself
    Seth Rex as Himself & Flooder31
    Jango as Bob Klein
    Paragirl as Para
    Aussie Embryo as Tara

    --Creed : My Sacrifice—

    The Bronze was kicking more than usual. A lot of the high school students and college students were there. The Slayer and The Watcher walked in. They sat at a table.

    Brad: So what is this place?
    Ben: This is the local club. Nothing special, just some place to go. Lots of flooders lurk here. There’s also a secret passage to a ‘chat room’ where we just go and talk. It’s really the basement of the bronze, but hey.

    [Guest Starring RaptorHunter22 as Raptor Hunter]

    Brad pulled out his briefcase. He started pulling out files and looking them over.

    Brad: Right, now, Ben Summers. You’re how old now?
    Ben: 19…
    Brad: Shouldn’t you be 21?
    Ben: I died during my 20th birthday, so I’m not sure.
    Brad: Right. Well, let’s see here.

    Brad started writing down facts about the slayer.

    Brad: Now what of this wife Becky?
    Ben: Deceased.

    Para walked in.

    [Special Guest Star – Evil Grinch]

    She saw Ben sitting at the table. He made a face as if to say “save me.”

    She walked over.

    Para: Hey baby. Want to dance?

    The music stopped playing.

    Brad: There’s no music…and you are?

    Para waved her hands and Sugar Ray appeared on the stage. They started playing “Answer The Phone.”

    Brad: Where did they come from?

    Para: Must be some kind of a ‘Magic Show.’

    She smiled as she reached out for Ben’s hand. He took it. The two of them headed out to the dance floor.

    They danced, but noticed a couple practically having sex on top of their clothes.

    Para walked over to them.

    Para: Get a frackin’ room.

    She twirled back into Ben’s embrace.

    They kept dancing.

    Ice and Anya had just walked in and noticed the strange man sitting at their usual table.

    They sat down with him.

    Ice: Who are you?
    Brad: I’m Brad, Ben’s new watcher.
    Anya: Oh! So you’re the one who’s going to protect him now? Where are you living?
    Brad: Well, I’m going to live in Dan’s old house. He left it to me. Where do you two live?
    Ice: Well, we used to live with Ben, but we moved out. We’re engaged. We’ve been friends with him for the longest time.
    Anya: Dan and I own the magic shop. I’m the manager now. Would you like to be the assistant manager?
    Brad: Actually, you’re the vengeance demon, right?
    Anya: Yes.
    Brad: Well, Dan wanted me to give you this.

    Brad handed her a slip.
    Anya: He made you manager and me still assistant manger?!
    Brad: Sorry.
    Anya: Just because he’s in England doesn’t mean he can dictate my shop!

    Ice sighed.

    Ice: Honey, remember the Colonial Times, and the wars back then? The Revolutionary War?
    Anya: Yeah, I lived through them.
    Ice: I forget, you’ve lived 485 years?
    Anya: 484, thank you very much. I don’t look a day over 20 though!
    Brad: Right, and you two are married?
    Ice and Anya: Not yet.
    Brad [to Ice]: Good luck.

    Sugar Ray stopped playing. Ben and Para were embracing each other, with their foreheads touching each other’s.

    Ben: I love you.
    Para: I love you too.
    Ben: I want to be with you.
    Para: I want to be with you too.

    They kissed.

    Ben: Para, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for the longest time.
    Para: Okay…
    Ben: Will you…
    Para: Oh my gosh!
    Ben: Move in with me?

    Para looked at him, a little disappointed.

    Para: Yes. I would love to.
    Ben: Thank you. It’s lonesome in that house.

    She smiled.

    Para: Let’s go home.

    Ben, Ice, and Brad sat at the table. Anya and Para were in the kitchen talking about the wedding.

    Ice: So have you thought about what you’re going to do yet?
    Ben: Well, I was thinking of just taking things easy with Para, then seeing how they go.
    Brad: I think he means with your life.
    Ben: Oh. Well, I wanted to finish up college, but I missed the registration being dead and all.
    Ice: You could come to my classes and audit, and then when registration starts, just sign up.
    Ben: I guess I could do that.


    Anya: And I’m thinking about a long and big white dress.
    Para: How about the hair?
    Anya: I haven’t a clue!
    Para: Down and straight?
    Anya: That’s so…un-normal.
    Para: You’re a 484 year old demon…describe un-normal to me.

    Anya just looked at her.

    Anya: Good point…

    Ben: So who is this Seth Rex?
    Ice: No one’s heard of him. You sense anything for the big bad?
    Ben: Not really. I wish we had a witch among us.
    Brad: From what I’ve gathered, Anya is a demon who knows of spells, I know a little magic from previous watcher experiences, Para seems to know some. Ice is the key, and well, you’re the slayer.
    Ben: Well said.
    Brad: Who knew of it before?
    Ben: Becky…she was a witch. Not in a bad way…
    Ice: I can remember Vader and I ran into a girl named Tara before. She was a sorceress. Not exactly your typical witch, but I think she’d do.
    Ben: There were those two punks who tried to sacrifice Rivvir. General Rancor and what’s his face.

    Just then a knock on the door.

    Ben: Who could that be? It’s 11 o’clock at night!

    Ben got up and answered the door. It was a teary-eyed raptor hunter.

    Ben looked at his son’s friend. The slayer probably thought that he was sad that his friend was away.

    Ben: You all right?
    Raptor Hunter: No…

    He put his hands up and blood flowed from his palms. He fell backwards on the slayer’s porch.


    Ben: Oh my gosh!
    Ice: What is it?
    Ben: Call an Ambulance quick!

    Ice did as he was told.

    Ben looked out to his front yard. Flooder31 strolled over from next door, twiddling with a dagger.

    Flooder31: These are dangerous toys. Much like I am a dangerous person.

    Brad came to the door and comforted with Raptor Hunter.

    The slayer walked down his porch steps towards the lunatic flooder.

    Flooder31: Doesn’t it hurt? Just like how I killed your wife.
    Ben: You didn’t kill my wife, moron…she’s dead because she’s…

    The slayer started to flashback to when Becky was being attacked by Shane. He remembers Flooder31 being there. The image of Shane fades and Flooder31 appears over Becky. Becky is then killed.

    The slayer snapped back into reality.

    Ben: How are you doing that?
    Flooder31: Dark Magic…well, not that dark.
    Ben: Stop.
    Flooder31: Why don’t you make me?

    Ben swung his right hand and it connected to his jaw. The flooder acted as if it hurt.

    Flooder31: Ouch. That really hurt.
    Ben: No it didn’t. This will.

    The slayer flip kicked Flooder31. Flooder31 flew backwards and landed on his back. Flooder31 jumped to his feet and charged towards Ben. Ben ducked down and when Flooder31 reached him, Ben pivoted himself up and made the flooder go air born. The flying flooder landed on Ben’s neighbor’s car, wrecking it. Flooder31 walked towards the slayer.
    Ben pulled out a wooden stake.

    He went to stab the flooder but was knocked down by a fast moving figure cloaked in black.

    Figure: Flooder31…you are to leave. You have no business here.

    Flooder31 high tailed it out of there.

    Figure: I can’t keep doing this you know…
    Ben: Doing what?

    The figure took of the black ski mask. It was Vader.

    Vader: Saving your ass.

    Brad looked up.

    Brad: What are you waiting for? Kill him!
    Ben: No, no, no. This is Vader. My friend…he’s helped me out so many times before.
    Brad: That’s against the Slayer’s Code of Conduct.

    Brad pulled out a manual. Ben walked over to him. He took the book.

    Ben: Let me see that.

    Ben started too look through it.

    After a few seconds he closed it and then smacked Brad upside the head with it.

    Brad: What was that for?
    Ben: Watcher Disciplinary Conduct.
    Brad: For what?
    Ben: Not believing in your slayer.
    Ice: I think we’re loosing him.

    The Ambulance pulled up to the porch.

    Vader looked at Ben. The two nodded and Vader headed off his own direction.

    The paramedics put Raptor Hunter on the bed and wheeled him in. Anya got in the back of the ambulance with Raptor Hunter. Ben closed the back of the doors. Ice, Para and Brad ran back into the house to get their stuff.

    Ben walked to the front of the Ambulance. He knocked on the driver’s side window.

    Ben: What hospital are you taking him to?

    The driver slowly turned. It was Seth Rex.

    Ben: Oh, hey. Where are you taking him?

    Seth Rex put the window down. All of a sudden Seth Rex’s face morphed into Flooder31’s.

    Ben: What the…

    Flooder31 threw the dagger at the slayer and it landed in his shoulder, knocking him down.

    Flooder31 took off with Anya and Raptor Hunter as his victims.


    Flooder31 drove the ambulance through the cemetery. Anya used an incantation she had learned and froze Raptor Hunter’s body. It was in an altered state, nothing could happen to it.

    He drove it right to Vader’s Crypt and stopped.

    From the inside, the door busts open and Flooder31 walks in carrying a kicking Anya.

    Anya: Put me down now!

    Flooder31 dropped her.

    Anya: Ugh! You better pray Ben or my husband didn’t follow you.
    Flooder31: No one followed me. No one would. I’M going to bring the Master back. The slayer will die.
    Vader: Not if I can stop it.

    He walked out from the back end of his crypt.

    Vader: I try and leave and someone thinks a crypt is available?
    Flooder31: Who are you?
    Vader: A descendent of yours.
    Flooder31: How?
    Vader: We’re both flooders…and both with souls.

    Vader morphed into his flooder face.

    Vader: You must learn to control it.
    Flooder31: You must learn to kiss my ass!
    Flooder31 leapt on Vader, throwing punches galore.

    Ben woke up.

    Ben: It’s Flooder31…and Seth Rex…they’re the same!
    Ice: Huh? Are you sure?
    Ben: Yeah!! I was attacked and he ran off with Anya and Raptor Hunter. I feel something bad is going to happen.

    They all ran off to the graveyard.

    Vader flipped Flooder31 off of him.

    Vader: Look…the master is gone. Ben killed him.
    Flooder31: Not your master…mine.

    Shane’s soul appeared through a glass mirror.

    Flooder31: He’s trapped, and is waiting to come out.
    Voice: Then why don’t you join him?

    Flooder31 was kicked to the ground. Someone with a wooden stake stood in the door to Vader’s Crypt. It was General Rancor.

    Vader: What are you doing here?
    Rancor: Making up for my mistakes.
    Vader: This is the worst time. Anya, get him out of here.

    Anya ran towards the door and took off with Rancor. They ran right into a pack of Flooders. The pack grew closer to them but they started to poof into dust. Ben and Ice walked forward with their crossbows drawn.

    Ben walked into Vader’s crypt. He saw Vader beating the hell out of Flooder31. Ben then saw Shane through the glass.

    He pulled his wooden stake out. He chucked it at the glass breaking it into thousands of pieces. Shane was literally scattered all over.

    Flooder31: No!! Master!

    The crypt started to glow red.

    Vader: Get out of here now!

    Ben jumped out of the crypt’s door. He landed on the ground. Ice helped him up and they ran out of the graveyard.


    Vader was stranded inside of the crypt with Flooder31.

    Vader: Now you’ve done it.

    Fire started wildly inside of the crypt.

    Vader: We can’t be with fire…so I guess we’ll both die.
    Flooder31: Ha! Ha! You fail to realize that what the slayer did was the last part of the incantation for reviving him!
    Vader: Huh?
    Flooder31: See for yourself.

    Shane rose up from the glass shards all over the ground.

    Shane: Good job, my young apprentice. In time, you will rule this land beside me?

    Flooder31 looked up at him.

    Shane: And you, Vader…what ever shall I do with you?

    Evil Grinch kicked down the door to the crypt.

    Evil Grinch: I haven’t a clue why you’re still here Vader…but c’mon.
    Shane: Where do you think you’re taking him?
    Evil Grinch: He has nothing on or with you. Leave him to me.
    Shane: Says who?
    Evil Grinch: By order of the Supreme Council. We watch down on everything.

    Becky appeared in the crypt.

    Becky: Shane…now is not the time, nor the place to even think of anything to do to him. He’s done you no wrong. You’re in his crypt. I would expect you to be nice about that.

    She paused.

    Becky: Evil Grinch, take him away from here. There is a war brewing…and I can sense many deaths.
    Shane: You demonic Bitch. You haven’t a clue what’s going to hit this place. IT will shut down. I promise you this.
    Becky: So be it.

    She ascended back up.


    Ben: I can’t believe this! I’ve killed him twice. What is this madness?
    Ice: Calm down. We’ll figure it out.
    Brad: It’s not the end of the world.
    Ben: No, not yet.
    Brad: That’s not what I meant. I’ll go into the Magic Box tomorrow and start working.
    Ben: Good, while you’re making money, I’ll worry about Shane.
    Brad: Double-meaning.
    Ben: How?
    Brad: I’ll work on this while beginning working at this shop that Dan left.

    Ben sighed.

    Ben: And what about Vader?
    Ice: We’ll get him. We’ll end all of this. It’ll just take time.
    Ben: I wish…never mind.

    The slayer went upstairs to his bedroom.

    Brad: So this is what life is like here?
    Ice: Unfortunately.
    Brad: Well, I’m going to go home, or to Dan’s or however you want to say it…I have an interview tomorrow.
    Ice: Who?
    Brad: Tara…that sorceress. She needed a job, so hey…we’re playing our numbers right.
    Ice: Good luck.

    The both of them closed the door to Ben’s house and walked their separate ways.

    Flooder31: What are we going to do now?
    Shane: Order a legion of flooders and demons…
    Flooder31: I have a bad feeling about this.
    Shane: That is why you will go to the High School and pull Post Hater, General Rancor and Dino-Snore, and bring them to me.
    Flooder31: How?
    Shane: Morph into your Seth Rex form.
    Flooder31: I shall report to you tomorrow evening with those requested…
    Shane: Good…this war shall begin, and this world will shut down…. PERMANETLY.



    Anya looks down on Raptor Hunter. His hands are bandaged. Ice walked in the room.

    Ice: Hey.

    She looked up at him.

    Anya: Hey.

    They starred at each other. Anya leaned forward and kissed her fiancé. The pulled away from kissing.

    Anya: Who would do this to just a kid?
    Ice: Someone desperate to stop Ben and try and take over the world.

    [While Evil attempts to rule the world, The Slayer must overcome another obsticle…]

    Seth Rex: Soon we will rule this world, master!

    Shane looked at him.

    Shane: Yes I will.

    Seth laid down.

    Shane: Don’t rest too long. We’re brining this demon back. Did you find Post Hater?
    Seth Rex: No.
    Shane: Fine.

    Shane waved his hand and Post Hater appeared.

    Shane: Now, to make this demon come to life…

    [When Ben finds that Para has been dishonest, he slowly starts to fall apart while the evil rises.]

    Para saw a bulky flooder. She walked seductively towards him. She sat down and rolled her sleeve up. She was letting the flooder suck the blood out of her arm. She was feeling the rush of the satisfaction.

    [cut to Ben and Para standing outside]

    Ben: You’ve lied to me.
    Para: I’m sorry.
    Ben: Everyone’s sorry to me. What is this?
    Para: I wanted to know what it felt like.
    Ben: What ‘what’ felt like?
    Para: Being bitten.
    Ben: I’ve never been bitten.
    Para: What of you and Vader.
    Ben: Vader needed my blood.
    Para: I screwed up.
    Ben: I loved you…
    Para: Loved?

    Tears flowed from her eyes.

    Para: I LOVE you. LOVE, not LOVED. Please. I need you baby.
    Ben: Not if you’ve been lying to me.

    [Inside the Magic Box]

    Ice is in his tuxedo. He is slow dancing and twirling with Tara.


    --Don’t miss an episode or you’ll feel like hell—

    1/11/02 8:00:37 PM

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