By Michael Crichton
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    Scientists believe the part of the spinosaurus brain devoted to vision was enlarged, suggesting it had excellent sight. (From: sPitter)
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    The DInohunters
    By aragorn_8

    I posted this entire series a long time ago and I'm just going to post them again. This one was written about 4 years ago.

    One day Raman Roberts came to school saying that his uncle was attacked by a bunch of procomthnasises while on an island! Raman was 14 and had short black hair. "That's a dinosaur so it can't be true." a kid named Alian said. He was Raman's friend. Alan had glasses and short blond/white hair.
    "It is true! It is!" Raman cried. A procomthnasis is a small green dinosaur about angle hight.
    "Yah, right."
    A second kid named Chris came over and said "Hey. Isn't there a dinosaur hunter named Scott and his partner Jade?"
    "Yah but they're stupid jerks!" Alan said. "They're just fakes. They never really saw any dinosaurs." The bell rang. Classes started.

    After school Raman, his dad David, and his uncle Joe went to Scott and Jade's house. (Scott and Jade are brother and sister.)
    Ding Dong. Jade opened the door "Come in. Come in. Hey bro, our guests are here!"
    "Come in the living room!" Scott said. Scott is 26, Jade is 24, Joe's 42, David's 32.
    Scott asked "So which one of you was attacked?"
    "I was."Joe answered..
    "What kind of dinosaur?"
    "How do you know it was this type?"
    "Raman is an expert on dinosaurs. I gave him a description then drew a picture. Then he told me what kind it was."
    "Oh." he paused. " Tomorrow at 3:30 We'll set out to go to an Island they call Isla Sacoopa.
    "We'll meet at the docks." Jade said.
    "I wanna bring Alan." Raman said.
    "No." his father said. "Too dangerous."
    "Common. I want to prove to him that dinosaurs really do exist."
    "We'll talk about it later."

    Back at school the next day, "You mean it?" Alian asked. Raman managed to convince his dad to let Alan come. They were waiting for David to pick them up.
    "Yup!" Raman answered.
    "Well, there's my dad. Come on." the car drove up to the parking lot.
    There was a friend of Scott and Jade that came along as well. He looked like he was in his mid-forties. His name was Jessie and he was a palaeontologist.
    The car drove to the docks and they met up with Jade and Scott. They all went on a ship Scott reserved for them. It left the docks and went out into the ocean.
    "This is cool!" Alian said in amazement.
    "Yah!" Raman said. They were leaning over the rail, watching the ocean and the birds.

    Hours past. Hours turned to days. Days turned to weeks. After 3 weeks, they finally made it to the island. The boat pulled up next to a dock on the island.
    "'about time!" Alian exclaimed.
    "Shut up, jerk!" Raman responded. Everyone unloaded and picked up their bags.
    "This way." Scott said, leading the way. They left the beach and went into some trees and continued walking.

    After walking for what seemed like about an hour, but was really 2 hours, they found a few buildings made of straw and sticks and rocks. There was a gas station, a few huts, and a big building which had lots of rooms.
    "Wow!" Jesse said. "There are supposed to be dinosaurs here right?"
    "Just have patience." Scott said. They went into one of the huts and laid their bags down and got some stuff out. (Cameras, sunglasses, ECT.)
    They left the huts and met back outside.
    "What now?" Joe asked. Just then, they saw a triceratops! The triceratops was really big and had 2 big horns above each eye, and a smaller one above the nose. It had a big crest around it's neck for protection. It charged down a trail on it's four legs and went into the jungle, leaving behind, a small trail of dust.
    "Cool" Dave, Raman, Alan, Jessie, and Joe said together.
    "Told ya." Jade said.
    "My men put the buildings there." Scott explained. "They were supposed to be research labs, houses to sleep in while they were here, and a gas station because we had jeeps. We builded a couple of tall structures that are high up and overlook a lot of land. These are also known as high hides. First, lets go into the labs."
    They all walked into the biggest building and stopped. All the lights were on and the machinery was running.
    "The powers on!" Alan pointed out.
    "That's weird." Scott said with wonder. They saw a skeleton of a human with some flesh still on it.
    "Who's that?" David asked. Jade paused and after a few minutes regonized who it was.
    "One of Scott's men." Jade told him.
    "She must have came here for some reason with out talking to me." Scott said.
    "What happened to her and who is she?" Joe asked.
    "Her name was Patricia. She must have been attacked by something."
    "Cool!" Alan and Raman said.
    "Not cool!" David said. Then they heard a noise from another room.
    "Stay here." Scott said. He ran out of the lab and came back a few minutes later with a shotgun. He went into the next room and they heard a loud boom. Minute later, Scott came back in, pulling a dead rauisuchus by the tail. A rauisuchus was a long, four-legged meat-eater that looked like a big lizard.
    "How come the dinosaurs stayed alive on this island?" Jesse asked.
    "We don't know." Scott said. "But we're having dinosaur for supper!"

    That night, they made a campfire and roasted the rauisuchus and eat some of it. It was too big to eat all. They were going to have left overs.
    "When we were young, our family went on a plane ride to Africa." Scott explained. " We were going over an island called Isla Sacoopa. The island we're on right now. Nobody knew about the island at the time and still today, not very many people know about it. And even fewer know it's secret.
    "The plane had some kind of problem. It crashed on this island. Most of the people died, but the survivors were my parents, me, Jade, my brother Jamie, and three other people. One person, the pilot tried to swim and we never knew what happened to him. Probily drowned. The other one got stepped on by an brontosaurus! The third was killed by a type of dinosaur we've never seen before. It's like a t. Rex, only it has three triceratops horns on it's head. Jamie got attacked and killed by a velciraptor. My mom was killed by a tyrannosaurus rex. My dad was killed by a carnotaurus.
    "Me and Jadefound a boat and then used it. A boat foudn us and picked us up.. Some kind people adopted us and brought us back to Canada-home. When we got older, we decided to hunt dinosaurs. Ever since people called us the dinohunters."
    "Wow." Raman said. "How many times have you been to this island to hunt them?"
    "4. 5 including this one." Jade told him. It started to get windy. "We better get inside. It's going to start raining soon and we don't want to catch a cold." they put out the fire and went inside the huts. Jade and Scott went in one. Raman, Alan, and David went in another. Jesse and Joe went in another.
    They all went to sleep.

    Jesse lit a lantern and held some rocks he found outside up to it. He looked over and Joe was still asleep. The rocks were really fossils! "Weird." he wrote something in his book.
    After he told about the day they had, he wrote, 'odd to find fossils so close to the surface on an island full of live dinosaurs. Fossils that old are burred deep in the ground, yet I find them lying around like regular rocks. I think there is something that Scott and Jade aren't telling us. Or there is something strange about this island, besides the fact that there are dinosaurs, that not even the dinohunters know about.'
    He heard a low thumping outside and opened the window to the hut to look around. Joe woke up and went over to look too.

    Scott and Jade heard the thumping and knew exactly what it was. "Get the big guns!" Jade said.
    "Already on top of it." Scott was at a box, taking out a gun and putting it together. He gave it to Jade it was about the size of a machine gun. Scott put another one together and closed the box. Jade opened the door and they went out. It hadn't started raining yet.

    Alan heard a loud roar and sat up fast. The thumping got louder and looked a jug of kool-aid. It rippled and died down. Then it rippled again. Raman woke up and woke his dad up. Alan went outside, into the dark, to see what it was.
    "Come back!" David shouted. He ran out after him.
    "Dad!" Raman went to a window to look out.

    Outside, the thumping got louder and faster. Then a t.rex bursted through the trees and roared loudly. Scott and Jade aimed their guns at the rex and pulled the trigger. The barrel of the gun opened into little spikes going around the rest of the barrel. A small tube came out and opened up to reveal a giant barrel.
    Jade turned a switch on hers and pulled the trigger again and kept it down. A light, really bright, shone out and blinded the rex. It shook it's head back and forth as it stopped.
    Scott pulled the trigger on his just as he slipped on a rock. He fell down and a large, laser shot out from the gun and shot the rex in the arm. It sliced through the arm and it fell off. It roared in furry and pain and whipped it's tail. It's tail hit Scott and sent him flying. The rex stopped on the ground really hard and Jade fell down, letting go of the trigger. The light went out and the rex took a second to readjust it's eyes.
    After a couple of seconds it roared again and walked towards Alan and David. "I think we should go back inside!" David said. They turned to go inside the hut, when Alan was lifted off of the ground.
    "Ahhhhhhh!" David turned to see the rex run down the trail and saw Alan fall from the mouth and the rex disappeared into the jungle. Everyone rushed over to see if Alan was all right. When they got there, Raman threw up.
    Alan was laying on the ground, blood from his neck on the ground all around him. His head was nowhere to be seen.
    "What am I suppose to tell his friends, teachers, and family? Oh, ah Alan got eaten by a t-rex? I'm sure!" Raman yelled.
    "We'll," Joe told him "Think of something." it began to rain.
    "Well lets get back inside." Scott suggested. "These storms can be real killers sometimes. They all went into the lab and lit a fire in the fireplace.
    "Now when I decided to be a dinohunter I never knew so many people would die." Jade said. "I counted 16 of Scott's men, 18 people, that's not counting my men, and 1 died by coming with us this time. A kid none the less."
    Jessie yelled "This is crazy!"
    "Jessie calm down." David said to him.
    "You calm down. Don't you see? We'll all die!" then he stopped and breathed slowly.
    "That's better." David said
    "Tomorrow," Scott said. "We're going to the high hides." "We'll be able to see for miles." after a couple of hours, they went back to their huts and went back to sleep.

    The next day, they went back to the boat and unloaded the jeeps and a morticycle. The boat left to go to the nearest habitat island to refuel. It was going to come the back later that day and leave again that night.
    they then went to the high hides (Jade and Raman were at high hide 2.)
    "Do you like coming here?" Raman asked.
    "It all depends on what happens. Sometimes not much happens except that you see the animals go about their way. But then there are those times like this one, that you get people killed.
    Just then they saw pterodactyls fly over head. Pterodactyls have a beak and 2 small legs. They also have wings to fly with.
    "There so beautiful." Jade exclaimed. They hisses and one swopped down at a small stream and came back up with a fish. The rest did it too and flew away.
    Raman looked down and saw dinosaur herds bundling together. Then he saw stuff moving in the grass! "There's something down there!" he pointed out. Jade looked down.
    "Your right." Jade said. She took the binoculars from around her neck and raised them to her eyes. "Oh no."
    "There's a bunch of Raptors down there. If we're lucky and stay quiet, they will just ignore us. But if they see, hear, or smell us, we meet be lunch." Raman got scared. They radioed the others by walkie talky.
    "Raptors, eh? Jessie said. "What do they look like?" Raptors were basically big lizards on 2 legs with a claw on each foot.
    "They're green with dark green stripes." Jade said. "They're hunting the other dinosaur herds." On the walkie talky at the top was a screen so they could see each other. a minute passed by when no one said anything.
    "Are you and Raman all right?"
    "Can I see the way the raptors are hunting?"
    "Ok. It's hard to see." she faced the screen towards the raptors. a suctosaurus moved away from it's heard. It had a grey body with short tail. It's skin is like a rhinos. It's head is roundish/triangular with a group of small horns in the centre and 3 larger horns on each side of it's mouth. It had four legs.
    It bent down to eat some grass. All of a sudden, a raptor jumped out of the grass and landed on it's back. Another raptor jumped from the other side and jumped over it's back, but digging it's claw into it's back. It landed in the grass on the other side.
    The raptor on the back started to dig it's claws into it. The suctosaurus squealed and looked back at the rest of it's heard. The others were circling around the babies.
    2 more raptors tripped it up and it fell on it's side. All the raptors around jumped at it and ran at it. a raptor came late and tried to get a piece but the others snapped at it. It backed away and ran back into the jungle.
    Jade raised the screen back to her. "Strange!" Jessie said.
    "Your braking up! We're losin...the...sig...!" Then they lost contact.

    In high hide 1, "I'm going to them. I'm going to take the mortocycle." Scott said. "They are in more danger then they think."
    "I'm coming!" Jessie said.
    "No. You stay with Joe and David."
    " I'm coming!" David said. "My son is over there. I lost my wife and I'm not going to lose my son."
    "Ok. But only you. You take the jeep." Just then they got the signal again! "Jade?"
    "There must be a raptor nest somewhere near you! Me and David are com...!"
    "!" The voices got fuzzy, then they lost the signal again.

    At high hide 2 the raptors started to go back into the jungle. Jade cursed at the radio really loud. All the raptors stopped moving and raised their heads. They turned around and started to sniff. They hopped towards the high hide and started to circle it!

    David was in the jeep. He was driving as fast as he could without hitting anything. 4 triceratopses walked across the road and David and to swerve the jeep.
    He went off of the road and down a grassy hill and came to a stop in an area with lots of dirt. He looked around and saw a mound of dirt in a circle. He slowly drove towards it. There were 3 babies and 4 eggs left. He noticed that the babies were rexes! He could not see the parents. Then he heard thumping! The rexs burst through the trees roaring! "What?!" David said. There's two of them!"
    "RRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!" The t-rexs roared. One rex attacked the jeep and knocked it over!
    "HHHEEELLLPPP!" David cried. He got out of the jeep while the rex destroyed it. He ran. The other rex saw him! He climbed the tree and the tyrannosaurus attacked the tree!
    It swung it's head against the tree a few times and David fell out! He scrambled to his feet and ran to an area thick with bushes. He jumped into them and laid down very still. The 2 rexes came over and started sniffing.
    the rexs heard a stegosaurus roar and ran to go after it. David got up and wanted to walk back to high hide 1, but knew his son was in danger. So he decided to walked to high hide 2. He saw procomthinasuses all around him, following him. He didn't care. His wife died by cancer. He wasn't going to lose his son.

    At high hide 2, the raptors started to jump at Raman and Jade, but couldn't reach them. Part of the stairs going up broke away when a raptor walked up them. The raptor fell down with the debris and broke it's back.
    The raptors climbed up the vines on the high hide! "Get away!" Raman screamed at them.
    One almost got up. It grabbed on to Raman's shirt but Jade kicked it in the neck. The velociraptor fell down squealing. Raman fell over the side cause the raptor had pulled him over before it let go. Jade grabbed onto him and pulled him up."Thanks."
    "Don't mention it." Then a mortocycle came roared to a stop in the middle of the tall grass. "No. Not yet!" Jade said to herself softly.
    were is David? Scott wondered. Then Scott saw raptors starting to surround him!
    a man came running up behind the mortocycle. "Andrew what are you doing here?" Scott asked.
    "I came on vacation! No. not really. I came to do some dinohunting." (Andrew was a dinohunter to.)
    "Well if you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by velciraptors!"
    "Oh!" Andrew wore all dark colours. He even had dark black hair.

    Back at high hide 1. "I," Jessie said "wounder what their doing right now."
    Joe said "yeah. And I wonder why that Andrew guy asked us if we knew where Scott was." They heard hooting. What was that?"
    "I don't know." Jessie answered. Then they saw it. a dilophosaurus! It looked kinda cute! a dilophosaurus is small and has 2 small crests on it's head. "When it starts hissing and growling, watch out!"
    Joe through a rock at it! The dilophosaurus hissed and growled.
    "Oh no." Then it looked at Jessie and hissed! It started to move towards him. Joe ran down the high hide. At the bottom, he looked up and could see Jessie get eaten and ripped apart. "It's all my fault!" Joe mumbled.
    Then he looked up and saw the dinosaur start to come down the stairs. He started running.

    David could see the little town. He knew he wasn't close to high hide 2. He went in the gas station saw compys (procomthinasises) all over the place! "These guys are everywhere!"
    All of a sudden one leaped from the floor onto David's shirt and bit him! The compy leaped off of him. "OOOWWWW!" He knew there bite was poisonous. But a little bite like that won't do much. He hopped! He kicked the compy away.

    The raptors backed off every thing when they heard a series of roars and hissings! Raman thought it was other raptors at the nest. All the raptors left them alone and went in one direction, back into the jungle. Raman knew now that the nest was that way.
    Jade and Raman climbed down the vines to Scott and Andrew. They walked back to the town, while Scott drove back. They found David in the gas station.
    "I'm clad you're ok." David hugged his son.

    Joe had slowed to a walk after a while and took a brake. He got up to walk again. He saw a shadow following him!
    "Hello?" no answer. He turned around and saw a baby rex following him! "Why me? ." he mumbled.

    Back at the town, Jade had bandaged David and asked if he was ok.
    "Better now." David told her. Scott kept looking out the window. Raman was eating a bag of chips.
    "I think we should leave soon." David said.
    "We came here to hunt dinosaurs, and that's what we're going to do. That one armed t.rex is going to be mine!" a couple hours past and the door opened. They all turned and Joe walked in.
    "Jessie was killed by a dinosaur."
    "What type?" Scott asked.
    "He said that it was a dilophosaurus." then the door opened alittle bit and the baby rex walked in.
    "What's that doing here?" Jade asked.
    "It wouldn't stop following me!" Joe said.
    Scott yelled "you can get us all killed! You know that?"
    "Sorry's not good enough!"
    " I named him Jaws."
    " As like I care!" Then they were cut off from by some roaring!
    " What was that?"
    " It's his parents, stupid! They can track him down by his scent." Then they looked at the sink full of water and it started to ripple. Then they heard an explosion and part of the station caught on fire.
    "What happened?" Joe yelled as he got the fire extinguisher and started to try to put out the fire.
    "The rexes must have blown up the gas tanks. Thank god they were almost empty." Scott said. Jaws ran into the backroom.
    Jade looked out the window and the one armed t.rex was now black instead of brown. It roared and rammed the side of the building. The wall gave way and it fell onto Jade. Joe just got the fire out when the wall fell down.
    Everyone turned just in enough time to see Jade go under. "Noooo!" Scott yelled. He grabbed the extinguisher from Joe and fired it in the rexes eye. It hissed and pulled it's head out. David ran to the back room and threw a gun to Joe and another one to Andrew.
    "Hey Scott." Scott laid the extinguisher down and caught the gun. He laid that down and started to uncover the debris untop of Jade. Raman helped to.
    David kept a gun and they all stood around guarding. Scott and Raman uncovered Jade and pulled her out. She was just barely conscious.
    "Lay down" Scott said to her and he placed her by the counter. Then they heard lots of hissing and Scott told Raman to go behind the counter. Scott picked up his gun and joined the others.
    2 Ornithosuchus's's came in view. They were brownish/yellowish with small black spikes going down it's neck to it's tail. It ran on 2 legs. One of them had a black scar going down it's eye.
    The scar eyed one got to the hole in the wall and leapt. It landed on Joe, digging it's claws into him. He hit it with his gun and it fell off of him. He stood up and shot it in the head.
    Everyone turned and fired at the other one and shot pieces of it going in every direction.
    "Joe, you ok?" David asked.
    "I think so."
    "Here." David laid his gun on the counter and got some bandages. He bandaged Joe's ribs up and picked up his gun.
    "I was just thinking," Andrew said. "We heard lots of hissing."
    "Yeah so." Scott asked.
    "There were only 2 ornithosuchuses. What about the other hissings?"
    "He has a point." Jade mumbled from the counter.
    "And besides. They don't hiss." everyone was quiet.
    Joe moved next to one of the windows and said. "Where are they other dinosaurs that were hissing?"
    Then the window smashed and a raptor jumped through and landed on Joes back, knocking him to the floor. "Ahhhhhhh!" the raptor swung it's claw around and dug it into Joes back, blood coming out of his mouth.
    "Nnnnnoooooo" David and Raman yelled. David aimed the gun and kept his finger on the trigger. The raptor was flung off and was killed. Then the door bursted down and there were more raptors there and out side.
    Andrew, Scott, and David kept on firing at the advancing velciraptors. Raman crawled out from his hiding place and picked up his dead uncles gun and stood up. "This is for my uncle!" he kept firing just like the rest.
    Jade reached into her pocket and pulled out a grenade. "Fire in the hole!" she shouted.
    "Waoh!" Andrew yelled as he ducked. Everyone else ducked to.
    Jade pulled the pin and threw the grenade, blowing up the doorway and a lot of the raptors. Everyone stood up and started to fire again at the remaining raptors. The pile of dead raptors were increasing rapidly.
    After a few minutes, all the raptors that were attacking them were dead. "Need more ammo anyway." Andrew said. He went into the back room and came back with plenty of ammo for everyone. They all reloaded their guns.
    Scott yelled " That's it! Too many people died! I'm going to do what said I would do. Hunt dinosaurs!"
    "I'm in!" Jade said weakly from the counter
    David said, "So am I!"
    "Count,"Andrew said "me in!"
    Raman said "I'm scared I want to go home!"
    "We're going home soon, Raman." David said.
    "I swear on mom and dad's grave that I will keep killing dinosaurs! No mater what people say!"
    Raman asked "what about Jaws?"
    " as he gets older, he'll learn to hate us. He'll try to eat us!"
    "Can't," David asked "my son keep him?"
    "For now. But when he gets bigger I'll have to shoot him!"
    "Lets go hunt!" Jade suggested.
    "Not you." David said. "You're injured."
    "I can still hunt!" she got up and took a step and fell down. David caught her. "Please." she stood up again and this time she managed to walk. Or at least limp.
    Andrew said. "Let us be paired for battle!" they all left to go to different hunting grounds.

    Scott and Raman went to high hide 2. They never went up it. They just stayed in the field.

    David and Jade went in the jungle.

    Andrew stayed in the gas station with Jaws to guard their stuff.

    At the gas station, Andrew saw a compy. "Oh no you don't."
    He shot it twice then stepped on it to make sure it was dead! Afterwards, Jaws made a noise which was his version of a roar and walked over to the dead compy and ate it!

    At high hide 2, Scott and Raman was walking back and forth in the tall grass and then laid down in it so that the dinosaurs wouldn't see them when they came. a stegosaurus walked into the field and went over to take a drink from the spring. a stegosaurus has 4 legs and 2 rows of plates going down it's back with 4 spikes on it's tail.
    Raman and Scott jumped up and Scott fired but missed! The stegosaurus swung it's tail at them but they ducked and they could feel the wind from it over their heads.
    Raman jumped back up and shot it 3 times with a shotgun! Once in the body. Once in the plating (which made the bullet bounce off.) And once in the head, killing it. It started to get dark out.

    In the jungle, Jade and David were walking with machine guns. They came to an are that had a little bit less trees and looked around. All around were mounds of dirt-circular shaped.
    There were no adults around. They went over to one and looked in. Just eggs. They went to another one, deeper in and there were some baby raptors!
    Jade said "holy cow!" they looked around and there were bones of other dinosaurs too,
    "Look at all the bones!" David said. They heard hissing and a low growling and the bushes started to move. Velociraptors ran from all directions, running at them!
    "They set a trap!" Jade yelled. "An ambush!"
    "No dinosaur is that smart!"David said. He shot one and killed it. Jade shot 2 and killed 1.The other one jumped at her but she ducked. It hit a tree and knocked itself out. More ran at them. They continued to fire.

    Andrew looked at his watch. "45 minutes till the bout leaves!" it was pitch black out now and the only light was from the light inside the buildings and from the stars and moon.
    "Here Jaws." Jaws came running up to him and he picked him up and brought him out side. He put him in the back of the one of the jeeps and went to load it up.
    "Now what's in here?" he asked as he opened a box. He saw the 2 laser guns and said. "Now this is what I'm talking about. Ho ho ho!" he took one out and tied it to the bar on the top of the jeep.
    "Hang in there, Jaws. This is going to be one hell of a ride!" Jaws hissed and Andrew started up the jeep and drove.

    At high hide 2, Scott and Raman heard thumps!
    "Oh no!" Raman said. "The tyrannosauruses are coming!"
    "It's only one rex." Scott said.
    "How do you know?"
    "On less they're walking at the exact same time, then it's only one rex."
    It came walking out of the jungle and bent down to get a drink. Raman raised his shotgun and fired. It hit the rex in the tail and it stood up to full hight and roared. It turned around and looked at them and roared again. It started to run at them.
    Raman shot it 3 times and Scott raised the rifle and fired a few times. The rex roared and was in little pain. It continued to run at them.
    Then a jeep came driving fast off of the trail nd Scott saw the laser gun on it.
    Andrew reached up and pulled the trigger. He kept his eye dead ahead, first nothing happened. Then a bright light blinded the rex.
    "Wrong gun." Scott said. Then he yelled at the incoming jeep, "Turn the switch left and fire again!"
    Andrew looked up for a second, just long enough to find the switch and flick it. The light went out and the rex paused for a second. Then it charged at the jeep and the jeep drove at it. Andrew reached up and pulled the trigger again and this time, a laser beam shot out and it the rex in the chest. It burned through the chest and died away. The rex fell down dead. The jeep stopped and pulled a 180.
    "Get in!" Andrew yelled. "We only 25 minutes!" Scott and Raman hopped in.
    "Hi Jaws." Raman greeted. Jaws roared and they all laughed.

    The bout was getting ready to leave.

    At the raptors nest, Jade and David were surrounded by Velociraptors! "HHHEEEEELLLLPPP!" They yelled. They just ran out of ammo for their guns. a raptor jumped at them and Jade hit it with her gun. Another 3 jumped and David hit one with his gun and they ducked and they other 2 hit each other. They other raptors were starting to get closer.
    Another raptor jumped, but all of a sudden a jeep jumped into the air from the surrounding jungle and hit it and then ran over it! "C'mon." Andrew yelled we only got 5 minutes! David and Jade got in the jeep and they drove off.
    3 Velociraptors ran after the jeep! One jumped and grabbed onto the back of the jeep! The driver, Andrew swirled the jeep and the raptor fell off and hit some mud!
    They were almost at the dock. They could see where the hill goes downward and they could see the ocean. They could also see the bout about to leave!
    The rex with one arm and was now black, was at the edge! It halved turned and roared at them. The 2 raptors that were chasing after the jeep ran ahead and attacked the rex

    The bout just left the dock!

    "We missed it!" Raman shouted.
    "Oh no we didn't!" Andrew said, gritting his teeth as he sped the jeep up. The jeep drove off the edge of the cliff and went flying into the air! Everyone screamed. It came down and landed on the deck of the bout!
    "Nice landing!" the ships captain said.
    "Thanks." Andrew said. They all got out.
    "Never do that again!" Jade warned him.
    "That...." Scott paused. "Was intense!"
    "Lets do that again!" Raman said.
    "Lets not." his father said. The Jaws poked up and roared.
    "Wow!" the captain said.

    When they got back, they held a funeral for those who died.
    David and Jade went out and then after a year got married.
    "What will you do with the wedding money?" Scott asked Jade and David.
    " maybe pay to go to Isla Sacoopa again!" David answered.
    "Yes!" Raman said excitedly. "Thanks dad. What do you say Jade? Or should I say mom?"
    "Lets do it!" she paused. "Just if Andrew comes, don't let him drive!"
    "It wasn't that bad!." Andrew said . "Will, I'm out of here. bye."
    They all said bye.
    Jaws had a collar and was a little bit bigger. He roared and everyone laughed.

    The End

    1/27/02 2:03:45 PM

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