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    Jurassic Park's dinosaurs were originally going to be realized using stop motion animation. When Spielberg saw what ILM could do with CGI, however, he changed his mind. (From: 't.rex')
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    Resident Flooder Chapters 4 and 5
    By aragorn_8


    In the chamber, there was a generator and next to the generator was a giant platform with pillars around it.
    “Give me a hand with this.” Malcolm said as he put the disrupter down. Him and JP3 Girl took it out of it’s casing and lifted it up onto a stand and Malcolm started pressing buttons on the side of it.
    Suddenly one of the cameras pointed down onto the platform and shot out red beams that met in the middle, forming a red holographic image of a little boy.
    “Get out. Get out.” He ordered. “You can’t be in here.”
    “Don’t listen to anything he says.” Malcolm told JP3 Girl as they continued to set up the device. “It’s a holographic representation of The Red King.”
    “You have to get out.” The Red King ordered.
    “Modeled after Primal Prey,” Malcolm continued, ignoring The Red King. “The main programmer’s son. He’ll try to deceive us. Confuse us.”
    “I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.” The Red King continued his warnings. “Disabling me will result in restart of primary power.”
    “He’ll saying anything to stop us from shutting him down.”
    JP3 Girl started walking around The Red King, but the holograph still looked ahead, as if it was looking at Malcolm and his job. JP3 Girl wondered if it could even move.
    Malcolm pressed a button and a power-up noise came on as he went next to JP3 Girl with a small device in his hands.
    “Please?” The Red King begged. “Please?” Then he turned his head to face Malcolm and JP3 Girl. “You’re all going to die down here!”
    Malcolm pressed a button and there was a power surge, knocking out all lights and power in The Message Board. The Red King faded away.

    On the containment units, there were little green lights that switched to red.

    All throughout the Message Board, electronical doors slid open. As One door slid open, water flooded out into another room.

    Back in the chamber, the power started coming on, causing the lights and power in the entire Message Board to come back on as well.
    “The surge caused the mainframe to power down for 30 seconds.” Malcolm explained to JP3 Girl. “The Red King can then reboot if I don’t have his board.” Malcolm reached over and took out the motherboard for The Red King. “Which I do.” Malcolm smiled.

    CJ, Eric, and MIB were waiting, sitting around, in their security point. CJ was cleaning under her fingernails with her knife. Suddenly, the sound of metal being dragged broke through the silence.
    “What’s that noise?” Eric asked as CJ looked up. All three turned to the direction of the noise and strained their eyes to see further away. Eric moved his head to see around the corner.
    CJ Put her knife away and took out her gun. “I’m on it.” She started moving forward, loading her gun.
    She walked out around the corner and raised her gun in front of her, expecting to see someone or something.
    She scanned the room, but didn’t see anything alive. Then she heard the noise again, from off to her side, and she whipped around, seeing another corner not that far away.
    She walked around the corner, and saw another part to the storage room. She heard the noise again, and saw a small canister roll out from around the corner and come to a stop in the middle of the room.
    She rushed to the end and went around the corner, her finger tightening on the trigger. Then she lowered her gun as she saw a person in a white lab coat stumbling towards her, using the wall as support. His head was hung down, looking at the floor.
    “MIB, We’ve got a survivor!” CJ called back. She turned back around to face the person. “It’s ok, we’re here to help.”
    She put her gun away and moved towards the person, who to CJ, sounded like he was hissing.
    The person stumbled towards CJ and fell, but CJ caught the person in her arms. “It’s ok.” She repeated.
    The person lifted part of his head and CJ saw that the person was a girl. Then the person brought her head down really fast as she opened her mouth, showing razor sharp teeth.
    She bit into CJ’s hand, blood gushing out.
    “Ahhhh!” CJ screamed as she flung the girl off of her, and onto the floor. She jumped back up and knocked CJ to the floor and rolled on top of her, hissing and trying to bite down into her face.
    CJ held her arms up, keeping the person above her, and away from her. “Get off of me!” She rolled over once, and then again, so the person was on top of her again. As she did that, a set of keys fell from her back pocket and onto the floor.
    MIB ran around the corner and saw the struggle. “MIB, get her off of me before I stab her ass!”
    MIB reached down and pulled on the girl, dragging her off of CJ, and he flung her away, and to the floor.
    “You ok?” MIB asked as he helped CJ to her feet.
    CJ was holding her injured hand in her other hand. “She bit me, man! She took a chunk clean right outta me!”
    MIB took out his Baretta and pointed it at the girl who was crawling to her feet. “Stay down.” He ordered at the hissing person. The person ignored him and got to her feet. “I’m warning you, stay down!”
    “She’s crazy.” CJ said.
    “Come any closer and I’ll fire.” MIB said to the girl. She started stumbling towards him, snarling. “I mean it!” He shouted as he took a step back.
    The girl moved forward some more and MIB aimed down and fired, shooting her in the knee.
    The girl jerked back for a second, but continued to move forward. “What the…” MIB aimed and shot the other knee, which barely even slowed the attacker down. She just kept coming.
    “Move away.” MIB heard from behind him. He back up and suddenly thousands of shots fired at the same time, each one digging into the attacker, causing her to fly backwards and crash into some boxes, remaining still.
    CJ was standing there, holding up her high-tech machine gun.
    “I shot her in the knees!” MIB was in shock. “And she was still standing!”
    “Bitch ain’t standing now.” CJ said as she shouldered her gun and bandaged her hand.
    Eric walked around the corner, followed closely by JP3 Girl and Malcolm. “What happened?” Malcolm asked.
    “We found a survivor.” MIB answered.
    “And you shot him?”
    CJ glared at Malcolm. “She was crazed. She bit me.”
    MIB didn’t want to admit it, but it seemed like the person was a Flooder. But that was impossible because you only saw those in movies and books, not real life!
    As they talked, Eric glanced at the floor and saw the set of keys.
    “She’s gone.” MIB pointed out with surprise in his voice.
    “That’s Bull Crap.” CJ said, storming over to the spot where the person had fell.
    “She fell right here, and now she’s gone!” MIB yelled.
    “Is this blood?” JP3 Girl bent down to the floor. “It looks different.” She was looking at a bumpy red liquid that was more like gel then liquid.
    Eric walked over and bent down. “It’s coyatrated. That’s not possible.”
    “Why not?” SS demanded.
    “The blood only becomes coyatrated after you die.” As he was bent down, explaining, his hands handcuffed behind his back, Eric picked up the set of keys in his hand and kept them hidden inside his fist. He stood back up.
    Suddenly they heard the sound of the metal being dragged on metal again. “What’s that?” JP3 Girl asked.
    All the people with guns raised them up and pointed them down the hall. They saw a man walking on one foot, his other foot bent sideways, dragging an upside down axe across the floor as he walked.
    Malcolm started looking around them and saw many other hissing people who looked just like the one heading at them. They were being surrounded by Flooders! More and more started coming, joining in.
    The one dragging the axe reached them and looked up and snarled. They saw half of his face missing!
    “Don’t come any closer!” Malcolm ordered.
    “Oh God, they’re behind us!” MIB informed them.
    Eric backed up, trying to unlock his handcuffs with the keys he picked up.
    “They’re everywhere.” JP3 Girl said.
    Suddenly the Flooder that had disappeared earlier jumped out from behind a crate and landed on CJ. CJ dropped her gun and reached up, holding onto the head of the Flooder with both hands, struggling to keep her back.
    The Flooder started to hiss, but it was too late, CJ used every ounce of strength and snapped the Flooder’s neck, turning her head completely around. The body fell to the floor and CJ picked up her gun.
    That’s when the other Flooders attacked.

    CHAPTER 5: The Attack

    CJ raised her high-tech machine gun and started blasting away at the Flooders that were surrounding them. The others that had guns soon joined in, firing at any and every Flooder, cutting them down in numbers.
    One of the Flooders that MIB shot down stood right back up again and he hesitated before firing, but he ended up firing and knocking the Flooder back down again, just to fire at the one behind.
    Some Flooders got back up after having been shot down, others stayed down.
    Eric stayed over to the side, trying to unlock his handcuffs and JP3 Girl and SS stayed in the middle of all the M.O.D.S. members.
    As they the people fired, some of the shots missed and went into the crates. Every time a certain crate was hit, a bright light would leak out through the bullet hole, followed by gas.
    MIB started firing back and forth, hitting some Flooders, but also hitting the crate. “Watch behind you!” he heard CJ shout. He whipped around and saw a Flooder almost at him and he started firing at him, flinging him back.
    Suddenly the words ‘Unstable’ appeared on the side of the crate as more steam and light leaked out.
    “It’s gonna blow!” CJ shouted above all the gunfire.
    “Let’s go!” Malcolm ordered as they started moving, firing at any Flooder that got in their way or followed them.
    Suddenly the crate exploded, knocking everyone –civilians, M.O.D.S, and Flooder’s, to the floor. Shrapnel rained down on them as a fire roared where the crate used to be.
    JP3 Girl suddenly got a flashback.


    It’s outside, leaves covering the ground and falling from the trees. There was a gargoyle statue next to a small pond.
    “I can help you get the virus.” A voice said. I have access to surveillance codes, access plans, the works.”
    There were two people outside, one was JP3 Girl, the other was an unknown female.

    Back in the present, a Flooder dragged himself across the floor, his legs on fire.
    Eric saw where the keys had landed and back up to get them. They were under a table and he was pushing with his legs, his back on the floor. What he didn’t see, was the Flooder with his legs on fire was crawling towards him.
    MIB and Malcolm were already back on their feet, retreating down a hall of crates, firing back into the room and any Flooder they saw.
    Eric reached the keys just as the Flooder reached him, grabbing onto his legs. Eric reached with his handcuffed hands for the keys behind him, but he accidentally knocked the down under a grate.
    He was feeling the heat from the fire on the Flooder as the Flooder crawled up his body, heading for his face. Eric started kicking the Flooder in the head, trying to hold it back.
    CJ jumped up onto a platform and aimed down, firing at the Flooders that were rushing at her.

    Malcolm and MIB were on their own, cutting down Flooders. “We lost the others!” Malcolm shouted.
    “Get moving!” MIB yelled at him
    MIB stayed where he was, firing at the Flooders, but Malcolm turned and ran to the door, finding SS next to it.
    “I don’t know the code.” SS stated.
    Malcolm went up to the control panel on the wall and started typing in a code. He typed in a wrong number, his finger having slipped. “Crap.”
    “Come on.” SS urged as he saw more Flooders coming—more then MIB could hold off.

    CJ saw all this from her spot and turned her gun, firing at the Flooders that were heading towards MIB, Malcolm, and SS.

    Eric was holding off the fire Flooder by kicking him in the head, but at the same time, he was reaching his fingers under the grate to try to reach the keys for the handcuffs.
    His fingers caught on them and he pulled them up, holding them in his fist. He started kicking harder, sending the Flooder back a little bit at a time.
    The Flooder backed off, but not before Eric got his pants on fire. He started banging his leg against the floor until the fire went out. While he was doing that, he was fiddling with the key, and he finally unlocked the handcuffs, causing them to fall to the floor. His hands were free!
    He was about to move out from under the table when he was grabbed by two powerful hands and dragged out. He looked up and saw that it was JP3 Girl!

    “Hurry up.” SS urged more as he saw the increasing number of Flooders.
    Malcolm’s finger missed again and pressed the wrong button. He was under too much stress. “Crap!”
    “Come on, man.”
    “I’m trying!”
    MIB shot down another couple of Flooders and turned his head to face Malcolm and SS. “What’s taking so long?”
    He waited another few seconds, then ran back to the door. “Move!”
    Malcolm turned around and started firing as MIB tried typing in the access code.
    “Hurry up, I’m running out of ammo!” CJ yelled from her spot.
    MIB started typing in the code, but glanced a look over his shoulder to see how many Flooders were coming, and when he did, he pressed the wrong button.
    Malcolm shot down another couple of Flooders, when he heard MIB. “Got it!” he shouted.
    Then he turned to CJ, who had ran up next to him. “See how easy that was?”
    The door opened, but on the other side, were tons of more Flooders, a room full! They reached out and grabbed MIB, dragging him in. They started digging their teeth into him, biting him and ripping flesh away.
    “MIB!” CJ screamed She tried to get into the room to pull MIB out, but there were too many Flooders in the way and she was out of ammo. Malcolm and SS grabbed her and started pulling her away, even though she wanted to stay and try and help MIB, who already stopped screaming.
    As they ran, dragging CJ, Malcolm punched and hit any Flooders who got in their way. When he hit them, he used his gun as a bat.
    They went back they way they had entered, leaving the room behind.

    Back in the room, in one of the containment units, there was a banging sound from inside. Suddenly the door exploded outward as a deformed creature bursted out and ran off.

    JP3 Girl and Eric had been separated from the group back in the explosion, and now they were walking fast, in their own direction.
    Eric turned off down a side hall, and JP3 Girl went straight, not knowing Eric went his own way. A minute later, she looked back and saw that Eric was gone!

    Back in the computer room, CJ, Malcolm, and SS were pacing back and forth. The bodies of their comrades who had died in the hall half an hour before, were gone!
    “Where did the bodies go?” Malcolm shouted.
    Flooders outside the room started banging on the locked door. “Whatever they are, there’s too many of them out there.” CJ said, rubbing her sore hand.
    “Whatever they are?” Malcolm freaked out. “It’s pretty obvious what they are. Those people used to work here!”
    “Malcolm,” CJ said. “All the people who work here are dead.”
    “Well that doesn’t stop them from walking around.” SS spoke up.
    “Where did they come from?” Malcolm demanded, his voice shaky. “Why didn’t we come across them on the way in?”
    CJ looked at him. “When you cut the power, you unlocked the doors. You let them out.”
    They stared at each other for a moment, listening to the banging’s on the door. CJ threw down her gun, frustrated.
    “We’re never going to make it to the surface.” Malcolm said. “The Red King was right. We’re all going to die down here.”

    7/7/2002 4:18:53 PM

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