By Michael Crichton
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    While TLW was released in Australia 6 days after the US release, JP3 wasn't released there until almost 2 months after the US release. (From: Adam)
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    Halloween: The Series 1X10
    By aragorn_8

    Halloween : The Series
    Episode 10: Prophecy

    We show clips from the previous episode, including the homeless man murdering Joyce Kanyon, Lindsey Wallace arriving, Lonnie speaking with Richie and Keith about how they never hang out anymore, Vincent threatening Tommy, the fund raiser going up in flames, and Father Gabe Murphy stating that something evil is in Haddonfield.

    We open with the fire department, hard at work, cleaning up the mess from the fund raiser. It is still the same night as the previous episode. Richard and Darlene Corruthers watch the scene.

    DARLENE: I thought all things evil left this town when that police station blew up and killed Michael Myers.

    RICHARD: I did, too, but only someone with hatred coursing through their veins would would destroy a memorial event for the innocent victims of that evil monster. I have a mind to sell our home and get out of this town for good. If Rachel wasn’t buried here, I would pack up and move tonight.

    Suddenly, the white-eyed homeless man appears, smile spread across his face.

    HOMELESS MAN: You think they were innocent. You are wrong. They all got in the way of fate, and they all paid for their sins. They deserved to die!

    Richard and Darlene are shocked at this outburst, and are basically scared of this homeless man. Lonnie Elamb and Debra Loomis have been listening in the background.

    RICHARD: Get away from us.

    HOMELESS MAN: Anyone who opposes destiny will soon meet destruction.

    DARLENE: Oh, God.

    The homeless man laughs, an evil, eerie laugh. Lonnie and Debra come forward. Lonnie grabs the homeless man by his dirty jacket, looking into his eyes, anger showing on his face.

    LONNIE: I don’t know who you are, old man, but if you say another damn word, I’m going to make sure you join them in the ground. We’ll hear you talk about fate, then, won’t we?!

    The homeless man begins singing his familiar tune to ‘Ring Around the Rosy’.

    HOMELESS MAN: Lucifer is coming, Lucifer is coming, Satan, Satan, You’ll all FALL DOWN!

    Lonnie loses his temper and shoves the homeless man to the ground, knocking over a bench nearby.

    LONNIE: It looks like you’re the only one falling down right now, you piece of shit.

    The homeless man stands, staring at them with white eyes in an expression of anger. Lonnie stands, inviting him to take a shot at him. The homeless man looks a little scared of him.

    HOMELESS MAN: Soon enough, you will know what true evil is all about.

    The homeless man laghs maniacally and exits, leaving them as Lonnie stares at him with anger.

    DEBRA: That man was downright scary.

    DARLENE: Thank you, Lonnie. We appreciate that.

    LONNIE: No problem, Mrs. Corruthers. No one desecrates the memory of those victims. If they do, then they’re going to answer to me.

    DEBRA: Come on. Let’s go inside and see Father Murphy.

    The homeless man turns and he and Lonnie stare at each other a few seconds before Lonnie turns and follows Debra inside.

    ‘The Halloween Theme’ begins to play as the camera rises up over Haddonfield. A Jack-o-Lantern appears, an evil grin on it, and the titles come up:

    HALLOWEEN: The Series

    The music becomes a very rock and roll like version of the music and various images from the series fly up. The cast characters are named as Tommy Doyle, Debra Loomis and Lonnie Elamb.

    We open inside ‘St. Luke’s Catholic Church’. Father Gabe Murphy is in his office, reading over the ancient scrolls. He is busily translating its words. He is very nervous and his hands are shaking. There is a knock at the door.

    FR. MURPHY: Come in.

    The door opens and Lonnie and Debra enter. Lonnie studies the room as Debra does the talking.

    DEBRA: Father Murphy. Hi. I’m Debra Loomis. We spoke on the phone.

    FR. MURPHY: Oh. Uh, of course. Nice to meet you. This was about Joyce Kanyon. Correct?

    DEBRA: Yes. We were hoping that you could shed some light on what happened to her the night she disappeared.

    FR. MURPHY: I would love to help you, but I already told the police everything I know. She came by to confession, and then she left.

    DEBRA: Did she say anything during confession that would lead you to believe that she was in trouble, that maybe someone was watching her or following her?

    FR. MURPHY: I’m not allowed to discuss what goes on in confession, but I can tell you that nothing she said would be of any help to the authorities. She’s a very good woman, and it’s sad that she disappeared. I do hope she is found soon. I and the other priests are praying for her safe return.

    DEBRA: Yes. Of course.

    LONNIE: You seem a little distracted. Did we come at a bad time?

    FR. MURPHY: I must admit that I am a little busy, but I don’t mind the intrusion.

    Lonnie looks down at the scrolls on the desk. He reads a word off of it from Murphy’s notes.

    LONNIE: Hayden? What’s that word mean?

    FR. MURPHY (quickly covering the scroll): It’s just an old scroll I’m going over. You shouldn’t worry about that. I do hope you find Mrs. Kanyon, though. Let me know if you need anything else. Okay?

    DEBRA: We will, Father. Thank you for your help.

    Lonnie frowns.

    LONNIE: Do you translate ancient writings all the time, Father Murphy?

    FR. MURPHY: Yes. It’s a major part of my job. I do studies in the super-natural area of the Catholic faith.

    LONNIE: Really. Did they all make you as nervous as this one does?

    FR. MURPHY: I don’t think I ever get used to this. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish what I’m doing here.

    DEBRA: We’ll get out of your way, Father Murphy.

    FR. MURPHY: Have a good day.

    DEBRA: Of course.

    Debra opens the door and exits, followed by Lonnie. When they get outside, Debra turns to him.

    DEBRA: You want to tell me what that was all about?

    LONNIE: What?

    DEBRA: Those questions about those scrolls. We’re looking for a missing person here.

    LONNIE: Did you see his face? He was lying.

    DEBRA: Lying? He’s a priest! If he knew something, he would have told us.

    LONNIE: I don’t think he knows anything about Joyce Kanyon’s whereabouts, but I think he may have a theory that he’s not sharing. Now, I read some of his notes while you were talking to him, and I only recognized a couple of words, but those words were enough for me to believe that Father Murphy is on to something he’s not talking about.

    DEBRA: What words? What are you talking about?

    LONNIE: In his notes, he listed Joyce Kanyon’s name, followed by a question mark. Other words, just briefly glancing over before he covered it up, were Hayden and evil.

    DEBRA: So what? You think someone evil took her?

    LONNIE: Well, I don’t think someone GOOD took her.

    DEBRA: What do you want to do?

    LONNIE: I don’t know. We should get with Tommy tomorrow and talk about it. Right now, I think we should go home and get some sleep.

    DEBRA: I hope you mean separately.

    LONNIE: Get your mind out of the gutter, Debbie. There’s a girl missing out there.

    DEBRA (rolling her eyes): Right. Come on.

    Debra and Lonnie exit. We cut to back inside the office, where Father Murphy is reading over the scrolls. He is nervously twitching and fear shows on his face.

    FR. MURPHY: Dear God, it can’t be. It can’t be. Oh, dear God. Protect us all.

    He grips his crucifix necklace tightly around his neck and starts praying. We cut to The Blankenship boarding house, where Tommy and Lindsey have just gotten out of the car. Lindsey looks a little depressed.

    LINDSEY: You’re not mad at me. Are you?

    TOMMY: No. Maybe for a few minutes I was, but I’m just hurt now. I wish you would have trusted me enough to tell me about Vincent.

    LINDSEY: I’m sorry. I won’t withhold truth from you again. Am I forgiven?

    TOMMY: Of course. I never could stay mad at you for long.

    LINDSEY: Good, because I didn’t mean to hurt you.

    TOMMY: I’m also a little bummed about the fund raiser going up in flames, literally.

    LINDSEY: Hopefully, they’ll catch the sickos responsible.

    Tommy and Lindsey walk into the boarding house, holding hands. We cut to the Elamb house, where Debra pulls up to drop Lonnie off.

    DEBRA: Thanks for coming with me.

    LONNIE: And miss out on the fun of another normal night in Haddonfield? Consider it me thanking you.

    DEBRA: I do have one question, though. How did you know that guy Vincent?

    LONNIE: That is a long story. I spend a little time in Chicago every now and then, and once in a while, I may fracture a law or two.

    DEBRA: Gee, I never would have guessed.

    LONNIE: Anyway, I was sent out one night on a delivery by Vincent. When I got to the delivery point, I was greeted by two men with guns who tried to kill me. Vincent had set it up because I had been, uh, “seeing” his daughter Gina. Man, she was hot! Nice little Italian girl, grew up in a Catholic school, had really, really big br---

    DEBRA: I think I get the point. I never should have asked. Good night, Lonnie.

    LONNIE: No good night kiss?

    DEBRA: I’d rather kiss a monkey.

    LONNIE: To each his own. See you later.

    Lonnie gets out of the car as Debra drives away. He walks up to his porch and sees some dark figures waiting on his porch for him. He stops.

    LONNIE: Shit.

    Lonnie quickly reaches inside his jacket and pulls out his trademark two guns, pointing them up towards the figures, who are advancing towards him.

    LONNIE: Just so you know, I see you, and if you make a move, the police will be picking you off my porch with a spatula.

    VOICE: Chill out, man! It’s just me and Keith!

    Lonnie recognizes Richie’s voice and lowers his guns, putting them away. Richie and Keith step out into the open.

    LONNIE: What in hell are you two doing hanging around my house?

    RICHIE: We were just stopping by to visit. Damn. Are you this defensive with all guests at your home?

    LONNIE: Yes. Now, why don’t you answer me a question? What were you guys doing at the fund raiser tonight?

    RICHIE: Just hanging out, man.

    KEITH: Yeah. Just hanging out.

    LONNIE: And you had nothing to do with that fire that happened there?

    RICHIE: Why would we do something like that? Your sister was like OUR sister.

    LONNIE: Maybe because you went on and on about how you had something big planned for tonight. You had better hope that wasn’t it.

    RICHIE: I promise you. We had nothing to do with it. We were going to steal Father Stanton’s car. Too many people were there, though. We’re innocent.

    KEITH: Yeah. We’re innocent.

    RICHIE: You’ve changed, man. Geez. We’ll catch you later.

    KEITH: Yeah. Later.

    Richie and Keith exit, angry at the accusations. Lonnie exits into the house. We cut to Haddonfield Lake. A car is parked nearby. GARRY and SUE are by the river. Garry is skipping stones on the water as Sue looks up at the moon.

    SUE: That was some crazy stuff with the fire tonight.

    GARRY: I think it was somebody’s idea of a sick joke.

    SUE: This town is so weird. There’s always something crazy going on.

    GARRY: Don is probably at home enjoying every minute of it.

    SUE: Don is a jerk.

    GARRY: Yeah. I’ll have to agree with you there.

    Sue spots something in the water.

    SUE: Do you see that?

    GARRY: What?

    SUE: There’s something out in the water.

    Garry looks and sees it.

    GARRY: It’s probably an old tire or something.

    SUE: I don’t know. It looks too big to be a tire.

    GARRY: Yeah. Now that you say that, I see it. Let me get out there and see what it is.

    SUE: Be careful. We don’t want you being swept out into the lake by a monster.

    GARRY: In this town, that wouldn’t surprise me.

    Garry steps out into the lake, wading out to the object. Not much can be seen in the moonlight as Garry gets closer.

    SUE: Is it scaly and fire-breathing?

    GARRY: We shall see.

    Garry reaches the object and grabs it, pulling it towards him. It falls on top of him. Garry comes face to face with the dead body of a woman, staring him dead in the face, eyes open, but eyeballs missing. Garry yells.

    GARRY: Oh, my God!

    Garry throws the body off of him and quickly runs to shore as Sue worriedly watches him.

    SUE: What is it?

    GARRY: Jesus Christ! Call the sheriff! It’s a body!

    We cut to the Blankenship boarding house, where Tommy and Lindsey are cuddled on Lindsey’s bed.

    LINDSEY: I miss the old times, Tommy. I remember back when things got bad and we could just walk across the street to make our troubles go away. It’s not as easy as it used to be. We have to run from city to city now.

    TOMMY: We’re getting old and having to grow up.

    LINDSEY: Do you ever plan to leave Haddonfield?

    TOMMY: Not until I find out the truth about what happened to Jamie Lloyd.

    LINDSEY: Tommy, maybe you should let that go. You know? It’s not enough that he took all of our friends from high school. I don’t want him taking you, too.

    TOMMY: If someone doesn’t do something, he’s going to keep coming back, and all of their deaths will be for nothing. No. I think I need to keep up the search.

    LINDSEY: I wish you’d move to Chicago with me. I miss having you around.

    TOMMY: I miss you, too, Lindsey, but this is something I have to do.

    LINDSEY: If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.

    TOMMY: Of course. If I ever do leave, I’ll know right where to go.

    She smiles as they kiss passionately. Tommy finally pulls away and stands.

    TOMMY: I’d better get to my room or I’ll never want to leave. Why is it so cold in here? Mrs. Blankenship is going to have to cut that out.

    LINDSEY: It feels fine to me. You don’t have to leave, you know.

    TOMMY: You need some rest. You haven’t been feeling well tonight. I think its best that we sleep in separate rooms.

    LINDSEY: If you say so. Oh, and thanks for defending me tonight against Vincent. That could have been a bad situation.

    TOMMY: If Lonnie hadn’t shown up, I might have been killed.

    LINDSEY: Yes. Lonnie. I remember back in the days when he used to have a thing for me.

    TOMMY: It was more like an obsession. He was crazy about you, but you never gave him a chance.

    LINDSEY: I’d never choose him over you. I remember for a while I was scared of him. He was almost stalker material.

    TOMMY: I remember. I think he’s changed a little.

    LINDSEY: Are you sure?

    TOMMY: No. I still don’t trust the guy.

    LINDSEY: Yeah. He’s cunning, that Lonnie. He could be putting up an act and you’d never even know it. Don’t you think?

    TOMMY: I suppose. He’s good at that. You can never really tell what’s going through his mind.

    LINDSEY: I guess I can thank him for you still being alive, huh?

    TOMMY: Guess so. I guess I’ll go to bed now. Good night, Lindsey.

    LINDSEY: Good night, Tommy.

    He kisses her passionately once again before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. Lindsey sits for a second and grabs the phone off the bedside table. We cut to the Elamb home. Lonnie is walking through the house. He opens the door to his father’s bedroom. His father is not home. Lonnie shakes his head as the phone begins ringing. He walks over and answers it. We split the screen to see Lindsey on the other end.

    LONNIE: Hello?

    LINDSEY: Lonnie, hi. It’s Lindsey.

    LONNIE (confused): Lindsey? Hi. What’s going on?

    LINDSEY: Tommy went to bed and I can’t sleep, so I was wondering if you would come by. We can catch up on old times. We haven’t really had a chance to talk.

    LONNIE: Uh, sure. I guess. You want me to come over there?

    LINDSEY: Yeah. I’m in the room across from Tommy’s. Make sure you’re quiet. He seemed pretty beat.

    LONNIE: Okay. Sure. I’ll see you in a bit.

    LINDSEY: Okay. Bye.

    LONNIE: Bye.

    Lonnie hangs up the phone, shakes his head in confusion, and walks off. We cut to Debra, in her car, heading towards her home. As she drives by the lake, she sees a bunch of police cars with lights on out on the shore. She pulls over and gets out of the car, running over to see Garry and Sue, who are watching nearby, curled up in a blanket. Several deputies, along with Sheriff Cody, are in the water.

    DEBRA: What happened?

    SUE: Garry found a body out in the water. It’s some woman.

    GARRY: She had her eyeballs gouged out. It was disgusting.

    DEBRA: Thanks.

    Debra hurriedly runs over to look at the body. Sheriff Cody sees her.

    CODY: Hey, hey! No civilians!

    Cody moves to back her up as she sees the deputies turn over the body. She recognizes it as Joyce Kanyon. She gasps in amazament.

    DEBRA: Oh, dear God! It’s Joyce Kanyon!

    CODY: Get back! Out of the way!

    Debra covers her mouth and runs away from the scene as the deputies continue to get Joyce’s body out of the lake. Cody turns to the deputies.

    CODY: Damn it! Another homicide in Haddonfield. Will it ever end?

    Cody shakes his head. We cut to the Blankenship home, where Tommy is sleeping. Suddenly, his phone rings. He quickly wakes up and answers it. We cut to a split screen and see Vincent Adriano on the other end.

    TOMMY: Hello?

    VINCENT: Mr. Doyle, may I speak with Lindsey?

    TOMMY: Who is this?

    VINCENT: It’s Vincent.

    TOMMY: She doesn’t want to talk to you. How did you get this number?

    VINCENT: Calm down. I just want to make sure she’s alright. She’s been sick, you know. I just want to make sure she hasn’t gotten worse.

    TOMMY: What do you mean she’s been sick?

    VINCENT: Yeah. Extreme insomnia. Blackouts. Nightmares. She’s been having problems. You didn’t know?

    TOMMY: Do you know what time it is?

    VINCENT: I just want to make sure she’s okay.

    TOMMY: She’s fine, and she’ll stay that way as long as you are out of her life. Goodbye and don’t call back here again.

    Tommy hangs up the phone. He shakes his head and goes back to sleep. We cut to downstairs, where Lonnie has just entered the house. He looks around to see the downstairs area empty and dimly lit. He walks up the stairs and down the hallway. He walks over to Lindsey’s room and lightly knocks.

    LONNIE: Lindsey? It’s Lonnie.

    No answer. He tries the knob. It opens and he goes inside to a room lit only by a few candles.

    LONNIE: Lindsey?

    Out of the shadows steps Lindsey, wearing only a skimpy night gown. She smiles at him.

    LINDSEY: I’m glad you made it. We have a lot of catching up to do.

    She walks over, shutting the door behind him and pins him against the wall, kissing him. Lonnie is taken by complete surprise, and resists at first, but eventually gives in. He begins kissing her back as she pulls him back towards the bed, kissing him with deep passion. She sits on the edge of the bed and looks up at him, smiling.

    LONNIE: Lindsey, what are you doing?

    LINDSEY: What we’ve both always wanted to do.

    She begins unbuttoning his pants.

    LONNIE: No. We can’t. You’re with Tommy. You’re HIS girlfriend.

    Lindsey grabs his hand and puts it on her bosom.

    LINDSEY: Come on, Lonnie. I know you want me. I know you’ve always wanted me. I want you, too.

    LONNIE: Oh, God. Please stop.

    She stands up again, kissing him. He tries to resist, but is puddy in her hands as she pulls him onto the bed. They kiss passionately once again, but Lonnie pulls away, jumping off the bed.

    LONNIE: Lindsey, I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I can’t. I can’t believe you would do this to Tommy!

    LINDSEY: Then you won’t believe what’s about to happen next.

    Lindsey smiles at him and rips the strap on her night gown. Lonnie frowns.

    LONNIE: What are you doing?

    Lindsey reaches up and scratches her neck, leaving bloody scratch marks. She then begins screaming.

    LINDSEY: Tommy, help me! Tommy! To-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-y-y!

    Lonnie’s eyes widen and he backs up in fear, not sure of what she is doing. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Tommy flips on the light.

    TOMMY: What’s wrong? What’s going on in here?!

    LONNIE: That’s what I’d like to know.

    LINDSEY: He attacked me, Tommy! He’s trying to rape me! He’s trying to force himself on me!

    Lonnie worriedly looks at Tommy, who looks at him with anger.

    TOMMY: You did what?!

    LONNIE: I didn’t do anything!

    TOMMY: You haven’t changed a bit, have you?!

    LONNIE: I don’t know what she’s talking about, man! SHE came on to ME!

    LINDSEY: He’s lying, Tommy! He snuck in while I was sleeping! I told you he was obsessed with me!

    TOMMY: You bastard! I’ll rip you apart!

    Tommy grabs Lonnie and shoves him back against the wall, knocking a picture down.

    LONNIE: Listen to me, man! She’s lying! I don’t know why, but she is!

    LINDSEY: Tommy, have I ever lied to you before? Why would I start now?

    LONNIE: What are you doing, Lindsey?! Tommy, she’s crazy!

    TOMMY: Give me a break! You’ve wanted her since we were kids! She would never lie to me!

    LONNIE: You bitch!

    Tommy pulls back and decks Lonnie with a right. Lonnie falls back, landing on a table, breaking it on impact. Lonnie is still for a second before sitting up. Tommy walks towards him in a rage.

    LONNIE: Tommy, don’t do this!

    Tommy jerks Lonnie up by his shirt. He nails Lonnie with another right, sending him back against the wall. Lonnie gets enraged and nails Tommy with a right in return, sending him staggering back. Lonnie yells and charges Tommy, tackling him, sending them both out into the hall and into the ground.

    LONNIE: Stop it, man!

    Tommy shoves Lonnie off of him as Lindsey comes running out into the hall, watching. Tommy stands and charges Lonnie, who catches Tommy by his arm and flips him over to the ground. Tommy quickly recovers as people begin coming out of their rooms.

    TENANT #1: What the hell is going on out here?

    TENANT #2: Keep it down out there!

    Lonnie swings at Tommy with a right, but Tommy ducks and nails Lonnie in the stomach with a right. Lonnie doubles over and is met with a left to his jaw, sending him sprawling down the stairs.

    LINDSEY: Tommy, stop!

    Several tenants have come out and are watching the fight as Tommy charges down the steps and springs onto Lonnie. He hits him with a thud and they ram into the door, knocking it from its hinges, and sending them into the front yard. Everyone runs outside as Lonnie and Tommy both stand.

    LONNIE: I didn’t do it!

    TOMMY: Liar! I should have never trusted you!

    Tommy swings with a right, but Lonnie blocks it with his left arm and sends Tommy to the ground with a right fist to his jaw. The tenants of the building now run outside and grab both Lonnie and Tommy, keeping them apart. They both try to break free to get to the other.

    LONNIE: She’s a lying bitch, Tommy! Don’t listen to her!

    TOMMY: The only one I never should have listened to was you!

    Police cars pull up, sirens blazing. Deputies BREANAN and RYAN get out of the car.

    BREANAN: What’s going on, people?!

    TOMMY: It’s him! Arrest him for attempted rape!

    LONNIE: You’ll be making a big mistake!

    RYAN: Who was raped?

    LINDSEY: He tried to rape ME! I want to press charges! Arrest him! Now!

    LONNIE: Why are you doing this?!!!!

    BREANAN: Lonnie Elamb, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

    Ryan puts handcuffs on Lonnie, who glares at Lindsey with hatred.

    BREANAN: You have the right to attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

    LONNIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know my rights. I’ve heard them before. Let’s get this show on the road.

    RYAN: We’ll need a statement from you, ma’am.

    LINDSEY: Sure. No problem.

    BREANAN: Come on, Lonnie. Let’s get you down to the station.

    LONNIE: Home sweet home.

    Breanan leads Lonnie away as Lindsey is comforted by Tommy.

    LINDSEY: Why would he do that to me, Tommy?

    TOMMY: I don’t know, but he’s gone. I’ll never let him see you again. I promise.

    Tommy holds Lindsey tightly as tears fall from her face. We cut to ‘St. Luke’s Catholic Church’, where Father Gabe Murphy is frantically trying to decipher the translation of the ancient scrolls. He finishes what he is doing and looks down at his translation. Sister Mary Aquinas opens the door and enters the room.

    MARY: The sisters are turning in for the night, Father Murphy. You will be the only one awake. Please remember to turn off the lights on your way out.

    FR. MURPHY: Sister Mary, call Father Stanton at once. He has to see this.

    Mary walks over and looks at the scrolls, reading the words he has translated. Her eyes widen.

    MARY: Are you sure?

    FR. MURPHY: Do it. Please.

    MARY: Yes, Father Murphy.

    Mary runs from the room, leaving Father Murphy to stare at the words in disbelief. He blesses himself and begins praying. We cut to later at the Blankenship Boarding House. Tommy is tucking Lindsey into her bed.

    TOMMY: Are you sure that you’re going to be okay in here alone?

    LINDSEY: I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to worry.

    TOMMY: I can’t believe I trusted that guy.

    LINDSEY: Some people are just beyond help. You gave him a chance and he failed you. There’s no shame in that.

    TOMMY: I’m just sorry you got hurt.

    LINDSEY: No harm done. You’re my knight in shining armor.

    Lindsey smiles at him. He caresses her face.

    TOMMY: If you need me, don’t hesitate to come and get me. Okay?

    LINDSEY: Of course. Good night, Tommy.

    They kiss. Tommy smiles, shuts off the light, and exits, shutting the door behind him. We cut to the Haddonfield Police Department. Debra enters the station and walks to the front desk. Deputy BREANAN is there.

    DEBRA: Hi. I’m here to see Lonnie Elamb. He called me and told me he was here.

    BREANAN: Yes, he is, but he’s not getting any visitors.

    DEBRA: I have to see him.

    BREANAN: Are you his lawyer?

    DEBRA: No. I’m a friend.

    BREANAN: And you admit that, in a public place?

    Breanan smiles at her and she lets out a little laugh.

    DEBRA: Sounds ridiculous, I know, but it’s urgent that I see him.

    Breanan looks around the station and back at her.

    BREANAN: I’ll tell you what. Cody is out tending to that dead body we found in the lake. If you promise not to tell anyone, I can sneak you in.

    DEBRA: I promise, and thank you very much.

    BREANAN: If he tries to hurt you, you scream for me. Got it?

    DEBRA: I think I’ll be okay. Thanks.

    BREANAN: Follow me.

    We cut to a few minutes later. Lonnie is seated in his cell, staring up at the ceiling, obviously very upset. We hear someone walk up, followed by Debra’s voice.

    DEBRA: In trouble again, huh?

    Lonnie sits up and looks at Debra. He walks over to the cell door.

    LONNIE: Thanks for coming.

    DEBRA: What did you do this time?

    LONNIE: I didn’t do anything.

    DEBRA: No, really. There’s no one around. You can tell me.

    LONNIE: I didn’t do ANYTHING. I’m serious.

    DEBRA: No. Come on. What’d you do? Steal an old lady’s purse? Jay walking? No, no. I know. You finally got caught trying to sell my body on the street.

    LONNIE: No. I gave that up. Couldn’t get any buyers. Once they saw the picture, they laughed and walked off.

    DEBRA: Really, Lonnie. What did they get you for?

    LONNIE: Attempted rape.

    DEBRA: What?

    LONNIE: I’m innocent, Debra. You’ve got to believe me.

    DEBRA: Lonnie, tell me what happened.

    LONNIE: After you dropped me off, I got a phone call from Lindsey. She invited me over, said something about insomnia and catching up on old times, so I went over there, and as soon as I walk through her door, she’s all over me.

    DEBRA: Oh, brother. I was believing you up until that point.

    LONNIE: I’m serious, Debra! Listen to me!

    Debra looks at him, realizing he is serious.

    DEBRA: You must be serious if you are calling me by my correct name. Okay. I’m sorry. Go on.

    LONNIE: She’s coming on to me like gang busters, and it takes every piece of power in my body to resist. I stopped her. Next thing I know, she’s screaming bloody murder, Tommy’s busting through the door, and we’re brawling in the streets. Lindsey set me up, Debra.

    DEBRA: You’re serious. Aren’t you?

    LONNIE: Yes. I couldn’t believe it. I was dumbfounded. Debra, I could go to jail for this, and this time I really AM innocent.

    DEBRA: Why would Lindsey do that?

    LONNIE: I don’t know! The only thing I can come up with is that maybe she’s deeper in with Vincent than we thought, and it really made her angry when I crossed Vincent tonight.

    DEBRA: I don’t buy it.

    LONNIE: You don’t believe me, either?

    Debra looks into his eyes.

    DEBRA: Of course I believe you.

    LONNIE: You do?

    DEBRA: You may be a lot of things, Lonnie Elamb, but you’re no rapist.

    Lonnie closes his eyes in relief. Tears come from his eyes.

    LONNIE: Thank you for believing in me.

    Debra grips his hands in hers.

    DEBRA: You have a good heart. It may be made of stone, but it’s a good one.

    LONNIE: Thank you, I think.

    DEBRA: There’s more. They found Joyce Kanyon in the lake tonight.

    LONNIE: Dead?

    DEBRA: Not just dead. Eyes gouged out. I’ll know more later, but she’s definitely dead.

    LONNIE: Listen. Get ahold of my father. He can help me get out of here.

    DEBRA: Of course. Anything else?

    LONNIE: Watch Tommy and make sure Lindsey doesn’t pull a fast one on him like she did me.

    DEBRA: You guys spoke of her as if she were perfect. Why would she do what she did?

    LONNIE: I don’t know. Lately, I have no idea what’s going on anymore. You’d better get going.

    DEBRA: Yeah. I’ll be back tomorrow. Okay?

    LONNIE: Thank you.

    DEBRA: Try and get some sleep. Okay?

    Lonnie nods as Debra turns and exits. Lonnie watches her go as we cut to ‘St. Luke’s Catholic Church’. Father Gabe Murphy is seated in his office as the door opens. Another priest, FATHER TOM STANTON, enters.

    FR. STANTON: Sister Mary said it was urgent that I see you.

    FR. MURPHY: It is very urgent. I won’t even try and describe to you through my own mouth. I’ll just ask you to read what is before me.

    Father Stanton walks over, curious and cautious at the same time. He looks down at the scrolls and reads the translation done by Father Murphy next to him.

    FR. STANTON (reading): For it is written, that in the days of great sorrow, in the land of Hayden, there will be a battle for the souls of the village.

    As he continues, we cut to various images happening at the same time. First, we see Joyce Kanyon being put into a body bag. Cody stares down at the gruesome dead woman.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): The woman who sees the evil first will be lost, and her sight will be taken from her. Her sacrifice will trigger the beginning of war. It will mark the arrival of the beast.

    Cody reaches down and zips up the body bag, covering her up.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): The beast will bring great evil with it and cause tears to flow in the streets of Hayden.

    We cut to outside the church, where the fire department are picking through the remains of the burnt fund raiser site. The head fireman shakes his head as we see Richard and Darlene Corruthers crying at the site of the fire.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): It will desecrate any forms of goodness and bring deception into the lives of the innocent.

    We cut to Lonnie, who is in prison. A single tear falls from his eye.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): It will be friend against friend, brother against brother.

    We cut to Tommy, who is looking out his window, depressed about he events of the evening.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): Some shall oppose the beast and see through its lies and treachery.

    We cut to Debra, who is driving home in the lonely night, alone on the deserted streets.

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): They should all stand strong, for the end is coming. On a night that sees destruction by weather, crime will run rampant in the streets, and a great battle between good and evil will be fought.

    We cut to Lindsey, who is asleep in her bed. We see her tossing and turning, with brief flashes on the screen. We see her scratch her neck and scream. We see her at the fund raiser, standing next to the homeless man, who hands her a match. She lights it, smiles widely, and throws it onto the table. It lights up with fire. She smiles and then screams ‘Fire!’

    FR. STANTON (v. o.): So it is written, and so it shall come to pass.

    Suddenly, in present time, Lindsey begins rising into the air, seemingly levitating, straight as a board. We hear eerie music, followed by the sudden awakening of Lindsey, who opens her eyes to reveal them to be solid yellow. She gets an evil grin on her face, and it is followed by a deep, demonic laugh. As she laughs, we split the screen into five sections: Lonnie, looking out of his cell with tears, Debra driving in the night, Tommy staring out his window, Father Murphy praying to God, and in the middle we have Lindsey, possessed by a demon, laughing.

    LINDSEY: Hello, Haddonfield. Goodbye, peace.

    Freeze split-screen, as we see the anguish of the main characters frozen in time. The laughter is still heard. ‘TO BE CONTINUED...’ appears on the screen.

    Roll End Credits over Halloween Tune

    Next week: Episode 11: The Beast Within (A.K.A The Girl Next Door Part 3)

    5/23/2002 10:52:40 PM

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