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    Knowing there would be a third movie and he would not direct, Spielberg 'selfishly' (his word) put a dinos-on-the-mainland sequence into TLW.
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    Halloween: The Series 1X08
    By aragorn_8

    Halloween: The Series.
    Episode Eight: The Seed of Evil Part Two.

    We open in darkness and hear Tommy’s voice.

    TOMMY: I have no idea what Debra’s got me into this time.

    We fade in to show Tommy locked in a cell. We then flash to the image of a pod. We see Debra, Kiela, Winston and Toby standing around it.

    DEBRA: Who asked you? Is this pod really worth killing over and the risk you put yourselves in?

    KIELA: It is actually. The studies we have conducted show that this pod could not have existed in the Antarctic at any point. Combined with further testing Toby here has deduced that it must have arrived on this planet from space.

    DEBRA: Space…

    KIELA: This pod is an alien organism and is unique to this world. And it is mine, no one shall be allowed to take it from me.

    WINSTON: What do you want me to do with her Mr Kiela?

    KIELA: She’s going to help us with an experiment.

    Kiela grabs Debra’s hand and lays it across the table by the pod which starts to throb. He gets Guard2 to hold her still.

    DEBRA: What are you doing?

    TOBY: Mr Kiela, you can’t do this!

    KIELA: Silence Toby! The pod is ready to germinate and I for one am interested in the results. You, my dear Debra, are going to be the host to this world’s newest plant life.

    We close up on the fear in Debra’s eyes as the pod begins to burst open. The Halloween Theme begins to play. The screen goes blank and the theme continues to play as the camera rises up over Haddonfield. A Jack-o-Lantern appears, an evil grin on it, and the titles come up:

    HALLOWEEN: The Series.

    The music becomes a very rock and roll like version of the music and various images from the series fly up. The cast characters are named as Tommy Doyle, Debra Loomis and Lonnie Elamb.

    We open with a close up shot of the Pod. As it throbs Debra tries to struggle to no avail as Kiela looks on in wonder. Winston stands emotionless and Toby looks very panicked.

    DEBRA: Please, no.

    Suddenly the door behind them bursts open and Lonnie charges in! He grabs a large shovel and smacks it around the skull of Guard2 who falls to the floor releasing Debra. Before Winston can react she kicks him in the groin and he goes down. Kiela backs away as Lonnie whacks Toby, who falls down, before grabbing Debra and darting from the room. Winston slowly picks himself up.

    KIELA: Don’t just stand there! Get after them!

    Winston draws a gun and runs from the room. We cut to Toby and see from his POV. Everything is blurred but we shake our head and look up from the floor. We put our hand on the side to help lift us up.
    We see Toby pull himself up, he doesn’t realise he is right next to the pod. Suddenly it splits and the vine wraps itself up his arm. He cries out in fear before falling back.

    KIELA: Toby!

    Toby looks in fear at his arm, a green tint is spreading across him.

    TOBY: He.. help me.

    Kiela looks at him in wonder.

    KIELA: You have been chosen. Toby, this is a great honour!

    TOBY: What are you on about? You have to get me to a hospital, I’m sick. You have to help me.

    KIELA: I will, Toby, I will. Leonard!

    Another scientist, Leonard, runs into the room and stands in shock at the sight of Toby.

    LEONARD: What happened?

    KIELA: Toby has had an accident, please escort him to my private chambers.

    TOBY: But you have to take me to a hospital!

    KIELA: We’ll look after you here Toby.

    Toby is too weak to resist and so allows Leonard to lead him off. We close up on the smiling face of Kiela.

    We cut to Lonnie and Debra frantically darting through the building. They go through a door into a large outside garden.

    DEBRA: Which way?

    LONNIE: Does it matter?

    They spot a small stone monument as they run and head over to it. They look over and Lonnie notices a gap underneath it covered by plant life. Moving the foliage away it reveals a small cove which they clamber into. They both let their breath return.

    DEBRA: Do you think they saw us come here?

    LONNIE: I doubt that. At least we know it is the pod they have.

    DEBRA: They tried to infect me…

    LONNIE: Yeah, they did. Still, you’re all right. I wonder if it got anyone else?

    DEBRA: I don’t know, it could be dormant again for all we know. What are we going to do now? Winston said they had Tommy locked up when they found me so he’s in danger… They might try and infect him!

    LONNIE: There’s nothing we can do for him, we have to get out of here.

    DEBRA: We can’t just leave him. I’ll go back and find him.

    LONNIE: Wait a moment Debbie, it’s too dangerous. Look, I’ll go get the pod right? We know where it is and then they can’t infect Tommy can they?

    DEBRA: You’d do that?

    LONNIE: I guess, as long as you promise to stay here. I don’t want you getting yourself in any kind of trouble, understood?

    DEBRA: Sure, but you will be careful won’t you?

    LONNIE: I’m touched that you care. Maybe when this is all over we could go and have a victory sh…

    DEBRA: Not on your life.

    LONNIE: Worth a try.

    Lonnie glances around to make sure everything is clear and then darts out across the garden. Debra watches him go, a look of respect on her face, and then she slips back into the undergrowth.

    We cut to show a couple of guards enter the garden area brandishing submachine guns; they begin to search around.

    We then see Lonnie sneaking back inside the building and creeping towards the laboratory making sure he isn’t spotted by anyone on the way. He narrowly misses walking into a guard before heading on.

    We cut back to Debra hiding in the undergrowth. She peers out only to see two guards marching past. She quickly ducks back into cover.

    DEBRA: Close.

    She again looks out only to see the infected form of Toby being dragged into a secondary building by Leonard. As they disappear inside she looks about and, seeing the coast is clear, runs in pursuit.

    We cut back to Lonnie in the laboratory, he is walking over to the desk where the remains of the pod sit. He looks down at them with concern on his face.

    LONNIE: Shit, this is not good.

    Suddenly we here the cocking of a gun from behind. Lonnie spins around to face Winston who is aiming his weapon at him.

    WINSTON: Just like a criminal to return to the scene of the crime. Big mistake.

    LONNIE: You’re one to talk. I’m not the one who stole the world’s most dangerous salad and then let it hatch. Who’d it get anyway?

    WINSTON: Poor Toby. I always told him to grow a backbone but once he’s a vegetable, or whatever, he won’t need one.

    LONNIE: You’re one sick guy, you know that? And that’s coming from me.

    WINSTON: Yeah, well, I live with myself. Now come on, I got a surprise for you.

    Winston gestures for Lonnie to leave. As they walk out of the laboratory Winston glares at his prisoner.

    WINSTON: And no funny business.

    We cut to see Toby strapped down on a cabin bed in Kiela’s private quarters. Leonard finishes tightening the restraints and then stands back to admire his handiwork. Kiela walks into the room behind him.

    KIELA: Toby, how are we feeling?

    TOBY: Y..you, you can’t do this to me. You have to, have to get me to a hos.. hospital. Leonard please.

    LEONARD: I’m sure Mr Kiela knows best.

    TOBY: But… you…you can’t just leave me.

    KIELA: Toby, understand, we are on the verge on a great scientific break through. The birth of a whole new life form.

    He turns to Leonard.

    KIELA: Go and prepare some food for Toby. The plant material will need to absorb all the minerals it can.

    LEONARD: Of course Mr Kiela.

    He leaves the room. Kiela turns and smiles as Toby before exiting himself. Toby screams after him.

    TOBY: Kiela! Kiela! Kielaaaaaa!

    We cut back inside the main building; we see a large iron door being forced open. Lonnie is shoved through followed by Winston. Against the right wall is a vast machine; a conveyor belt leads forward into great grinders that are processing various garden waste.

    LONNIE: Nice. This is where you make your compost I take it.

    WINSTON: Mr Kiela doesn’t like to let anything go to waste. Left over food, weeds, dead plants, all of it, goes through here and back into the garden.

    LONNIE: So he looks after the environment. What a great guy.

    WINSTON: Sarcasm to a man with a loaded weapon is dangerous.

    LONNIE: So what are we doing here? The grand tour?

    WINSTON: As I said Mr Kiela wastes nothing. Nothing at all, everything that needs disposing of goes into the garden. We always need a fresh supply of fertiliser.

    A look of understanding and almost fear crosses Lonnie’s face as Winston indicates for a guard to tie him up.

    We cut to Debra who is entering the separate building. We follow her as she creeps through an entrance hall and up a spiral staircase. She reaches a door at top and listens a while. Hearing nothing she enters.

    Debra gasps in horror at the site before her; Toby is tied down across a cabin bed, only his face is recognisably human. He notices her at once.

    TOBY: You.

    DEBRA: Oh my God…

    TOBY: You should be happy, this could have been you. I expect you think I deserve this.

    DEBRA: No. Nobody deserves this. Kiela has to be stopped and I need Lonnie and Tommy’s help in doing that. Do you know where they are?

    TOBY: I... I might. If you untie me we could go together.

    DEBRA: You know I can’t do that.

    TOBY: I won’t hurt you!

    DEBRA: You might not mean to but you would.

    TOBY: You’re as bad as Kiela! You want me to die don’t you! You want this to happen to me!

    Suddenly we hear footsteps and Debra darts through another door leading to a bathroom. She hides in there as a door swings open and Leonard comes in with a tray of various cooked meats.

    LEONARD: Toby, I’ve brought some food for you.

    We cut to a close up of Toby who stretches out for the meat.

    We cut to the fertiliser room; Lonnie is tied down to the conveyor belt behind a quantity of other waste, he is also gagged. He mumbles for help as Winston leaves the room; slowly but surely he is moving towards the deadly jaws.

    Leonard leaves the and Debra creeps out, she looks at Toby who appears to be sleeping. Very little of him is left. She shakes her head sadly before heading out of the room.

    Back in the crusher room Lonnie struggles hopelessly. Suddenly the door swings open and Tommy stumbles in. Relief crosses Lonnie’s face.
    Then Kiela and a guard enter behind him.

    TOMMY: Lonnie!

    KIELA: He’s privileged, he is about to become a part of the great plant kingdom. As are you.

    TOMMY: You’re insane.

    KIELA: I? I who has protected over a hundred species of plants from extinction at the hands of mankind? I who protect and nurture them as if they were my own children? All you do is kill and devour, I exist in balance with the very forces of nature. You, my friend, are the insane one. Tie him up.

    TOMMY: You won’t get away with this!

    The guard twists Tommy’s arm and ties his hands. He is then bundled on to the end of the conveyor and strapped down a little way behind Lonnie. Kiela steps back and smiles as he watches.

    KIELA: I shall enjoy watching your deaths.

    Suddenly Leonard bursts in panicking!

    LEONARD: Mr Kiela!

    KIELA: What is it Leonard?

    LEONARD: I just went to check on Toby and.. and he’s gone!

    KIELA: What! Come with me!

    All of them rush out of the room leaving Lonnie and Tommy to die alone. They try to struggle but it’s no good.

    We cut to the grounds. A bush rustles and then a vast mass of vegetation moves forward; still obviously the shape of a man but no features left. Toby is gone and all that is left is the Alien Plant.

    Lonnie is now inches from the grinders, his face is distorted into a grimace as he waits for the inevitable. Suddenly Debra bursts into the room. She looks around before slamming a switch up and shutting the machine down. As one of the blades slows to a halt it scrapes the sole off Lonnie’s shoe; he was inches from death. She quickly unties Tommy.

    DEBRA: You alright?

    TOMMY: I never been so glad to see anyone before in my whole life.

    She rushes over and helps Lonnie.

    LONNIE: Not keeping it to the last minute I see!

    DEBRA: Hey, a thanks would have done.

    LONNIE: We have to get out of here!

    TOMMY: But what about Toby? If he’s loose the plant is probably in full control which means we’re in a hell of a lot of trouble.

    LONNIE: We can work that out later, for now let’s just get away from this nut house.

    DEBRA: I’m with Lonnie, let’s go!

    The three of them flee the room. They head down the corridor and find the exit into the grounds, it is now quite dark. Suddenly three guards spot them.

    LONNIE: Crap!

    They quickly run behind a separating wall and head into the woodlands. The guards give chase. We see Winston exit the building. He sees them and follows.

    The chase occurs through the dense wood, machine gun bullets send splinters everywhere. Tommy trips and stumbles before hitting the floor. Debra and Lonnie turn to help him.

    DEBRA: Come on!

    TOMMY: Oh Christ…

    They turn to see what he is looking at. A vast mass of tendrils and vegetation is snaking its way towards them. The Alien plant is now about the size of a van and all signs that it was once human are gone.

    LONNIE: I never thought I’d go out this way!

    Winston and the guards suddenly run up in front of them and begin shooting the creature. It has no effect, a tendril flies out and wraps itself around one of the guards. He falls back and is dragged into the mass and is engulfed.

    LONNIE: Leg it!

    The whole group turns and runs with the mass, seemingly growing before are eyes, glides after them like a giant slug. Plants part and make way for it and shake and move as it passes as if it has some power over them.

    TOMMY: In there!

    They spot Kiela’s personal building and run into it slamming the door behind them. The two guards starts piling stuff up against the door.

    WINSTON: What… what the hell…

    LONNIE: I’ll think you’ll find that was your friend Toby, am I right Debbie?

    DEBRA: Pretty much. He’s frankly a goner, the plant is the thing in charge now.

    WINSTON: This is madness!

    Winston’s radio link goes off and we hear Kiela’s voice.

    KIELA (VO): Winston, Winston, are you there?

    WINSTON: Here Mr Kiela. Look that plant thing is huge, at least the size of a truck now! It’s got us penned up in your personal quarters.

    KIELA (VO): I understand.

    WINSTON: I don’t think you do, this thing’s out for blood. Ours!

    KIELA (VO): Look Winston, you mustn’t harm it! People are replaceable but this plant is unique.

    Lonnie grabs the phone off Winston.

    LONNIE: Kiela listen, thins thing’s psycho…

    It goes dead. Lonnie passes it back to Winston.

    LONNIE: The arse hung up. What do we do now?

    Suddenly a large tendril bursts through the window and smacks Tommy back against a wall, he falls unconscious. It flays about as other smaller tendrils attempt to gain access. Debra looks around for a weapon and sees the open fire. She grabs a piece of burning wood and scorches the tendril. It recoils in pain.

    DEBRA: Of course, fire! If we can make some kind of explosives…

    WINSTON & LONNIE: I can do that.

    They look at each other with raised eyebrows.

    DEBRA: Good, I got an idea to get us out of here. It could also possibly help us defeat the organism outside. I need both of you with me if we’re going to pull this off; Winston, can I rely on you?

    WINSTON: For now.

    DEBRA: Alright, this is what we’re going to do.

    We cut to the laboratory where Kiela is putting film into a camera; Leonard comes up to him.

    LEONARD: What are you doing sir?

    KIELA: I am going to get the world’s first photo’s of not only a new species of plant but also of an alien organism.

    LEONARD: You’re going out there with that thing? Mr Kiela, I must advise you against that, it seems highly dangerous!

    KIELA: Don’t fuss Leonard, I have no reason to fear. Now stay here, I will return soon.

    He swings open the lab door and leaves, it slams shut behind him. We see a look of concern on Leonard’s face.

    We cut back to the private quarters. We see Lonnie stuffing a rag into a empty beer bottle and then putting it down with a number of others. The windows are completely entwined by vegetation as if the whole building is being smothered.

    LONNIE: That’s all we can make.

    DEBRA: You sure?

    WINSTON: I’m damn sure now lets get the hell out of here before that thing decided to come in and get us!

    DEBRA: I’d watch your testosterone levels if I were you Winston. Alright, everyone grab a petrol bomb and light them!

    Everyone in the room like the explosives and rush to different points. Debra grabs the handle to the main entrance and tears it open. We see the creature that was Toby coming forward, it is now the size of a truck.

    DEBRA: Now!

    They throw the bombs forward at the creature and the various plants around. The explosions set vegetation on fire yet the actually creature seems not to burn. Still, the heat drives it back a distance and the group flee out into the grounds.

    DEBRA: Hurry Lonnie!

    He nods and heads across towards a parked car, the others turn and head towards the lab building. The creature quickly recovers and a tentacle shoots out and grabs one of the guards; he is dragged back to his death.

    Inside the lab we see Leonard sitting, looking worried. Suddenly Winston and Debra burst in and slam the door behind them.

    LEONARD: What’s going on?

    WINSTON: Where’s Kiela?

    LEONARD: He went out for pictures.

    DEBRA: He what?

    LEONARD: Look, this is getting insane; what is going on out there?

    DEBRA: The creature has grown huge, given time it could break in here!

    We hear a cracking sound and everyone turns to see vegetation sliding through the gaps in the door and covering the windows.

    WINSTON: Is it just me or did those vines just move?

    We cut to see Kiela approaching the plant creature, a look of pure wonder is spreading across his face. It is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He lifts his camera and begins to take photographs of the creature.

    KIELA: Beautiful… simply beautiful…

    The creature stirs and twists around to face Kiela, or at least it appears to as it has no features. It is simply a vast mass of tendrils and vines writhing like a sea of snakes. The creature tends a tendril out and wraps itself around Kiela.

    KIELA: Not me! I’m here to help… I want to help.

    A number of smaller vines wrap themselves around his head and compress. His face twists in pain but suddenly they let go and Kiela is released to the floor. The creature seems to indicate the laboratory building before resuming its attack and ignoring Kiela.

    KIELA: Yes, I understand now, it all makes sense suddenly. Yes, I know what it is that we must do.

    He walks towards the building as the creature moves aside for him to proceed.

    We cut to Lonnie driving the car towards a small storage building. He gets out and stares in shock. Several guards and workers are dead on the ground; throttled by ordinary plant vines. A voice cries out and he turns to see a gardener running towards him.

    GARDENER: Help! The plants, they are.. they’re alive…

    Suddenly a large tree branch lunges forward and hits him forward into the wall creepers. They entangle him as he cries in agony and suddenly spit him at the tree. The whole oak seems to twist its branches into a jagged edge on which the gardener is skewered. Lonnie stands in complete shock.

    LONNIE: Holy shit.

    Back in the lab we see a look of horror on the faces of Debra, Leonard and Winston as all the plant life in the room seems to start shaking.

    DEBRA: It’s as if…

    LEONARD: They were alive.

    WINSTON: That’s just not possible!

    DEBRA: After seeing the creature outside how can you even say that? It must have some kind of power over them!

    LEONARD: This isn’t happening.

    Debra’s mobile starts to ring and she quickly answers.

    DEBRA: Hello?

    LONNIE (VO): Debbie, it’s Lonnie. I got the stuff and I’m on my way back to the lab. There’s some freaky shit happening though, its like all the plants in the place are coming alive; they’ve killed everyone!

    DEBRA: Damn! Just hurry Lonnie, I don’t want this thing getting any bigger!

    She hangs up and looks at the others, her face filled with determination.

    DEBRA: Lonnie’s on his way, we have to hold out till then.

    Suddenly a high-pitched scream fills the room. They turn and run through the double doors leading to the vast green house of different species of plants. They stop in shock; sitting at the far end surrounded by plants is Kiela.

    LEONARD: Mr Kiela!

    KIELA: Beautiful isn’t it?

    They approach him and look down at the mad man, the high-pitched noise is still heard.

    DEBRA: What is?

    KIELA: The song of the plants. They know that it is their time, soon we will restore the Earth to the beauty it once held. Mankind and its barbaric technology will be swept away and we build a new, more beautiful world.

    WINSTON: We?

    DEBRA: He means him and the plants…

    Kiela carries on ignoring them.

    KIELA: Every colour under the rainbow, no pollution, no war or death. We will be living in one beautiful and green Garden of Eden. Paradise the like of which has never been seen before.

    LEONARD: Mr Kiela, please snap out of it!

    WINSTON: He’s lost it!

    DEBRA: He lost it years ago if you ask me.

    LEONARD: Mr Kiela!!!

    Suddenly all the vegetation in the vast building springs to life. Leonard, Winston and Debra are all dragged back and down into the vines which begin to choke them. Kiela sits calmly watching, a small smile escaping his lips.

    Outside Lonnie pulls up. He jumps out the car and looks around, the creature is nowhere in sight.

    LONNIE: What the Hell?

    Suddenly he hears Debra scream from inside. He rushes to the car boot and swings it open. Inside are three petrol tanks and a white container which we see contains “Plant Poison”. He grabs the white one and rushes into the building.

    Inside we see him grabbing the plant poison and darting into the next room. He spots Kiela and the others and rushes forward.

    DEBRA: Lo… Lonnie… help!!!

    He sprays the plants that try to obstruct him and they seem to lose there animation and just slump down. He runs over to the other and sprays the plants around them. Debra drags herself up.

    DEBRA: Thank god..

    Kiela rushes over and grabs Lonnie.

    KIELA: Stop it, stop it! Murderers!

    Lonnie throws him off and as Winston drags himself up. Debra crouches down by Leonard and checks his pulse.

    DEBRA: He’s dead.

    KIELA: Animal fiends!

    He turns and flees into the undergrowth. Lonnie, Debra and Winston rush back into the lab slamming the door shut behind them. The vegetation starts battering against it in order to try and get through. The three of them shift a heavy bench in front of the door to keep it shut and then collapse into seats, exhausted.

    LONNIE: This makes ‘Triffids’ seem a push over.

    DEBRA: Did you bring the petrol?

    WINSTON: What do you want that for?

    DEBRA: The bombs merely hurt it, I’m hoping an explosion as big as the one I’m planning will burn this thing to a crisp.

    LONNIE: It’s out in the car.

    DEBRA: Alright, let’s get to work.

    They get up and dart from the lab, outside everything seems to be alright.

    WINSTON: It’s gone.

    We hear a loud squelching and Lonnie looks up in horror.

    LONNIE: No it hasn’t.

    They, and the camera, follow his gaze. The creature is now three times the size it was and is perched on top the research centre! The tendrils begin to wrap themselves over the building. Debra and Lonnie grab the petrol cans.

    DEBRA: Get inside!

    WINSTON: And die? To Hell with that!

    Winston turns and flees into the grounds. Lonnie look at each other before running inside; they manage to get in narrowly missing a massive tendril! Once inside they stop and look at each other.

    LONNIE: I hope this works.

    DEBRA: So do I. Spread the stuff in as many places as you can; the huge amount of plant material and delicate equipment should make this whole building explode.

    LONNIE: And the creature with it!

    They split up and head in different directions.

    Outside the creature is smashing against the building causing vast chunks to fall away and crash to the ground below.

    We cut to Winston fleeing through the woods, all around him vegetation is shaking and whipping at him. A vine strikes his chin and cuts it as he falls to the ground.

    WINSTON: Shit.

    He scrambles up and heads on coming to the edge of a small lake. He dives into the water and swims forward from the banks.

    WINSTON: Bastards can’t get to me now!

    He treads water a while and turns and swims towards the other side of the lake where a road runs. Suddenly vines rise up out of the water. From underneath we see them wrap around his ankles as the vegetation in the water begins to encompass him. Winston cries out as he is dragged down beneath the surface; moments later the air bubbles stop and the water is still.

    Inside we get a montage of Lonnie and Debra soaking various areas in petrol including the laboratory. We stay on Lonnie as he enters the Recycling room, the machine is chomping away yet there is no material going through. He starts to splash petrol on it.

    LONNIE: See if you like the taste of this.

    Suddenly he is thrown to the floor. He looks up to see Kiela standing over him brandishing a large knife; he dodges just in time as the insane man brings down the weapon. He kicks up and Kiela drops his knife.

    KIELA: You disgusting thing! You cannot stop the birth of this new world; I will have my paradise!

    He and Lonnie begin to struggle.

    LONNIE: You’re one major screwball!

    He hits him but Kiela grabs his arm and forces Lonnie onto the conveyor heading to the processing machine.

    KIELA: You see, there is a place for you in the new world.

    Kiela pins Lonnie down as the conveyor slides closer; however much he struggles he can’t get free.

    KIELA: Man’s time is over, it’s the plants world now!

    He laughs insanely. Lonnie glares and manages to hit Kiela in the groin. Kiela collapses back and Lonnie starts getting up. Suddenly Kiela lunges forward but Lonnie rolls from the conveyor; the momentum carries Kiela forward… into the waiting teeth of the processor! We cut to Lonnie’s reaction as a horrible scream is heard followed by gargling and the chewing of the machine; blood squirts up into Lonnie’s face. He stares in shock for a moment and then turns and leaves the room.

    We cut back to the main exit where Debra and Lonnie meet.

    DEBRA: What happened to you?

    LONNIE: Had a run in with Kiela.

    DEBRA: What happened?

    LONNIE: He finally got to be part of the garden. Come on, lets get out of here.

    He takes his lighter and throws it down at the petrol. Suddenly the whole corridor is ablaze as they run from the building.

    Outside we see Tommy stumbling towards them. They stop as he looks at them, dazed.

    TOMMY: What’s going on?

    LONNIE: Boom.

    TOMMY: Boom?

    LONNIE: Big Boom. Now let’s the fuck out of here!

    Tommy sees the burning building behind them and understanding spreads across his face. All three of them turn on the spot and run away as the creature lets out an inhuman cry of pain. The entire building explodes into flames and the rubble and pieces of scorched vegetation scatter across the area.
    We see Tommy, Lonnie and Debra watching from a trench some metres from the blast; the fire is reflected in all their eyes.
    We cut back to see the burning husk of the creature collapse into the building where it and the other vegetation mix and are burnt away out of existence.
    Tommy stands up.

    TOMMY: I take it that was a good thing?

    LONNIE: No shit Sherlock.

    TOMMY: Is it just me or did you two just save the world from a killer plant monster from outer space?

    DEBRA: Well…

    LONNIE: You could put it that way…

    DEBRA: Kind of…

    LONNIE: If you wanted…

    TOMMY: I thought so. Let’s never mention this again.

    DEBRA: I’m up for that.

    LONNIE: Me too, let’s get out of here.

    They turn and walk away from the burning remains. We focus in on the scattered ashes as the Halloween Theme begins to play.

    Roll End Credits over Halloween Tune.

    Next week:

    Halloween The Series Episode 9:
    The Girl Next Door

    5/8/2002 11:17:38 PM

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    The Current Poll:
    Which JP Blu-Ray set are you buying
    The regular one
    The Ultimate Gift Set one
    Neither, I don't have Blu-Ray
    Neither, I have enough copies of JP movies!



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