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    Jurassic Park won the 1993 'Nickelodeon Kid's Choice' award for Movie of the year. (From: SpinoRex)
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    Freddy vs Jason Part 2
    By aragorn_8

    SCENE 9

    We fade into a lot of moments of Freddy’s life…
    Freddy talking to a woman in a bar.
    Killing a child in the street.
    Marrying the woman.
    Killing a child in a pool.
    Freddy having sex with his wife.
    He strangles a child to death.
    His wife is pregnant.
    On the news we see pictures of the dead children.
    Many parents holding hands.
    Crying and lighting candles for their dead children.
    His wife gives birth.
    As his little girl grows up we see Freddy killing her friends.
    Parents are starting to form a strong group, they are mad; screaming assuring themselves that they will find the killer.
    As kills happen, the parent community gets stronger and stronger together.

    SCENE 10


    The man runs threw the streets looking for his child.

    Jacob, please.
    Please come out if you’re hiding!

    CUT TO:

    Freddy drags the little Jacob into an abandoned boiler room.
    He covers his mouth with great strength, brings the child down and starts choking him.

    CUT TO:

    The man is getting closer to the building where the boiler room is.

    CUT TO:

    The child won’t stop moving, Freddy picks him up and spots a window down the hall, it has shattered glass around it. We find out his teenage dreams still haunt him as that is where he gets the idea.

    The child tries to scream but he can’t, Freddy is choking him too hard.
    He whispers daddy.

    (Whispering with the child)

    He slams the child’s head over and over in the glass.

    CUT TO:

    The father hears to glass breaking, he turns around the corner…
    He can just see a hand out of what the moon light permits.
    He runs to the window of the building.


    The best he saw was a part of Freddy’s face.
    Freddy drops the child and runs away.

    The man tries to get in the building, but the old door won’t budge.
    He starts crying and with all his strength slams in.
    He see his child and cries next to him, on his knees

    CUT TO:



    Today a shocking news report!
    I’m Connie Tamawash.
    Another child was murdered last night, but
    This time the father of the child has seen part of the
    Springwood strangler.
    This bit of news has turned over a new leaf in this
    This is how the man describes the Springwood strangler.

    CUT TO:

    He killed my child!

    Now how do you describe his face.
    If you tell us maybe someone might recognize him.

    His nose.
    His nose is kind of an arch kind of nose.
    Maybe he wore glasses, I don’t know.
    All I remember is these eyes, I think they were blue.

    The television is turned off.
    Freddy’s wife comes in.

    Honey do you prefer…

    Sorry can’t talk right now.
    Gotta go play with my daughter.

    Freddy heads out, his wife notices something is wrong.
    On the tip of her toes she exits the living room.

    EXT. KRUEGER BACKYARD - sunny day
    Freddy and his daughter are running around, playing and laughing together.
    His daughter giggles and could not look happier.
    A scream overshadows them.
    They both turn around… its Freddy’s wife coming out of the basement.

    I won’t tell.

    Freddy leaves his daughter and walks towards his wife.

    Fred please, I won’t tell.

    We need to talk.

    His wife cries harder, fearing what Fred means.

    (To daughter)
    Go inside honey!

    (crying harder)
    PLEASE! I won’t tell!

    We follow Freddy’s little girl entering the basement, in background we notice Freddy is starting to shake and scream at his wife.

    Catherine walks to the basement, passes the room and starts walking up the steps.
    But stop, she feeds her curiosity and enters the room.
    A glance makes her start crying.
    Paperclips with headlines of the Springwood killer fill the wall.
    Weapons of different variety decorate the tables.
    Catherine runs up the stairs.

    Catherine runs in and hides under her bed.

    We pan over to her window.
    The Springwood strangler starts to strangle his wife. Her screams come out loud.
    We pan to the side of the house, where we can see a neighbor looking out her window.

    SARA WILSON is startled and runs to her phone.

    Listen you really gotta listen to me here.
    I know who the Springwood strangler is.


    I know who killed my baby.


    (crying hard)
    He came to my house, with his wife.
    They brought me cookies.
    And told me everything was gonna be alright.



    Listen to me, I’ll call everyone.
    Most of the parents wanna get their hands on this pig.
    We won’t have to do anything.
    As soon as I hang up call as much parents as possible.

    I can’t!

    Ok, look I know it’s hard…
    Call your husband…
    Well, at least look outside, make sure he doesn’t get out.
    I’ll make sure my street hears me, that’ll be enough to pass it along.
    Ok, bye now.

    SARA hangs up, takes the picture of her dead boy and cuddles up in the corner, crying.


    Emily announces the news to her husband who to his turn goes out to alert all of his friends and neighbors.
    We see her pick up the phone.

    SCENE 11

    We see a glowing moon, the darkness of the atmosphere haunts us.
    Suddenly a flame washes over the screen and quickly fades out.

    Cut to :

    Freddy is dragging his dead wife by her neck. The rope he strangled her with is used to do so. He mumbles something about his daughter, Catherine. Suddenly his eyes widen.


    He leaves his wife on the floor, untangles the rope around her neck and carries it with him as he mounts the stairs. He stops, runs back in the room. After a short moment he comes out again, this time with his special glove, the one with knives for fingers.
    He runs up the stairs.

    Fred bursts in the upper level of the house with a huge smile across his face.

    Oh Catherine! I’ve got something for you!!

    He enters his daughter’s room, ready to harm her. She starts crying.
    But a noise interrupts him, the shattering of a window…

    As he looks out the window, the dark street seems illuminated by great light.
    He runs down to his living room to look outside.
    A wave of enraged parents with flaming torches wander the street, certain parents hold up pictures of their dead children, screaming.

    What the hell?

    Rocks are thrown to break windows on the other side of the house.
    Enraged, he runs out the door.

    What the hell do you want!?!

    The parents remain in silence, staring at his threatening glove, Freddy notices and starts to laugh.
    An enflamed bottle almost hits his head. The wall starts to burn. The parents start screaming of murder. Freddy cowardly warns of his daughter’s presence, a man breaks the window and enters the house.


    He tries to run back in the house but the many hands of raged parents hold him back and all hell brakes loose. Freddy slashes a woman’s stomach as the torches are hit against his body. Some torches are thrown in the house and fire erupts. The man safely comes out of the house with a crying Catherine.

    You leave my daughter alone, Jon!

    JON OSBOURNE turns to Freddy.

    She’ll be in a better place than you will.

    And he brings her in a truck.
    Behind the truck are four people watching the incident.

    EMILY and DUSTY WOODS are next to SARA and DAVE WILSON.
    SARA leaves the group, DAVE runs after her.

    What are you doing, are you crazy?

    That bastard strangled my baby.

    She lets go of her husbands arm and advances towards a beat down Freddy.
    She stops to take a look at HARRY MCCOY, who is drinking beer.

    I suppose you’re drinking to us !

    She snatches the beer out of his hand and walks off screen.

    SARA’S P.O.V.
    We advance towards Freddy. Who is gushing blood out of his mouth.
    On the right we see MARGE THOMPSON who grabs his hand and takes the glove off.

    SARA walks to him.

    My dreams ! I always dreamed about my son!
    Because of you I had to dream his death !!

    She smashes the beer on him.
    We hear Emily scream in the background, behind comes Dusty with a torch and lights Freddy into a dreadful flame. Suddenly all the parents throw their torches on Freddy.
    He screams in agony, feeling only pain as all eyes are on him.
    Watching him, some have smiles, some laugh and some have tears.
    The sirens of police come closer as the world seems to turn around him.
    He catches last glimpses of the police arriving and arresting some rebelling parents including Emily.
    Fred takes one last ounce of strength and shouts a phrase that will stay with them forever.

    I’ll come back and take your children!
    (he gives one last look at Emily)
    I’ll haunt their dreams.

    It took all energy left in him and so he fell to the ground.
    The firefighters watered down the fire in the house and eventually Freddy’s body.

    Donald Thompson arrives on the scene.

    (screaming to the firemen)

    STOP !! STOP!!
    Hey CHASE! Help me drag the body in the house.

    They drag the body in the basement.

    They throw the body down the basement.

    Yak! I didn’t know skin could rot so much.

    He’s a bastard, he deserved it.

    Donald kicks the body. He searches the basement and finds the secret room.

    Chase, ask the department tomorrow to check this shit out.
    Oh and don’t tell about Fred’s mysterious location change.
    We’ll probably burn him tomorrow.

    Donald and RON CHASE exchange a laugh and walk out of frame.
    We hear them go up the stairs and as they slam the door, Jason’s rotten (as rotten as when he comes out of the lake at the end of the first Friday 13th) body falls out of its place.

    SCENE 12

    We open on deep blackness.
    Freddy is suddenly submerged in an unreal state, another world.
    He does not realize where he is. It is dark, a hallway finally appears.
    Light shines at the end. At first he is timid to walk towards it, but finally lets it all out, he screams and runs towards the light. As he enters in contact with it, flashes start to happen.
    These flashes always concern a little boy, a special little boy.
    A boy who is always around a lake
    A mother and father beat him, they keep beating a boy who appears to be disabled.
    The memories are torturous and the flashes hurt.
    But Freddy realizes his environment, he screams that he is in the little bastard’s head : Jason’s head. In rage he starts to rip through the walls.
    And finally seems to be thrown out.

    Cut to:

    Freddy suddenly finds himself in familiar territory
    Freddy runs, in burnt rags and in familiar bushes.
    The orange color now invades our skies.
    He finally reaches camp Crystal Lake.
    The camp seems in good condition but seems very abandoned.
    Freddy contours the lake, somewhere he hasn’t been near in years.
    He stops at the border of the lake and empties the bag of Jason’s body.
    He grabs the stiff body and looks at it.

    This all started with you.
    If I hadn’t tried to save you, I could have been normal!
    So now I’ll get rid of you and start all over again.

    He throws the body in the lake and finally takes a look at his reflection.
    He gets to his knees and starts screaming.

    (Touching his face)
    This is what they did to me!!
    MY FACE!!
    (he rips his burnt shirt)
    I’ll make them pay!
    They’ll wish they had died with their children…
    Their children !!
    Yes! I’ll take their fucking children.
    I’ll make them pay, all of them.

    Freddy gets up and looks at himself in the water for a moment, he then runs out of frame.

    Pamela Voorhees and Elias Voorhees are having sex; they are wild and excited as they roll off a hay pile.

    Light enters the barn as if opening the door and soon closes after.
    Pamela and Elias’ head rise up inspecting the noise.

    What the hell was that noise??
    Where the Fuck are my clothes!!??
    My hat?!?

    Elias runs out naked.

    The camera pans around as we see feet walking in the bushes.

    Freddy walks peacefully, putting his hat on.
    He is now wearing a red and green striped shirt and black pants.
    He grins.

    I’ll make them pay.
    Starting with Donald’s daughter.

    We cut to the beginning of a Nightmare on Elm St., Freddy is making his final glove.
    The one glove he’ll kill by the rest of his life.
    We get the finished product and Freddy puts it on his hand, he rises his hand, watching it as it shines on the screen. The shine turns into the reflection of the sun on water, as Jason’s rotten hand rises above water…

    8/3/2002 7:08:17 PM

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