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    Freddy vs Jason Part 1
    By aragorn_8

    F R E D D Y VS J A S O N

    Script Written by
    Jeff Long

    SCENE 1

    FADE IN.
    The CREDITS roll as SORROWFULL music fills the atmosphere.
    Black and white pictures fill the screen. The pictures show smiling teenagers, some with their dogs and pets, some with their parents and often some alone.
    As they pass before us the voice of a NEWS REPORTER merges with the music.

    These helpless and happy kids show us s greater light in their life in these pictures, but in real life these teenagers are often surrounded by their family members… at the cemetery.
    More than 30 teenagers have been tortured and murdered since 1984 and even before those, countless innocent children have been dying. Who is to blame?

    Suddenly the screen is covered in a light gray. This texture seems to zoom back, until we start seeing a nose, an eye and an ear.
    The full picture is being pasted over the screen and HE is looking at us, he offers us nothing more than chills.

    This man, Frederic Krueger, is being accused of all these deaths, but what we have found in the old elm street files is far more chilling than his face. Frederic Krueger has been dead for over 25 years.

    The SCREEN seems to have just been shut off, like a television.
    But the deep blackness of this television screen remains with us, until …

    SCENE 2

    The SUN and BRIGHT day showers over us.



    The image plays with our eyes as we cannot see what is staring at the lake.
    The camera pans away in a circular way. We stop at a huge wooden barn.

    A seducing slender girl is taking away the bobby pins in her black ravenous hair.
    Unfocused and behind her is a naked man, laying on the floor letting the air massage his skin.
    She strips away her colorful blouse and walks away from us as we realize that the blouse was the only thing she was wearing.
    The man is rather a young teenager. She sits down on his chest.

    Don’t you think we should check on the kids.

    Shut up and let Freddy take the blame.

    The male teenager pushes her back onto his genitals.

    Newspaper flaps the screen.
    FEMALE TEENAGER’S MOANS start to seduce our ears
    The standing newspaper bends down, the teenager reading it rotates his head to look at the barn.
    His features remind us of the picture that was on the TV : the face of FREDERIC KRUEGER.
    He raises his eyebrow and gets up from his chair.

    A little boy is standing by a tree. He continues staring at his distorted reflection in the lake.
    A single moan changes his view as his fear of being caught makes him take a lookout.

    JASON’S P.O.V.
    Freddy slams his newspaper on the chair, he turns around and starts walking towards the barn.

    Jason takes a step towards the lake.

    Freddy gets closer to the barn as the girl shrieks and moans.

    Jason jumps in the lake for a swim.

    Freddy’s FOOTSTEPS are heard O.S., his shadow crawls on the corner of the barn.
    Freddy enters the screen, he comfortably leans his hand on the barn.
    He kneels down to allow himself to peek threw a hole.

    The hole allows us only a view of the girl’s face. It is filling with ecstasy, she lets out her moans.

    Jason starts struggling with water to stay above, fear overcomes and he starts to scream.

    Jason’s screams are quieted by the moans of the girl.
    Freddy’s eye keeps peering in.

    Jason’s screams turn to blood-curling shouts. He tries to raise his hand, pointing his finger in the air.

    Freddy !! I’m here !
    Help me ! Help me !
    I don’t wan…

    His phrase is put out by the water pouring in his mouth. The level of his hand is going lower and lower. Finally his finger is the only thing left above. Jason’s screams are as dead as the lake itself.
    But somehow we still manage to hear the girl.

    The girl is getting close to an orgasm, her moans turn to an immense screaming relief as she does not care who hears her. We can feel her letting go.

    Freddy enjoys watching, a smile forming.

    The girl’s screams follow us to this shot, but something is wrong. Her screams take a childish turn: to the voice of a little boy.

    Jason rises out of the water, his scream so high it drowns the atmosphere. His finger reached as high as it could.

    Freddy turns around, it was the loudest scream he ever heard.

    The couple is startled.

    What was that ?

    Freddy is still intrigued until he makes a startling realization.


    Freddy launches at the lake, running faster than he could imagine.

    Freddy arrives, he is about to tear his hair away.

    His dead floating body is in the bluest of shades, his finger still pointing out. It looks as if it was pointing at Freddy, accusing him of his death. Freddy does not know what to do, the water carries him to Freddy’s feet.

    We can hear O.S. the BARN DOOR slamming open.

    What the hell is happening around here?

    Freddy panics and jumps in the water, submerging himself with the body of Jason.
    Freddy tries to hold his breath as much as he can hold on to Jason. Freddy takes this silent occasion to let it all out, to scream as hard as he can, as he knew no one would hear him.
    Jason’s body went with the flow of the water, waving his pointy finger at freddy. His eyes were dead blue, and it froze Freddy as they kept staring at him. Freddy closes his eyes. We hear a large slam which made freddy jump. He lost his grip of Jason’s arm; his body is rising up. Freddy swam up and could not keep himself from going up. His head reached the surface and was now able to see what was happening. The loud noise he heard must have been the barn door, as the couple is running to the main camp yelling for their questions to be answered.

    Freddy takes this occasion to swim to shore, still grabbing on to Jason’s arm.
    His wet feet almost made him slip on mud, as he is running in the woods carrying little dead Jason in his arms.

    The trees pass us quicker and quicker, Freddy’s breath becomes louder and louder.

    SCENE 3

    While running, a tree branch scratched his arm badly.
    It disturbs him to see his own red blood flow on Jason’s blue body.

    Arriving to his house after a long escape, he becomes more careful with every action.
    He carefully deposits Jason’s body on the floor near the garage. He takes out a brick from the wall and there it conceals a key. He opens the garage with this key, and unintentionally opens the garage door too fast and so creates a loud noise.

    This alerts his foster father, Cooper.

    Frederic! Frederic!
    Is that you?

    Freddy panics and quickly charges in with the body of Jason, which bangs his body, a couple of times on walls and causes scratches.
    He arrives in front of a small door, slides it open.
    As we enter with him, our eyes repel against what we see.
    A large collection of knives, most of them have bloodstains on them.
    A metallic medieval-style glove is sitting alone on a table.
    Freddy carefully switches it from table as if it was his most prized possession, and then places Jason’s body on the table.
    He stairs at it for a moment.

    Loud FOOTSTEPS are heard.

    Freddy quickly jumps out this small room, slides the door back and turns around waiting, as he knows it is Cooper.

    This very threatening looking man steps down before us.
    Each of his steps louder, like bricks clapping. His hand dragging a half-empty vodka bottle, like a dead dog on a leash.

    Freddy takes deep breaths, closes his eyes, wanting to close his senses. Wanting to shut it out.

    Cooper slows down the last steps.
    Standing still, he seeks Freddy’s location with his light green eyes.
    He smashes his bottle against the wall.

    EXT. ROO M
    Freddy has failed from shutting himself away, as the smash of the bottle is more resonate than it should have.

    Cooper scratches grotesquely at his crotch.


    Fred gets visible, imposing himself, trying not to look afraid.

    Papa’s got a brand new bag.

    He unzips his pants.
    Fred makes a couple of steps forward. His eyes try to look away, but he might trip and the last thing he would do is upset his papa. And so he kneels…

    SCENE 4

    The white moon bathes us.

    VOICE (O.S.)
    It’s all your fault!
    Your fucking fault!
    Stay in silence!
    Don’t breath.

    Sentences with no sense keep getting shouted. We hear a WHIP sound.
    The camera pans towards the garage door where Freddy entered.
    We enter the house by the window, as we progress to the small room.

    Our questions are answered.
    Freddy is whipping the cold blue body of Jason with a belt.
    His little mouth that death left open is now being drowned again, by red blood.
    Freddy keeps shouting at him, constantly whipping his head.
    He passes from the head to the feet and finally sits down when his arm is tired.
    At first Freddy’s head is turned away, but he could not keep it that way.
    He turns it, watching Jason, but it seems that Jason is the one watching Freddy.
    His eyes are pointed at his direction, his finger still pointing at Freddy.

    Stop it.

    The camera pans to and around Jason.

    Stop it.

    The wound on Jason’s forehead starts bleeding, the blood leaking in such a way, that it flows to the cheek making him look like he’s crying.

    Stop it!
    (Freddy gets up in a rage)
    Stop making me feel so guilty!
    (He gets close to Jason)
    Stop blaming me!

    Freddy swings his hand trying to push away Jason’s finger. The finger rips off.
    Freddy calms down and watches the finger bounce off the wall and to the floor.
    He walks to it and picks it up. He looks at it for a moment.
    Freddy starts screaming like crazy and shoves the finger down Jason’s throat, trying to shut his mouth. Freddy cannot.

    He walks to the door, starting to cry. He wipes the tears off and leaves the room.

    As Freddy steps out a leather belt strikes him.
    He falls out of frame, as Cooper fills that space.

    Watcha’doing boy, screaming at 3 o’clock in the morning!
    Moaning about what daddy makes you do!

    He gives Freddy another powerful strike.
    He falls back to the floor as his hand slips on his own blood. The whip rises up as we…

    SCENE 5

    Fade in…

    Freddy seems sound asleep. Rolled up in his covers and the full moon lighting up the room, for once it might look like its peaceful…

    He starts jumping in his sleep.
    Then it gets worse he starts mumbling curses and turns around many times.
    After a moment of this he wakes up, he looks like he’s missing air.
    He starts choking, until strangely a bubble comes out of his nose. We come to realize…

    He is underwater. His screams are silent. He tries to fight back with the water, but it all seems so slow. His hair dangling along the movements of his head, he slowly swims to his window.
    He tries to hit the window, trying to punch it as hard as he can. His movements are slowed down by the serious amount of water in his room. He turns to every corner in his room, screaming.

    The camera pans next to Freddy’s head.

    The SOUNDTRACK stings us as we see Cooper standing amiss the water waiting for Freddy to turn around. Freddy does as expected and Cooper starts choking him.

    We hear a CRACK coming from behind us. Cooper turns around.

    The window starts cracking under the water’s pressure.

    He lets go of Freddy’s neck and swims towards the window.
    But the window brakes and Cooper falls threw along with all the water.

    Freddy starts walking towards the window.
    Holding himself, wet and shivering he tries to see what remains of Cooper’s faith.
    Yet he remains unseen.

    The SOUNDTRACK stings us again as Cooper appears behind him, grabbing him from the hair and drags his face against the remaining glass of the window frame.

    Freddy tries to contain all the pain inside, but it is too hard.

    A little girl walking on the sidewalk watches Freddy’s face getting dragged along the glass.

    I should have done this a long time ago.
    You wouldn’t believe what I felt when I first saw you,
    You were so ugly.
    Ripping your face off isn’t a bad idea
    (Laughing devilishly)

    Cooper made sure no more glass stayed on the frame of the window before throwing Freddy on his bed. After that he left the room.

    Freddy crawled to the mirror, crying. His tears mixing with all that blood his face was covered with. He touched it, trying to wipe it away. He would touch his wounds by mistake and it would hurt even more. He tried ripping the glass from his face, but that would cause more bleeding, not mentioning the screaming.

    We pan away from Freddy; the camera stops at the broken window. It magically reconstructs itself. We pan away from it and are left with the image of a crying and trembling Freddy as his dreams continue haunting him.

    SCENE 6

    A television screen is turned on.

    We are in…


    We pan from behind the green sofa to the front of it, for it allows us to see who is sitting there.
    A woman. Her gray hair wrapped in a bun makes her look older than she is. A yellow sweater sits on her lap as the missing half is being presently knitted.

    - Children, dinner is ready!
    It’s your favorite, pecan pizza.
    Isn’t that swell!
    (Children arrive)
    - Mom! I would agree that “cool” is much more appropriate.
    - Ok then, it’s warm!
    · It’s Cool…
    (Children sigh)
    The audience laughs as the credits roll.

    Freddy’s foster mother laughs with them.
    Immediately after the ordinary 50/60 sitcom ends, the news starts.

    Today’s top story!
    It’s been a week since the disappearance of Jirubo Nansuko.
    A Japanese native visiting the local zoo…
    Oh what’s this? Another disappearance.
    An All-American boy this time.
    Jason Voorhees, age 9.
    The son of Pamela Voorhees, the owner of Camp Crystal Lake.
    The child was left unattended and never seen again.
    Here are the words of Jason’s mother.

    Pamela Voorhees suddenly appears on screen.
    Her long blond locks make her look much younger than we remember from F13.

    (A very long pause)
    It was often said that my child was cursed.
    It was said because he had certain disabilities.
    I loved Jason, I knew he had certain problems.
    But THAT was never a reason to take away my Jason!
    He was… is MY JASON.
    (Pamela gets up)
    OK. I’m OK.
    I just wanna say that whoever you are.
    YOU. Will not run for a long time,
    For hell will have a place for you.

    Cut to the news reporter.

    On a side note, the couple that was supposed to watch Jason were found murdered.
    No suspects have been found.

    The television screen is shut off.
    Freddy’s foster mother covers her mouth. She tries to stop crying but cannot.
    She reaches for her telephone. She dials a number and waits for an answer.


    MARTHA (O.S.)
    Alice! What’s wrong?

    I know…

    MARTHA (O.S.)
    You know what??!!

    I know why we haven’t seen Pamela.

    MARTHA (O.S.)
    YOU KNOW!! Well, tell me Alice!

    It’s Jason.

    MARTHA (O.S.)
    (Screaming hard)

    He’s disappeared.

    MARTHA (O.S.)

    (Crying harder)
    She was on the news, Pamela was on the news!
    She never told us anything… us, her best friends.

    We pan away as both friends share a moment of pain.

    Cut to:

    3 o’clock.
    The clock alerts us of the time.

    We hear a rocking chair in the background….
    Alice waits for Freddy to come back from school.

    CUT TO:

    Freddy enters the house.
    Out from behind comes Alice.

    You knew and you didn’t tell me!

    About what?

    Oh please save the crap for later!
    Why didn’t you tell me about Pamela?

    What about Pamela?

    JASON for Christ’s sake!

    I don’t anything about Jason

    Freddy leaves the room and runs upstairs.

    You come back down here boy!
    I know you know something!

    Freddy shows no sign to be coming back down.

    SCENE 7

    Weeks pass, the routine of continuing beatings repeat themselves and Freddy seems to occupy himself with the medieval style glove we saw before.

    The montage sequence continues with Freddy and his quest to construct an original weapon. What we see are images that resemble the beginning of the original Nightmare on Elm Street where Freddy is constructing a glove with knifes for fingers, he helps himself with the collection of knives he is withholding in his secret hideout.

    SCENE 8

    Freddy is taking his out his anger on the cold body of Jason.

    CUT TO:

    Alice cannot sleep and so she hears the sound of the repeated screams and hits.
    She decides to go downstairs, as she wanders getting closer to the noise, Alice prepares herself for about what she is about to discover.

    The camera follows her, as we are to discover too.
    Alice covers her mouth in scream, fear and pain as it is unraveled to her that the young man she brought in her house is beating on the dead corpse of Jason.

    Freddy stops immediately as he hears Alice.
    She covers her mouth, in tears she approaches her him.
    Freddy does not know what to expect will she hit him or embrace him?
    She finally approaches Freddy, but touches the rotten and cold body of Jason.

    Did I ever tell you the story about when
    Pamela wanted me to be Jason’s godmother?
    Of course not.
    She wanted me to be his godmother but couldn’t because
    Her cousin was jealous… and so not to cause problems
    She put her cousin as the godmother instead of me.

    I’m tired of you.

    Freddy grabs his whip and while Alice turns around he grabs her by the neck and strangles her. She starts fighting back. Trying to keep her still, Freddy trips on an object and drags her along. As he falls back, she encounters the desk with knifes rising upwards.
    Freddy gets up and watches her suffering.
    He grabs a bloody towel next to him and starts walking forward.

    You knew and you kept him in our house.

    He shoves the towel into her mouth and pushes her deep in the knifes.
    She screams but the towel drowns it out.

    Cooper sleeps like a baby.

    The great amount of blood causes Alice to slip from the desk, along with her, comes the knives, which make loud noises.

    Cooper wakes up to the sound.

    Freddy is conscious of Cooper’s awakening and so looks around planning it all in his head. But footsteps interrupt him

    CUT TO:

    Cooper comes down to the basement and no one seems present.
    After a moment Freddy shows up.

    You don’t wake daddy up

    Cooper starts advancing towards Freddy.
    Freddy takes a chair and slams it on his head.
    It doesn’t affect Cooper.
    He slaps Freddy, shoves him into the wall and kisses him.

    Freddy doesn’t move, he carefully grabs a lamp and slams in into Cooper’s head.
    He still stands.

    Why don’t you fight like a man?

    To his own surprise, Freddy immediately launches a punch.
    Cooper catches it.
    He starts crushing it and we hear a bone breaking.
    Freddy screams in pain.

    Cooper lets go after a moment; Freddy can barely use his hand, but soon starts running toward the small room. He closes the door watching Cooper coming after him.

    Cooper starts laughing and punches a hole in the door.

    Freddy is hiding behind Alice’s corpse, his injured hand hiding behind his back.
    Cooper comes in and then his eyes lay on his dead wife.


    He grabs his wife by her legs and drags her to him. He kneels and rips her underwear; he starts sniffing her down there. His face paints a sudden smile.

    You smell that boy?
    That’s what you’ll eat for dinner.

    He grabs one of the knives, raises it and starts crawling fast towards Freddy.
    Freddy reveals what he was hiding and swooshes his injured hand on Cooper’s face.

    He stays still as he begins to touch four bloody swipes on his cheek.
    Freddy jumps on Cooper, grabs him by the neck and pushes him to the floor.
    He jams his special glove in the stomach and drags it up to the chest.
    Freddy and Cooper scream together as they both feel pain.
    But Freddy resists the pain in his hand and keeps shredding his father to death.

    8/3/2002 4:51:35 PM
    (Updated: 8/3/2002 4:52:24 PM)

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