Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Spielberg reportedly had to plea Richard Attenborough to play John Hammond, as he had been retired from acting for 15 years.
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    Rivals of Raptors Part 7
    By XRaptor

    We awoke to the sounds of the morning. But the previous night had been terrible. Screams of freedom rang throught the island. Human vehicles zooming by. The night was awful.

    But today was quiet. Nothing unusual. The feeding machine dropped another entree of lunch down to us. Like I said. Nothing unusual. But it was halfway through the day when something strange happened.

    I was taking my ususal afternoon nap when there was a flash of light from the one corner of the cage. It woke me up so I decided to go check it out, being my inquisitive self. But when I got there, something was missing.

    The steady hum of the fence was gone.

    I tested it with my outstretched claw.


    So, I began to climb the fence and when I found a weak point in the strange, hard surface humans call metal, I began to chew. I chewed like there was no tomorrow.

    Finally, a gap big enough for me was opened. And if it was big enough for me, the others wouldn't have toruble fitting through, since I was the biggest.

    Finally freed from our pen, we sought revenge...

    Me and my sister split up and the other female went off in another direction. She was the smallest and we didn't expect to see her again. All of us searched the woods. This is my account of the events till we were reunited.

    (Raptor 1 - Main Raptor)

    I cruised through the jungle, hoping that I would find Muldoon. The man responsible for our capture. Oh, how I wanted to kill him for what he did.

    Something else began to grip my mind at this point. Before we were captured, I was in heat, and I guess you can figure it out from there. But the urge to nest was beginning to become uncontrollable.

    So, taking shelter under a big tree with tall roots that shot from the ground, I settled down to prepare for the next few hours.

    (Raptor 2 - M.R. Sister)

    Some how, I found my way into a human structure with the human substance 'metal' all around me. Before I knew what was happening, there were footsteps coming down the hall.

    A tall, colored skinned man was walking with confidence towards me. It appeared that he didn't even smell me. I was upwind so he should have been able to. Oh well, easy kill coming up. In seconds, all that remained was a hand and an arm, still gripping a high pipe in the ceiling...

    (Raptor 3) I began to feel wierd after leaving the others. Something inside didn't feel right. I began to turn....male.

    It was a frightening experience as things shrunk and new things grew....oh man I'd never forget it so long as I'd live. But, that's when the large female approached me. She found the object of our search.

    Muldoon was in the next clearing...

    (Raptor 1 Main Raptor)

    As soon as the eggs were laid, I began to search for Muldoon again. But, I was tired and exhausted from the work.

    But then I found him. And he brought an after dinner snack with him too. He and the human female were standing in a clearing not too far from me.

    But I sensed something else too. Standing right behind me. A male raptor walked up next to me. But that was impossible. The only male raptors were back home. And we had the humans trapped here.

    But then the other raptor identified himself as the third female raptor who had started the search with us.

    I sorted things out in my head and finally convinced myself that this could be true and started forming a plan. I would stand here as bait while the fem, err um...male would circle around behind the two.

    But we'd been noticed by Muldoon who was saying something to the female beside him. Suddenly she took off towards a 'metal' structure.

    Damn. One gone. One to go. I saw the Male circle around behind Muldoon and await my signal. But I began to panic when he unfolded his gun and advanced towards me. I gave the signal. I saw a raptorian head appear from the bushes behind him.

    Muldoon turned around.

    "Clever Girl.", he muttered.

    As the male attacked, I heard him yell, "I WISH!!!".

    Oh, it felt so good to see Muldoon die....

    9/9/2002 3:44:11 PM

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