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    By Wes666

    Wesley Skelly
    E X T I N C T I O N
    J U R A S S I C P A R K

    Prologue: Adapt to survive

    The Sun sat low on the horizon of the barren Montana desert, a century old beacon for Paleontologists going as far back as the late 1900's and the time of the Great Bone War. It was here Jack Horner discovered some of the first dinosaur eggs and nesting grounds, spending years working on theories about the nesting habits of Miasauria a sub-order of the Hadrosaur family one of the great types of the mighty Dinosauria. He theorized that these animals would have lived in a very complex social group, defending their young and leaving the nest only when their offspring are old enough to fend for themselves. He even believes the parents have a strong bond with their own and the rest of the herds’ young. He published many books detailing specific nesting arrangements throughout the Montana badlands, mating habits and courtship. He was one of the top experts in his field and spent the last three years of his career working at a very fruitful sight near Snake Water that would uncover no less then fifty Triceratops. An insurmountable number of Hadrosaur and five T.Rex skeletons the last of which being the most complete ever found. This was the first and only to be found with a complete torso allowing scientists to finally get a realistic idea of the true shape of Tyrannosaurs once it is reconstructed in The Chicago Museum of Natural History two years from now.
    This has had many Paleontologists in frenzy as it may finally settle a decade old debate that Horner started himself. He stated that he didn't think that the popular idea of T.Rex was accurate, he believes that it was actually a scavenger and he has stood by this idea despite what others think. Bob Baker still disagrees pointing out the structure of the skull and jaw which has a biting force of three adult Alligators, that could have bitten through solid bone with as much ease as a hot knife through butter. He also believes that T.Rex was a pack hunter and has written a book yet to be published on the subject; whether it will ever be published is down to the masses. Due to the change in times interest on the subject has changed face and many Paleontologists have since left field work and study altogether, Horner and Baker included. Trying to compete in a world where dinosaurs live again in the sanctuary of the famous Costa-Rican Island, Isla Sorna, which became more and more of a threat. As funding grew scarce and more and more media attention grew, paleontology went the same way as the creatures it was studying, "it went into Extinction!"
    But as in nature the strongest learn to survive and adapt, Jack Horner got funding to open Dinosaur related theme parks with expensive robot's, while Baker turned to 'Jurassic Park' related documentaries. Meanwhile Dr. Alan Grant one person who has actually seen 'real' dinosaurs, still continues at his site in Snake Water. Despite many offers to take part in Baker's documentaries and 'tell all' and the endless questions from the Grad students he employs each year, he would rather keep a quite dignity. As horrific as the events that occurred on Isla Nublar and his less than enthusiastic retorts to offers to illegally visit the island even he must admit to repeat screenings of CNN's reports of 'The San Diego' incident four years ago.
    Even though his life's work grows continuously harder by the day, he still wakes every morning with fresh hopes of new discoveries to topple the thrill of the chance that one day the island may be open to the public legally. Until that time, funding still needs to be found and great lengths traveled to get it, that is why Grant is taking a three day drive to attend an University lecture to look for support and regain interest in his studies.

    Light was starting to grow thin, as the sun; an arid mix of crimson-yellows and reds in the Montana, sky began to set. Grant cruised along in a banged up 4x4 he had borrowed from one of his Grad students. Sipping a bottle of water while trying to get comfortable in his seat and adjusting the level of the radio as another Country and Western tune played on, it was going to be a long drive but at least it was worth it. Grant thought it almost pleasant to get away from the dig site for a few days and escape his troubles, even though it was the whole reason for him leaving. It made him feel in control of his life again, if only for a moment. In fact he savored these moments quite a lot in recent years, as not only had his life's work begun to fall apart but also his contact with the people he loved. It had been no less than six years since he had seen Ellie Sattler, she had moved away, also to have her theories published, sometimes Grant would question if his decisions to stay in field work were justifiable to losing such an important person in his life. He rarely thought about it recently, but the thought of being able to visit her while attending the lecture made him as excited as the first time he had ever set eye's on a real dinosaur. Just to be able to talk with her again pleased Grant. He remembered the day of her wedding, how beautiful she looked, at one time she would have been Mrs. Alan Grant. But even though his views on children had changed since his experience eight years ago the thought of such a commitment no matter how much he had loved her, scared him to much. Grant had been previously married when he was much younger, to a woman he had dated in University, it had only lasted two years and since a very messy break up he had been less open and trusting in relationships afterwards. That was until he had met Ellie, she had come to him as a Grad Student although somewhat older than the usual age twenty to twenty-five, and in her he had seen the same passion for Paleontology that he had in his early years. It wasn't until talk of marriage and children that Grant had felt the same lack of trust toward her, which he had with others. After the visit to the island things had really fallen apart as he turned to alcohol to forget past problems and rid him of his constant nightmares, that have long since gone away, along with Ellie. These nightmares had returned for a short period of time when the world was enlightened to InGen's secret, but quickly faded away, by this time though it was to late to fix his broken relationship with Ellie. Although they sometimes wrote to each other, communication finally stopped altogether and left Grant no choice but to defend the dwindling interest in Paleontology all by himself. Still despite all his problems getting away from the site definitely made Grant happier and if it wasn't for the three day drive and the fact that he'd have the pleasure of spending time with Mathematician Ian Malcolm, another survivor of the incident, this would be time well spent.
    It had long since grown dark and Grant was getting tired, as the lines on the road slid by and the night air-cooled he knew he would have to stop soon to find a Motel for the night. Have to pick it up in the morning, my fault really he thought, shouldn't have been so damn excited about the new Raptor skull they had just uncovered. This one was near perfect considering most Raptor skulls were always damaged meaning they could never get accurate ideas of the size and shape of their vocal cavities. This skull however was probably going to be able to be scanned to reproduce such a cavity in hard plastic to finally give a realistic interpretation of the sounds raptor's made, something Grant was all to familiar with. He had left the site under the safe watch of a first year student, William Brennen. Although only twenty-four Billy was very headstrong and passionate about his work, regardless of the poor funding, he wasn't going to give up of his mentor’s ambitions and Grant respected him for that. In fact Billy was always doing what he could to organize new ways of receiving funding, it was him who had suggested that Grant be a guest speaker at the very place he was taking his major. Grant saw great promise in the fact that he was one of very few interested in fossils and the fact's rather then InGen's creations. Fair enough he had spent many late hours at their camp telling of his first hand experiences with real dinosaurs, but Billy like Grant preferred the 'bones'.
    Now almost nine 'o' clock Grant pulled off onto a slip road that led to the very low key 'Montana Food and Rest Inn', still it was shelter from the cold and much more comfortable than the back seat of the car. The pitch-blackness of the night gave way to the random flickering of a neon sign high above the roadside. Grant came to a halt near to the reception, turning off the ignition as the sound of 'Riders in the Sky' died from the radio he climbed out of the vehicle, only to be greeted by the same music playing on the receptions radio. It was gonna' be a long night Grant thought as he entered the smokey room, trying to maintain a believable smile as a very hostile looking woman glanced up at him from behind a magazine and unfashionable reading glasses.
    "Hello," Grant said through his forced weary smile. "I'd like a room for the night."

    11/26/2002 3:56:22 PM

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