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    The idea for the Dilophosaurus' fan in Jurassic Park was based on the Frilled Lizard of Australia, which is known to take a bipedal stance and run while displaying it's fan as a means of defense and intimidation. (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    Teaser for the NIghtmare Series
    By WOLF-X

    *Completely Pitch Black Screen*

    *excruciating moaning coming from within the blackness*

    *the moaning than evolves into loud demonic laughing* ~
    "HAHAHAHAHA...What happens when all your normal humane emotions are clouded by one SIMPLE emotion..."

    *Camera pulls back to reveal that you are in an extremely dark sewer, barely illuminated by one small light bulb dangling from the ceiling as it shakes back and forth*

    "showing nothing but 'happiness' to cover up your true feelings for everyone & everything...covering pain, with joyous laughter...HAHAHA...You can sense an evil presence lurking around deep within your soul, but covering up all of your emotions, you NEVER truly know when youve 'crossed the line'...

    *Flashlights start shining down sewer, and distant chattering is heard*

    "but what happens after youve crossed that fine line...what happens when the events that caused your crossing continue to get stronger and stronger, youre no longer 'immune' as you once thought...WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LOOSE COMPLETE CONTROL!?"

    *Flashlight beams keep increasing in intensity, until finally four men appear crossing in front of the dangling light* ~
    "Sir, the signal is coming very strongly from somewhere within this region"~1st man says
    "Right, let's continue moving on, our 'payment' is around here somewhere gentlemen & I intend to find it!" ~ The leader says...
    *the four men start walking off...all of a sudden the man standing in the back of the pack is lifted up to the ceiling by some unknown force*
    "HAHAHAHAHAHA..." *the evil laughter continues as the man reaches the very top of the ceiling, and with a sudden 'snap' the man's face was now facing towards his back, as if someone had just broken his neck*
    *The 3 other men turn completely around to see their comrade with a snapped neck hanging by nothing*
    "Gentlemen...our payment has arrived!!" *the 3 men turn on what appears to be blacklights attached to the bottom of their semi-automatic weapons & with the blacklight shining on the ceiling, sometype of demon like creature is shown for a SLIGHT second as it jumps out of sight (towards the reader)*..."HAHAHA NOW YOULL SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!"

    ON JULY 12TH... WOLF-X presents..."NIGHTMARE: DISTORTED SANITY" (1st story in a trilogy)
    "happiness isnt always pleasant!"

    6/21/2002 11:42:27 AM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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