By Michael Crichton
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    The 1998 MTV movie awards featured Ben Stiller, Jeneane Garaffalo, and Mike Myers in the roles of Malcolm, Sarah, and Nick in a parody of TLW's trailer scene. In the parody, a giant Jay Leno attacks the trailer and is subdued by TLW's own Vince Vaughn, both appearing as themselves. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    The Jurassic Chronicles- Book 1- Jurassic Park 3- Chapter 3-5
    By Vito_The_White

    Based from the movie Jurassic Park 3 written by Peter Buchman, Alexander Payne, and Jim Taylor

    Monday, July 11, 1999
    Washington, D.C.

    The Brachiosaurus lunged at the Triceratops. It grabbed its foot and whipped it around. They loudly roared at each other in anger. The Triceratops then head-butted the brachiosaur and it fell back. They jumped high into the air and knocked heads. Their tails went flying toward one another, and then the Triceratops dropkicked the Brachiosaur as it feel in the sand. However, out of all this, there was no hint of wounds on their yellow and green skin. The reason for this was because they were plastic.

    Young Charlie and B'Elanna Reiman sat next to their trampoline, on a picnic table in their back yard. They had a huge bucket of small dinosaur toys filled with hours of fun for them. They used their pudgy little hands to make the battling dinosaurs run toward each other in a clash. There was a man sitting next to them, who was wearing a brown jacket with a flannel shirt under it. He had graying brown hair that was beginning to recede and a dark brown beard. He also held two other dinosaurs that were not the same as Charlie and B'Ellana's.

    "No, no, kids. Those are herbivores. They would never have any need to fight each other at all. They are very peaceful, actually. But see, look at these," the man told them, holding up the two toys he held. "See these are carnivores! They like to fight, especially over food. See this one here is a Tyrannosaurus and he..." Someone else politely cut off the man.

    A woman, some years younger than the man, approached with wavy hair. She held a basket of laundry in her right arm. "Um, excuse me, Alan? They're only three. Why don't you wait till they're five," she smiled. The woman was Ellen Sattler Reiman, Alan Grant's former dig site partner.

    Ellie Reiman was now happily married to Mark Reiman, who was a Physicist from Berkeley. Before Ellie and Mark had children she spent a lot of time lecturing at Berkeley, or helping Grant out with some digs. When she finally had kids, she decided to settle down for a while and start working on a novel for the local magazine that had to do with a specific species of poisonous plant that existed back during the dinosaur era. This plant was known as Serenna Veriforman. Those plants that were found only in fossil remains had become an interest to several biology specialists for testing possible genetic Rembrandts. They'd hoped to bring this poisonous plant back to life in finding yet another way to save people from diseases like cancer and aids. They were bullshit scientists though. There was no way that a poisonous plant would be able to cure anything, except their need to die at an early age.

    "Oh…yeah. Um...sorry," Grant said.

    "Mommy the dinosaur man said that dese are herbadores and that dey don’t wanna fight each oder," Charlie said.

    "He did, did he," Ellie said smiling.

    A woman then came out of Ellie’s house, with a phone. She was the cleaning lady who helped Ellie with the housework. "Ellie?"

    Yeah," Ellie replied turning around.

    "They said they couldn’t wait any longer," the woman said with her hand over the phone. "Don’t you have your book done yet?"

    "No…they have to give me more time, I’m on chapter 11 out of 13."

    "Oh, I understand. With the kids and all." The cleaning lady ran back into the house.

    "What’s that all about," Grant asked.

    "Oh...nothing important...just a book I’m submitting to a local magazine," Ellie said not wanting to reveal any of the surprises early. "Those geneticist types are really rushing me on it."

    "Well...that doesn't surprise me," Grant said. "You have to remember that Dr. Wu in particular wasn't very patient when it came to getting a job done. God rest his sole."

    Ellie laughed at Grant's remark as she then heard a car door slam, and saw her husband, Mark Reiman, approach them. He was well suited, sporting a business outfit and carrying a brown leather briefcase.

    "Oh, hey honey," Ellie said. She kissed Mark, and then proceeded to introduce him to Grant. "Mark, honey this is Dr. Grant, Alan, Mark."

    "I’ve heard a lot about you Mark. Nice to meet you after all this time," Grant said.

    "Well, Dr. Grant I’ve heard tons about you as well, and it’s a very great honor to me to meet you in person," Mark said.

    "Thank you," Grant said smiling. He felt a little uneasy. He'd known Ellie for years and her and Mark had been married for four years at still had yet to meet Mark. Grant even felt uneasy being around Ellie, for they had tried dating for a long time, and things just didn't work out between the two of them. Grant was just very nervous right then.

    "Daddy the dinosaur man told us dat dese are herbadores," B'Elanna said.

    "I may not know much about dinosaurs but, yes, he’s correct," Mark said.

    "Did you ever study any paleontology," Grant said.

    "No, but look who I live with," Mark said smiling.

    "Okay, okay, that’s enough, let’s go inside, I’ll make dinner," Ellie said smiling. She led the two men and the two children into the beautiful Washington, D.C. house. The house was white and three stories. There was a white picket fence around the house. That was what Ellie always wanted. A nice husband, some kids, and a white picket fence. Grant was able to provide the first one, but only when he wasn't busy. The second one would be possible cause Grant loved kids, but the third would be impossible. He liked living in Montana, where his digs were. That's where his life was. Plus, he wasn't even sure if he'd ever be able to stand having another wife, because his first died many years ago. Grant shook those thoughts away and entered the beautiful house.

    * * *

    Alan Grant was standing at a birdcage, holding a snack cracker. A parakeet was standing on its support beam, looking very stuck up. "Jack…jack…say my name Jack…say ‘Alan.’ ‘Alan.'," Grant said.

    "Alan it’s been almost five years," Ellie implied.

    "Yeah," Grant replied.

    "Well come over and have a seat."

    Grant walked over to the bar table, as Ellie and Mark situated themselves on the opposite side.

    "So…hey, I told you that Mark works for the state department now, didn’t I," Ellie said.

    "Yes you did, that’s very good Mr. Reiman. What do you do exactly," Grant asked.

    "Well…if I told you…I’d have to kill you," Mark replied with a smile.

    "Somehow, I just knew that statement was going to be said," Grant said smiling.

    "Nah. Actually they have me just doing regular problem solving. Being a Physicist is not the easiest job in the world," Mark said. "Buildings…roads…you know. Stuff to make taxes go up more has to be determined by my calculations.”

    "That's great to hear," Grant said. "I bet you get real good money for that."

    "Oh, hell yeah. A whole lot more then I was being paid at Berkeley. They offered me twenty thousand dollars more a year then I was being paid before when I was just a teacher. Don't get me wrong, I love kids. They were great to work with in school, but to be able to get out in the field and do the work that I majored in is a great opportunity for me."

    "Oh, I definitely understand. Especially now."

    "How do you mean," Mark asked.

    "Well," Grant said, "ever since my new book came out on the market, it's been hard to even have one lecture without everyone in the room wanting to ask questions about Jurassic Park. It's not even completely my fault. If Richard Levine had kept his mouth shut. But I know what you mean. I'd much rather be out at a dig finding fossils then sitting in a classroom teaching. That's just not me."

    "It never has been," Ellie implied smiling.

    "Well, you take what you can get," Grant said smiling.

    "So tell me," Mark started, "how was it to actually be inside a Velociraptor nest?"

    "It was something else," Grant replied nodding. "I've never seen such organization between a species in my life. I couldn't understand how such a violent species like raptors could've had such order between themselves. It was amazing. What Ellie and I, along with a lawyer named Donald Gennaro, saw was just unbelievable. They seemed almost like an old Indian tribe of some kind. Raptors are intelligent creatures. I'll give them that much, but they sure had a hard time realizing that three humans were in their home."

    Ellie laughed. "Very true. I'm just glad they didn't though. Gennaro would've pissed his pants then."

    "I wouldn't be surprised if he did anyway," Grant said.

    Suddenly, they heard the sound of a child crying. Ellie got up, but was seated back down by Mark, who stood.

    "Actually um, you guys…you guys can catch up," Mark said.

    "Thanks honey," Ellie said.

    Mark walked off into a hallway. Grant watched him walk off. "I approve," he said leaning forward. They both exchanged smiles.

    "Yeah," Ellie replied. "He's been great."

    "I'd say so," Grant said. "I'd have never been able to provide a house as beautiful as this."

    "Doesn't Hammond's Foundation still fund your digs," Ellie asked.

    "No," Grant replied shaking his head. "They stopped doing that a year ago. I believe they hate me or something."

    "Well," Ellie said smiling. "Why wouldn't they after your new book you were talking about before, telling all about our experience on Nublar."

    "Yeah," Grant chuckled. "And then that bastard Ian Malcolm ripped me off and wrote one himself. Hell, his was longer then mine, and just because he's went to another island. Yee-haw for him."

    "Have you talked to Ian recently," Ellie asked.

    "Ellie...hunny," Grant said shaking his head. "I haven't talked to that annoying man since the trip on Nublar ended."

    "Has he ever tried to get a hold of you?"

    "Oh, hell yeah. I can't get any sleep some nights, because he calls me in the late hours of the night, wanting to know some shit about me helping him and Richard Levine with some big scientific investment of theirs."

    "Oh I heard of that," Ellie said. "Ian came and told me all about it. They both have a really great plan of putting Chaos Theory and Paleontology together. I think they're going to call it Pale chaos. I told him that if they ever needed my help, I'd be more then willing to."

    "You're such a forgiving person Ellie. I would've never forgiven him for what he said about your legs. That man is a nuisance."

    Ellie smiled. "You never change, who are you working with now."

    "Trying to change the subject huh? Ok. Well, I met a college student at the University of Maryland who was extremely interested in Velociraptors. Billy was also very skilled in bone scraping. You know…he’s very careful. I couldn’t have hired a better man. Also, I hired Cheryl Logan, who is a great computer technician. And you know me and those things…”

    "Is she…?" Ellie asked hopefully.

    "If you are thinking like I…think…you are," Grant said. "No, I believe her and Elliot are taking a liking to each other. Elliot is our other technician. This could be bad…but they are both astonishing workers.”

    "That’s good…I’m glad you are getting this extra help," Ellie said sighing. She'd hoped that Alan had been able to move on with his love life, but his was a hard one to be in control of and it never seemed to work out for him." new?

    "Ellie… listen. I’m not sure how you can take this… but..."


    "Ellie, our theories about raptor intelligence… what they were capable of… we weren’t even close," Grant said.

    "Tell me," Ellie said.

    "Ellie, remember the sounds they made?"

    "I try not to," Ellie replied shivering at the thought of having to remember those horrible animals that almost killed her on Isla Nublar.

    "Remember when Tim was saying that, when he and Lex were in the kitchen, how the raptors made very high pitch squawks, then immediately another one showed up?"

    "Yes… but we knew that they called one another for help…"

    "No Ellie, you don’t understand," Grant said. "They could talk to each other… in ways we couldn’t possibly image."

    "Go on," Ellie said.

    "Well if my theory proves true… no …I know it’s true…"

    Grant paused. Ellie was in shock about all of this. She couldn't believe what Grant was telling her. If she was thinking the same thing he was, it could've been a big deal.

    "Ellie… they were smart," Grant said. "They were smarter than dolphins or whales, they were smarter than primates."

    Jack the parrot suddenly butted into the conversation. "Bullshit," the colorful parrot said.

    Grant and Ellie exchanged twisted glances.

    "Now I know I didn’t teach him that," Grant said pointing at the bad parrot.

    "Remember when you dropped the television remote in the toilet," Ellie said folding her arms.

    "Oh," Grant said. Looking back on it, Grant remembered that he was watching the NBA playoffs with the LA Lakers and the Charlotte Hornets, and he had to go to the bathroom during it and accidentally took the remote in there. He then somehow dropped the remote in the toilet when he got shocked about a rat that he saw moving around. Grant smiled as he remembered cussing himself and the parrot hearing all of it would've been very possible.

    "Anyway… Alan… and these things are still here… on Sorna … right?" Ellie remembered Malcolm telling her all about Isla Sorna and what he'd saw on the island. What had given her particular interest were the Carnotaurs and their ability to camouflage themselves. It was an interesting theory that she and Grant had tried to put to fact, but was rejected by the Museum of Natural History as well as several of their other theories that they produced out of the blue after they returned from Nublar. Since the Costa Rican Government and InGen silenced them they couldn't tell anyone that their theories were true fact.

    "That’s right."

    "If only you could prove that they are such a threat…"

    "No, Grant said. "This world is filled with too many Hammonds."

    * * *

    Outside, Grant started up his car, and the automatic seat belt fastened. Grant looked up at Ellie, who was standing next to the car door.

    "Alan, you know… if you ever need anything… even the smallest thing… don’t be hesitant in using our number," Ellie said. "You know you are more than welcome. I'll be there for you…"

    "Thank you," Grant said.

    "Don't be afraid to evolve Alan Grant," Ellie said smiling at the older man. "Sometimes evolving means changing your views on things that happen and scientific discovery is all a part of that, even if it has to do with genetic cloning."

    Grant smiled in return. "Okay."

    "I just want you to know… you will always be the best hon…" They exchanged an odd look.

    "I’m… I’m sorry…"

    "No, Ellie, just don’t worry about it," Grant said. "We just weren’t compatible."

    "Alan, I really wish it wasn’t this way."

    "Yeah. I suppose I feel the same." Grant threw his car into drive.

    "I mean it," Ellie said. "You are still and always will be the best."

    Grant smiled. "The last of my breed." With those words he pulled out of the Reiman’s driveway, and Ellie watched him drive away. Tears streamed down her face, very slowly.

    "Always the best," Ellie said as she walked back into the house very slowly, with tears in her eyes. She hated that her and Grant had gotten closer then ever after the Isla Nublar incident. They had gotten so close that she had considered breaking her engagement to Mark, but they had eventually realized that they just weren't going to be possibly able to keep a relationship intact, and Ellie hated every bit of it.

    Ellie walked back into the house to see Mark sitting back down at the table.

    "Well," Mark said, "he left in a hurry."

    "Yeah," Ellie replied. "He had to get on back to Montana. He's got a lecture tomorrow at the University. So, what was wrong?"

    "B'Elanna wanted some milk," Mark replied.

    "Oh," Ellie sat back down.

    "Are you ok," Mark asked.

    "Yeah," Ellie replied shaking her head. "It's just been a long time since I've seen Alan. Listen, there's something I'm going to tell you that I never thought I'd be able to."

    "What's that?"

    "You remember that we were engaged for a long time before we got married right?"

    "Of course. We wanted to make sure that it was the right thing for the both of us. I remember that while I was at one of my conferences in Berkeley, you had that trip to Isla Nublar and was stuck down in Costa Rica for quite awhile before they'd let you come back to the states..."

    "And even then I didn't come back for a little longer, because I wanted to make sure that Ian Malcolm was going to be ok. So did everyone else that survived the return from Nublar. There wasn't many of us, but we were all there."

    "I know all of this already," Mark said smiling. "What is it that you need to tell me that I don't already know?"

    "Checking on Dr. Malcolm wasn't the only reason why I was staying down there hunny. When Alan and I were on Nublar together, we experienced some things that I could've only imagined in my worst nightmares. However, something happened when there that caused me to see something in Alan that I'd never saw before, because he was my teacher and it just didn't seem right to be feeling those things for someone about sixteen years older then me. I was twenty-four at the time and he was forty."

    "Are you saying that you wanted to stay down there to see if there was any way that the two of you could possibly ever be a good couple," Mark asked confused.

    "Yes," Ellie replied. "I know I should've told you sooner, but I just couldn't ever find the right time to do so. I'm so sorry."

    "It's ok dear," Mark said leaning over to take Ellie's hand. "I understand. I'm just glad that we ended up together."

    "So am I," Ellie replied smiling. "So am I."

    The two leaned in and kissed each other on the lips. Ellie smiled as they continued to passionately kiss from across the table.

    Based from early scripting for the movie The Lost World: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

    Monday, July 11, 1999
    Cupertino, California

    The main office of the Biosyn Corporation of Cupertino, California gleamed in the sunlight. Several people were walking around on the exterior of the building, while others stood around talking. Everyone was wearing expensive looking business suits. Biosyn was a genetics company that based most of their work off of other people's accomplishments, and secret testing, like what was done in Chile.

    Ed James sat in his car staring at the building and watching all of the people. He sighed trying to get over his nervousness.

    James had worked for the Biosyn Corporation for several years, but his greatest achievements were made when he was a spy for former corporate chairman, Lewis Dodgson. He had been asked to do a lot of research dealing with people that were involved with InGen, the rival company of Biosyn, for quite a long time before they filed for Chapter 11. Most of what he was looking for was dealing with InGen's little project called Jurassic Park. However, Dodgson was presumed dead when he didn't return to his boat during his trip to Isla Sorna. He was trying to get dinosaur eggs to take back to the mainland for the company's CEO, Jeff Rossiter.

    That was the man that James had a meeting with today. James didn't have much action in the company after Dodgson died. Dodgson was the one person that he had a lot of spying jobs with, although they were mainly about InGen or those precious dinosaurs of his.

    However, Jeff Rossiter had recently decided to acquire his assistance with some people named Paul and Amanda Kirby. Rossiter had heard rumors of a possible expedition that was going to be made by Kirby Enterprises of Enid, Oklahoma. Kirby Enterprises was an extremely large corporation to be set in such a small place like Enid, but that didn't matter to the Kirby family. However, Rossiter had heard rumor that they had been planning to move the company to San Francisco, but that was still only rumor.

    James had found out some interesting information about the Kirby's. What he'd found was that they were planning to go on a rescue mission to save their son and a man named Ben Hildebrand. It appeared that the two ended up on Isla Sorna after a parasailing incident. James knew that Rossiter would want to take this chance to strike and go to Sorna himself to attempt to do what Dodgson had been unable to accomplish. However, the fact was that he had only taken George Baselton and Howard King with him, which meant that a mission like that needed more people and bigger equipment then Dr. Dodgson had.

    Ed James finally decided to get out of his car where he stood 5'10 wearing a brown suit and tie. He walked into the main building and forward, toward the briefing room where he would have his meeting with Jeff Rossiter and several other important board members on Biosyn's staff.

    The secretary at the front desk greeted him. "Hello, Mr. James. The meeting has already begun. They're at the other end of the hall."

    "Thank you."

    He continued to walk as he thought to himself that he was sure that there would be an interesting conversation to bring to Rossiter's attention. He also hoped he'd be rewarded greatly.

    * * *

    Ed James stepped into the briefing room to see several boardroom executives sitting at the table in the center of the room. At the front of the table, Jeff Rossiter stood and smiled.

    "Everyone," Rossiter said still smiling. "This is our man. I'd like to introduce you all to Mr. Ed James. He's been a spy for us for many years and a good one at that."

    James swallowed and walked forward to the end of the table where he faced Biosyn's CEO in the face.

    "The information I have for you Mr. Rossiter," James whispered, "was hard to get...because the Kirby adults were first, hard to find and secondly, not very talkative." James paused and took a breath trying to get his information straight. "To put things simple, Paul and Amanda Kirby are planning a trip to Isla Sorna or Site B, the second dinosaur infested island that was formally owned by InGen, and now controlled by The Costa Rican Government. The reason for their trip is simply to save their son and a friend of theirs that ended up trapped on the island after a parasailing incident. They'll be leaving in a few days. That is all I have at this time, Mr. Rossiter." James sat down, in the seat beside Rossiter's, with a very nervous look on his face.

    Jeff Rossiter continued to stand smiling. "Now is the time that we must strike," Rossiter said turning back to the boardroom members. "Ever since Lewis Dodgson went to Isla Sorna, this corporation has been falling to pieces. We have watched our stock drop from ninety-four and a half to seventeen flat with no good end in sight. And all along, we have held the truth about a significant product asset that we could have safely harvested and displayed for profit. Enormous profit. Enough money to wipe out four years of lawsuits and unpleasant infighting. Enough to not only send our stock back to where it was, but to double it. Think of all the money that we had to pay to the families of George Baselton, Howard King, and Eddie Carr, whom of which wasn't even on the team Dodgson took. The fact is we have to get something to help us get Biosyn back to where it was four years ago and fast. I move that we go to Isla Sorna and take some of the animals... so we'll be able to get Biosyn back on its feet."

    Heads went from side to side all in the room. Everyone was shocked to be hearing all of this.

    Rossiter smiled knowing exactly what to say next. "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking haven’t we tried way too many times already to get InGen's technology that actually should belong to us? We tried Dennis Nedry, buying the company, buying the islands, and finally sending Lewis Dodgson to Site B to take eggs. Yes, all of those ideas failed. However, just yesterday I got word from the Japanese investors, which helped John Hammond start InGen, were planning on selling some interesting property in San Diego. I didn't even know about this place. It seems Hammond was originally going to have Jurassic Park in San Diego instead of on an island in Costa Rica. It appears that the Japanese believe that if they sale that property that nothing bad will come from it. I bought this property under a secret allies just in case. I didn't want them to realize that I was with Biosyn. And we now have exactly the place to put the wonderful animals. Tell me what you think about all of this. If you are with me show your approval by raising your right hand."

    Hands went up all over the room slowly as everyone agreed that it was a good idea to do anything to get Biosyn back in shape.

    "Thank you all for coming," Rossiter said smiling. "We'll have news for you in three days."

    All of the executives left the room, Rossiter, and Ed James behind.

    James stood up and started helping Rossiter get his papers together. "That was an amazing speech sir. Very moving."

    "Thank you," Rossiter replied. "Listen, I'm going to need help getting a team together to make this all work. I already have to deal with Ajay Sidahu. I hate that poacher. He's the most annoying one in the world, but he said that he'd do his best to get the great white hunter named Roland Tembo."

    "He knows that guy," James asked.

    "They're best friends," Rossiter replied. "You know Dr. Evan Baker don't you?"

    "Yes sir," James replied. Why?"

    "I want you to get him. We need a Paleontologist on the trip and he seems like the only one that I would ever be able to seriously trust."

    "I'm curious about something," James stated.

    "What's that," Rossiter replied.

    "Why are you planning on going at the same time that the Kirby's show up," James asked. "That may not be too smart. Dr. Dodgson went at the same time that Ian Malcolm's team went there. I'm really not sure it's a wonderful idea to be doing this now."

    "Well," Rossiter said, "I've had little time to prepare for anything, but I'm going to have those animals, Kirby’s or no Kirby’s. I've got to get this team together quickly and get on out there. We have the old San Diego Park now and we can do anything we want with it. I want that park up and running ASAP. Biosyn needs the money bad."

    "We still need to plan ahead," James said. "I would be much happier without predators lurking around the city of San Diego."

    "Are you crazy," Rossiter asked James, looking him straight in the eye.

    "No. Why?"

    "I have no plans in getting any of the carnivores, unless it's a Procompsognathus. I heard they were really good at clearing away dinosaur shit."

    "Oh. Well, you should still work on the park in San Diego before rushing into things."

    "We have no choice. Time isn't on our side. Do you have any idea how close we are to filing for Chapter 11? I do not want to see my company go down just like InGen did. John Hammond was a failure and it was his fault for breaking up our company. I'm not going to end up being one myself. We also have to deal with the EPA. They've been spying on us. Someone that worked on the InGen case a few years back is trying to mess in our business now as well. They seem to believe it very strange that our company bought that old property from the InGen investors. I have reason to believe that someone from the EPA will be sent with the Kirby's team and I want that man found and killed. So you can see that we must leave as soon as possible."

    "We," James asked with wide eyes.

    Rossiter sighed. "I will need your help on the island."

    "Why," James asked.

    "Because you are one of the few people that I can trust anymore. I don't know who's going on this expedition with me and I just want to make sure that I have at least one person that I can trust. Can I count on you?"

    James thought long and hard about what to say. Dodgson, King, and Baselton had all died on that island. He wasn't sure what he'd expect there and really didn't want to find out.

    "I'll pay you extremely handsomely," Rossiter smiled. "I'll even make sure that you get some of the profit out of my San Diego Park. What do ya say?"

    James continued to think about what he was going to say. He didn't need to be getting in any danger. He was just a spy and not the adventure type. However, his family needed the money. They were having a hard time paying the bills lately and could use the help. His wife and kids would be so proud of him for bringing so much money home just for being a part of the expedition to find cloned dinosaurs.

    "Alright. I'll do it."

    Rossiter smiled largely. "Good choice." The man then shook the spy's hand and left the room and Ed James behind.

    This is such a bad idea. James thought to himself. Why do I always get myself cault up in all of this stuff?


    "New involvements of evil forces make chaotic drawings more in depth with the understandings of danger to come."


    Based from the movie Jurassic Park 3 written by Peter Buchman, Alexander Payne, and Jim Taylor

    Tuesday, July 12, 1999
    Helena, Montana

    Alan Grant stood at the podium in front of a large audience in the college auditorium of The Montana State University. To the left of him was a table covered with fossils from Velociraptors with labels on them for display. They were skull fragments, feet claws, and other smaller bones like fragments of backbones and spinal columns. The lecture supervisor sat to the right of him, just staring. She was a tall, black lady wearing a business type coat and skirt. Her name was Naomi Blackburn.

    Grant had worked and lectured at Montana State for many long years, mainly out on the field digging and researching on the newest finds of dinosaurs. About a year ago, Grant had gone to Paris to lecture on findings stating that Tyrannosaurs were scavengers in their time. However, Grant soon realized that his findings were correct...too correct. The people he worked with in Paris became very superstitious of him (for they were about everything anyway) so he returned to Montana shortly afterwards, going back to his famous dig site where he found a lot of herbivore nesting grounds and some small findings of Velociraptors. There wasn't many items found that dealt with raptors, except for the occasional bone or too. They hardly ever recovered a full raptor skeleton. They had however recently found another complete raptor skeleton. This was the first since 1989. That's had been ten years since another raptor has found. A very saddening thing for Grant, and it also made him feel extremely terrible that Ellie was no longer working at the dig site to enjoy the find as well.

    Now Grant was relaxed, standing at the podium, looking out at all of the people waiting for him to continue his lecture. He was holding a piece of skeleton in his hand as he began to conclude his lecture.

    "-and so by studying these air sacks and hollows of the Velociraptor skull, scientists and paleontologists alike can conclude that raptors were capable of advanced vocalizations that could put in them in tribal groups with social status. This is why it is very likely that they were the smartest species to ever roam our planet," Grant concluded.

    Everyone in the room was silent. Somewhere playing with their hair, others doodling in their notebooks, and still others picking on their fingernails. None of them were paying attention that was for sure. None of them cared about Grant, his lecture, the lovely Naomi, or his amazing new findings. To them, dinosaur's fossils were no more then a piece of rock found in the earth. Ten years ago they would have been fascinated and found it interesting. But now, all they were interested in was seeing the dinosaurs for real, up close and personal.

    And that was why Grant's whole life was going down the drain. That was also why his dig sites had to move to different locations every other three months. They were frequently running out of money, and after InGen stopped funding them, they were at a lose as to what to do. For a long time, another genetics company called Biosyn funded them. Grant knew that all they were really after was information about Jurassic Park, but Grant always resisted it and also took their funding at the same time. Grant was very conniving when need be. He would tell the represenitive of the company, Ed James, that as soon as they gave them the funding for the next few months that he'd tell them what they wanted to know. Biosyn would hold up their end of the bargain, but Grant would continue to hold it all off by saying that he had amnesia or something else. Eventually, Biosyn became tired of this pattern and stopped funding Grant's digs, leaving them with very little money to continue working with.

    Jurassic Park was really the only reason that people came to his lectures. In a way he blamed Ian Malcolm for everything that happened. If Malcolm hadn't told that nosy little asshole, Richard Levine, about the islands- Grant's life would still be normal. People would come to his lectures for the bones. Malcolm had caused Levine to find out about the InGen dinosaurs, and then Levine went off and told every other person he saw about them. Grant despised Levine and he knew it. That's why Levine never went anywhere near him since he'd first meet him at that conference in Peking that Grant had wished he'd never went to. All it was, was a bunch of oriental people trying to understand dinosaurs better by getting the best Paleontologists around to teach it to them. Grant had always joked around saying that they must've been tired of Godzilla chasing them and destroying their cities.

    Nobody had obviously realized that Grant had concluded. So he put his mouth to the microphone again. "Thank you," he nodded sourly. Everyone suddenly straightened in their seats and clapped, which was not wholeheartedly. Naomi Blackburn stood and approached the stand.

    "Thank you, Dr. Grant, for coming," she acknowledged. Grant nodded. There was a long pause, not sure what to say next. "Now are there any questions," she asked finally. At that, everyone became excited and every single hand in the room bolted up into the air. Grant rolled his eyes and sighed. He took the microphone out of its stand and held it in his hands and paced back and forth.

    "Now do any of you have questions that don't concern Jurassic Park," Grant smirked. Several hands slowly went down. However about half the room still had their hands up. "Or any that aren't about Site B . . . which, if I might add, I haven't ever been too," he said irritated. Every single hand came down with the exception of only two hands that were left raised. "Please, how about you," Grant gestured to the young man. The lady with her hand up kept hers in the air.

    The microphone handler walked down the isle and gave it to the young student. "Yes, Dr. Grant. Now what do we need to care about your findings, or studies, or to even speculate over them. After all the scientists push the government for exception. They can just go to Isla Sorna and see for themselves what has happened to the dinosaurs and what they are capable of, right?" he implied.

    Grant shook his head. "Let me make this very clear to all of you and I want you to listen," Grant said. "What John Hammond and InGen created are only theme park monsters. Nothing more, and nothing less. The true dinosaurs and our discovery about them are in the earth. And that is how scientists truly study the leviathans of our past. And I will speak for myself when I say that no force on earth or in heaven will get me to that island," Grant gestured. "One doesn't go onto that island in hopes of finding only beautiful animals that everyone will enjoy to see. There are monsters of pure evil and terror on that island that you could never imagine possible. You must understand that what I went through on Isla Nublar was something that I don't want to ever hear happening to any of you."

    The man shook his head and sat back down, clearly disappointed.

    Grant turned to the lady with her hand still raised. "Yes?"

    The microphone handler again moved, now going over to the lady. "Yes Doctor," the lady said standing up. "Whatever became of the Rembrandts of the living Procompsognathus specimen that Dr. Alice Levin sent to you? Did any proof ever come back stating that it really was a real Compy?"

    Grant smiled. "Alice Levin...I haven't heard that name in a long time. Actually it ended up being just another of those monsters from InGen. It was all in the report from Donald Gennaro if you'd like to check it out."

    The lady nodded, and everyone in the Auditorium hesitantly got up to leave.

    Grant shook his head and stepped down from the podium. Naomi Blackburn smiled and shook Grant's hand. "That was a marvelous lecture, Dr. Grant."

    "Thank you," Grant replied. "You have a lot to handle with these Paleontology majors."

    "Oh believe me," Naomi said smiling. "Not everyone here is a Paleontology major."

    "What do you mean by that," Grant asked.

    Naomi sighed and came closer to Grant. "Well, an anonymous student somehow hacked into several popular websites on the Internet and pasted everywhere that you'd be lecturing here today."

    "So that's why the Auditorium was so packed,” Grant said shaking his head.

    "I'm afraid so," Naomi replied. "I'm so sorry about all this doctor. We'll do our best to make sure to find our hacker and stop that from happening again."

    "That would be very good of you," Grant said smiling. "This Jurassic Park stuff is really getting on my nerves."

    "I don't blame you." Naomi smiled, making Grant feel a little uncomfortable. "You know...Dr. Grant...I've admired you for quite a long time and-"

    "Ms. Blackburn," Grant interrupted. "I'm very sorry to tell you this, but I'm not ready to start dating anyone just yet. There's a problem with it right now."

    "Oh," Naomi said feeling embaraced. "I'm sorry doctor.

    "That's quite alright," Grant replied smiling. "Perhaps if I get to feeling different about this, I'll give ya a call."

    "That would be wonderful."

    Grant then put took his coat and fedora and stepped away from Naomi and started for the exit to the building. However, as he was walking toward the back door-he always took the back door to keep the students and press from asking him ridiculous questions- he saw someone come through the door wearing an extremely nice suit and tie. This man looked very familiar to Grant, but he couldn't put a name to the face. The man smiled and shook Grant's hand.

    "Hello Dr. Grant," the man said. "I'm not sure if you remember me, but my name is Bob Morris of the EPA."

    Now Grant could recall him. "Oh, yes. I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't remember." Bob Morris had gone to Grant's dig in Snakewater just days before Grant and Ellie went to Isla Nublar. Morris had actually come to talk to him about InGen and the strange goings-on that they were into. However, Grant didn't heed what the two men discussed, and went along with one of John Hammond's proposals just minutes after Morris had left the dig site. That was what had gotten Grant in extreme trouble and he'd found himself running from dinosaurs along with Ellie and several other people.

    "It's good to see you again, Dr. Grant," Morris said. "How have you been?"

    "I've been fine," Grant replied. "How about you?"

    "Oh, about the same here really." Morris seemed, to Grant, a little disturbed or perhaps in a hurry to get somewhere.

    "So what did you want to talk about," Grant asked getting to the point.

    "I see that you already know what I want," Morris replied smiling. "That's fine. You see, after what we'd heard about what Biosyn did on Isla Sorna, we've been watching them very closely."

    "Why should an environment agency care about Biosyn now? The law enforcement agencies are dealing with them."

    "Well, since InGen's little disaster, we've been keeping tabs on everyone that has ever been involved with the incidents on either island. I could tell you anything that you'd like to know about anyone. Just to prove that to you Dr. Grant, I know of your failed relationship with Ellie and of your..."

    "Ok! Ok! I get your point. Let's get back to the subject you came to talk to me about... So, was any evidence ever discovered penning Biosyn to what happened?"

    Morris shook his head slowly. "Nope. It's very sad. Apparently the families of anyone that was killed on Sorna were bribed to be quite. All of the proof we have is that of Ian Malcolm and the other survivors of that expedition. We tried to send some operatives to the island to investigate, but of course the Costa Rican Government wouldn't allow us to do so, seeing as which it's private property and in their waters. But Biosyn may now be trying to do something new."

    "What would they try to do now," Grant asked. "Isn't it about time that they closed down?"

    "It won't be much longer, but their CEO made a very interesting buy just yesterday believe it or not. Apparently he bought a piece of land in San Diego that at one time belonged to InGen."

    Grant shrugged his shoulders. "InGen had dozens of buildings and other properties in California. That doesn't really surprise me."

    "That's true, and this isn't the first property that Biosyn has bought that once belonged to InGen. They've even bought some of the old amber mines that belonged to InGen. This property, however, was checked out by my partner just a few hours ago, while I was still trying to find you, and there is an old park there that was at one time going to be the actual location for Jurassic Park."

    Grant laughed. "You must be kidding. If that were so, Hammond, or someone else, would've told us about it."

    Morris shook his head in dismay. "This place was made long before the park on Isla Nublar was ever thought of. Hammond, however, decided in the end to make the park far away where there wouldn't be the EPA, FBI, CIA, ect. to find everything about his little project out. So, they left the facility unused, unfinished, and hidden. It took my partner quite a while to find the place apparently."

    "What should this all matter to me or anyone else for that matter?"

    "I'll make it simple for you doctor, Biosyn is expected to file for Chapter 11 in a matter of months. Why would they buy this property from the old Japanese Investors for InGen if they were going to have to be going out of business soon?"

    "My God," Grant said in shock. "You don't think that they're planning on going to Isla Sorna, yet again, to take animals back to the mainland do you?"

    "That was my first guess," Morris replied.

    "Well then," Grant said, "you'll have to do something about it. Send some people to the island and stop them!"

    "There's no way to get them there without angering the Costa Rican Government. With all of the problems that the U.S. has been having with other countries lately, I don't think it would be a good idea to make Costa Rica mad."

    "That's true. What do you suggest be done?"

    "There isn't much that can be done, but I have an idea for you to think about. I'd like for you to go to Isla Sorna secretly with some of my people discussed as researches, and stop Biosyn from what evil deeds they have planned."

    "Absolutely not," Grant said. "If you had been here for my lecture you would've known the answer to that question already. I'm leaving."

    "Won't you at least consider the idea," Morris asked.

    "No," Grant replied. "Why don't you try to get Ian Malcolm to go? He's been to Sorna before. You'll love being around him."

    "Did you know that InGen and Biosyn were, at one time, one company," Morris asked.

    Grant turned back around in mid-walk. "What?"

    "Back in the early seventies the company was originally BioGen," Morris replied. "The company split just a little before the first park ideas were made up. Several people left Hammond to follow Jeff Rossiter and Lewis Dodgson. Doesn't that even at all interest you to look into this more?"

    "No. I refuse to ever be involved with those dinosaurs again." Grant turned and walked out of the building, leaving Bob Morris staring in shock. The world would be doomed if he couldn't get Grant to reconsider somehow. However, he already had another way to get this done. Kirby Enterprises was going to Isla Sorna, and Morris was going to make sure that Grant was on that flight to Sorna with the Kirby’s and Morris' partner, Ben Talon.

    12/29/2002 11:22:03 PM

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