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    In TLW, the 'San Diego' scenes were actually filmed in Burbank, CA, with proper San Diego street signs attached to the street lights.
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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 Movie Script Part 8
    By Vito Hardy

    CUT TO:


    Camera pans showing the jeeps moving up to the enterance to the Visitor Center. The team gets out and emediately Malcolm and Levine begin an arguement with the two kids.

    "Alright, one of you better have a good explaination as to why you're here at this dangerous place and we want to hear it now!" (pause) "Right Dr. Malcolm?"

    "Ah, yeah."

    "Listen, guys we don't want you to be mad at us. We both just wanted to enjoy a little vacation with our dads. Is that so hard to believe?"

    "You bet it is young man! You have no idea of what's on this island!"

    MALCOLM(butting in)
    "Well, um, actually Matt has known about them for years which makes me want to know even more why he's here."

    "Dad, your stories facinated me! I wanted to see these animals because of those."

    "I try to make them scared of the animals and yet it just never seems to work. I told the same stories to your sister and she ended up on the other island. I ah, can't believe that this is happening all over again!"

    Malcolm walks off tapping on his fingers trying to figure out the equation as to why his horrifing stories are yet not horrifing to his kids.

    "Dad, we're both sorry, but you and I hardly ever spend any time together anymore and I just wanted us to be an actual family for once. After you and mom left each other you, I just haven't done anything but your stupid dino digs! I just wanted everything to be the way it used to be."

    LEVINE(sadder and more calm tone now)
    "I'm sorry son. I guess you're right. Also on top of all you've said you haven't even met Kathy."

    Levine turns around shocked. He looks to each person in the team all waiting for Levine to end his lecture.

    "When Kathy arrives, she'll have no way to find us and could get killed!"

    "Kathy's coming here!"

    "What are we going to do!"

    "Calm down Richard. Don't worry. I'll take one of the jeeps out and find her. You guys can go ahead and check this building out and find that Dodgson bastard. I'll be back when I find her. She may be coming by a boat so that's what I'll be looking for."

    "Thank you Jack. I think I'm ready now."

    Grant and the others nodd. Thorne jumps into one of the jeeps and takes off going back toward the coast. Grant, Malcolm, Levine, Wu, and the two kids walk up the stairs to the enterance doors of the mangled Visitor's Center. The glass in the doors have been shattered and almost completely torn off the hinges. Grant and Wu both are holding riffles, so they enter the door first followed be the others.


    The party enters the Visitor's Center doors to see the destroyed area around them. Levine pulls a flashlight from his back pack and turns it on shining a little light into the huge main lobby of the building. There are several broken skeletons of dinosaurs on the ground. Grant can also see complete Velociraptor skeletons. Grant shivers at seeing those animals remains after trying to kill him, Ellie, Lex, and Tim all those years ago.

    They all accend up the spiral staircase pushing past vines and molds trying to reclaim the area that the Visitor's Center took over. The people turn down a long coridoor where they see several offices and other doors. Wu notices the Genetics Lab at the far end of the hallway.

    "We go for the Genetics Lab first. We should find the files that Dodgson will be wanting there. All of the Jurassic Park records and databases are held in there in my former office. Follow me."

    Wu walks forward toward the door. On the way there he sees the Control Room's enterance and stops thinking.

    "Henry? What's wrong?'

    "There may be reason to go in there. However not now. We need to push on."

    Wu continues to the enterance of the Genetics Lab. He trys to open the door however the handle doesn't budge. For some reason it won't open.

    "What's wrong?"

    "It's what I feared. The power on this island is still operational. Some how it's still on after all these years. I would've thought that Costa Rica would've disconnected the power line to this island years ago, but it seems they forgot about it."

    "How are we supposed to get in there then?"

    Wu turns around smiling and takes something out of his pocket. It's his old security card!

    "I thought I might need this."

    "What is it? A credit card?"

    "No, better. It's a security card for the island. It'll open any and every door. Never leave home without it."

    "Will you stop with the jokes and open the damn door!"

    "Alright! Alright!"

    Wu turns around and slides the card through the door. A red light comes on and then turns to green. Wu trys the handle again and the door opens.


    Everyone continues inside the room. Inside the team goes down the set of stairs in the first movie to reveil the old genetics lab that Henry Wu had worked in for so many months during the constrution of the park.

    "Well this brings back memories."

    "Only bad ones though."

    "So Dr. Wu this is where all of the dinosaur making occured?"

    WU(shaking head)
    "Actually most of the breading and other experements were done on Site B. This is just a little taste of what we had back then so the tourists could get a feel of everything."

    Robert and Matt are over at one of the hatching tables examining some of the egg shells.

    "This is just amazing! I'd never thought technology would ever get so grand!"

    "Grand? You, ah call playing God grand? My boy you have a lot of learning to do."

    "Back off Ian. Everyone has their own opinion about things. This is no exception. Not even your Chaos Theory can take the place of a human's opinion."

    "I can um, see that you still are mad at me for being attracted to Ellie aren't you?"

    GRANT(looking at Malcolm strangely)
    "What are you talking about?"

    "Back in 93 when I first met you and Ellie I had a strong attraction for her and you went completely protective. It's understandable though. I mean you were going out with her at the time, but-"

    "Can we please not talk about Ellie?"

    "Sure. It doesn't really matter now though. I'm married to a very beautiful lady."

    MATT(walking up to Grant and Malcolm)
    "And that's my mom."

    "Exactly. Alright Henry, stop standing around and get those damn papers so we can ah, get out of here. This place gives me the creeps."

    "You and me both."

    Wu gets his attention back to the task at hand and walks off toward his office. Robert gets curious and follows him.


    The two go into the office and Wu starts searching through several old filing cabinets pulling out old yellowing papers. Wu turns around and looks at Robert. He smiles and turns back around.

    "Do you have an interest in genetics?"

    "No, I'm more of a movie type person. I'm hoping to become part of the movie industry when I get older. However it does interest me how you created the dinosaurs."

    WU(still smiling)
    "Have you ever heard of amber?"

    "No. What is it?"

    "Amber is what fossilized tree sap is called. 65 million years ago there were mosquitos in the world just like today. Have you ever been bitten by one before?"

    ROBERT(shaking his head)
    "No I haven't."

    "Well those things feed off the blood of their host. Mosquitos did just that to dinosaurs back all that long time ago. Usually though the mosquitos would land on the branch of a tree and somehow get stuck in the sticky sap being intraped in it. After a long time the tree sap would become fossilized and scientists were able to find the preserved DNA blood and then bingo, you're got the dinosaurs genetic code and DNA to your dispossal."

    "How can blood that old be able to keep a full intact DNA strand though?"

    "Well you see we had to use frog DNA to make the animals DNA strands complete. The problem with frog DNA however was that we had all of the animals female so they couldn't breed. However West African frogs can change sex from male to female when there is a single sex environment. All of our experements didn't help us with that, and it caused us to lose everything."

    "How exactly did the animals break out and destroy everything?"

    "A man named Dennis Nedry who was our computer programer destroyed the park systems. Everything went down, the animals got out, and three people were killed."

    Wu finally finds the file that he's looking for and pulls it out.

    "Ok this is it. All of the work with DNA strands and the expirements on the animals. Dodgson won't be needing this I don't believe. Come on let's get out of here."

    Wu and Robert walk back out of the office and rejoin the others.


    "Ok we're-"


    "What's going on?"

    "Alan thought he heard something."

    The team of six stand completely still not moving, and waiting to hear something if anything at all. Levine standing on the opossite side of everyone else is silent and rigid. He looks like he's scared shitless.

    The attack comes sudden as an animal jumps on Levine pressing him to the ground as he screams. Everyone turns to see a tall green animal with two crests on it's head. Grant and Wu horrified recognizes it as a Dilophosaurus.

    Levine can feel the animal struggling at Levine trying to bite at him. Levine then shows his strengh and heaves up knocking the animal off of him and into one of the test tables. Levine jumps up to join the others. The animal stands and stares at the people.

    Suddenly a very colorful fan pops out of the neck of the dilo and it makes a very loud hissing sound.

    "Look out for it's spit!"

    The animal starts to spit it's venum at the people, but they have already ducked behind a lab table infront of them.

    "Here's the plan. I'll try to come up from behind the animal while you get more infront of it. We'll both start shooting and hope that we don't miss."

    Wu nodds and watches as Grant turns the corner going off into his destination. All the while the dilo still makes it's shriking noises at the people that seem ear spliting.

    Suddenly Grant jumps up from behind the dilo and starts shooting at it with his rifle. The animal trys to dart away from the gun shots but then Wu stands and starts firing also and is unable to stay away from the bullets. The animal finally gives up and retreats out of the area. The team stands and starts running for the exit to the lab.

    3/20/2002 6:51:44 PM

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