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By Michael Crichton
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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 Movie Script Part 5
    By Vito Hardy

    CUT TO:


    (The main music from The Lost World where boat is approaching island is played)

    Camera pans to show the boat's whole exterior with people walking around getting things together.

    CUT TO:

    Lewis Dodgson standing on the boat looking out at the island smiling and smelling the warm salty air. Howard King is shown walking up to him.

    KING (wispering)
    "Are you sure it was wise to allow her to come along?"

    King and Dodgson turn around to see Kathy Freeman looking and waving at them. Dodgson smiles and waves back.

    "It could be dangerous."

    "My friend, se has no idea that we are the bad guys here. She thinks that we're on her side. There is no need to worry. Once we've taken care of her there will be one less person to worry about on Hammond's little team."

    "Fine, but whatever you do, I won't be involved in it."

    "Then go down below with Baselton and James."

    King huffs and walks off going toward the door leading to the bottom level. He looks back one time to see Dodgson walking toward Kathy and then walks down the steps into the bottom.

    Camera pans to show Dodgson walk up to Kathy as they both look out at the ocean and island very close to them now.

    "Just beautiful isn't it?"

    "Oh yes. It's all amazing. What I still don't get though is why Richard never mentioned the Biosyn Corporation. What are you guys about?"

    "Well we're just a small company really. All we're trying to do is really help the people of the world with what we're doing. There really is no relation with Dr. Levine, but we just want to help."

    "How are we going to get this boat on the island anyway?"

    "At the sides of the island are small caves that have been carved into the island thanks to erotion and the waves crashing on the island wall. Some of these caves go all the way to the center of the island. That's how we'll get through. We'll have to hold on tight though. The ride will get really bumpy in a few minutes when we start into the cave that we're going in."

    "What do you mean by bumpy?"

    "Just that when you enter the caves you have to deal with the waves that crash there. We'll just have to hold on and it'll be ok."

    Camera pans to show the boat moving toward a caved opening in the island with the boat starting to shake with the waves from the water starting to come over the boat and onto the deck.

    DODGSON(continued laughing now)
    "Just hold on! It'll all be over soon!"

    The two hold onto the railing as tightly as they could when suddenly Kathy losses her footing and falls to the floor. Dodgson bends down to help her up, but then pulls upward a little too hard(we all know why) and she goes over the side of the boat crashing into the cold pacific ocean.

    Kathy struggles to try to get back to the top, but is however having a hard time doing so and has to take her boats off because they were weighing her down. She then breaks the surface of the water and starts looking around for the boat, but is unable to see it.

    Suddenly the sound of an airplane is heard and the camera pans upward as Kathy looks in the sky to see an airplane flying past her.

    (Main Jurassic Park Music plays in background)

    Plane makes it's way over Isla Nublar as the camera shows final scense of Kathy swimming toward the shore of the island to catch up with the others.CUT TO:


    The pilot of the plane looks out at the island interior as he flys over it.

    "Alright! You people know what to do! Push the vehicles out and the shuts will open on them emediately! Don't forget that yours will have to be opened by hand. If you do you'll be flattened like pancakes! Hurry up and go!"

    Thorne throws open the back loading bay and everyone pushes the vehicles out of the plane. They watch as the shuts come out and the two jeeps float toward the island. Everyone goes over to their backpacks and start getting themselves ready for jumping. Malcolm sees that Wu is very nervous so he walks over to him calmly.

    "What's wrong Henry?"

    "You know exactly what's wrong! We have to bloody jump out of this damn plane! I didn't agree to do this!"

    "Yeah well I didn't want to come back to this island again so I guess we're even how about that? Listen It'll be fun. Just sit back and enjoy this. It may be the last thing you ever do!"

    "Is that supposed to reasure me, cause it isn't working!"

    Malcolm laughs and moves over toward the exit door and checks his pack one more time. He turns back around to everyone.

    "See ya down below!!!!"

    Malcolm turns back around and jumps out.


    Alan Grant walks up to the door next looking out at Malcolm sailing toward the island. Grant then takes a deep breath and crosses himself. He then jumps out himself.


    Richard Levine finishes with his straps and then walks over to Thorne who is talking to the pilot.

    "There is someone else that is on her way here now. Can you bring her out?"

    "I'm afraid that I have some things that I have to get done today. That's why you're being picked up by a boat tomarrow. Sorry."

    "Well how is she supposed to get out here?"

    "Maybe she can be brought out by a boat or something."

    "Okay, thanks."

    Thorne turns to Levine.

    "Better go meet death in the face, before your place is taken."

    Levine looks around the plane to find someone.

    "By who?"

    "I was joking my friend."

    Levine smiles at Thorne and walks over to the exit and then jumps.

    "ALL SYSTEMS GO!!!!!!"Thorne walks over to Wu who is sitting down staring at the floor.

    "It's your turn."

    "I can't do it! I'm not coming!"

    Thorne sighs and rips Wu off the seat and drags him over to the door and throws him out.

    "DAMN YOU!!!!!!"

    Thorne laughs and turns back to the pilot and gives him a goodbye thumbs up. He turns back around and jumps out of the plane.


    CUT TO:


    Camera pans to all five people flying down toward the island very fast. They all then open the parashuts and continue to sail down toward the island where they seem to be going to land in a large clearing. Amazingly all of the herbivores are at the other side of the clearing so everything was safe for them to land there. While still sailing toward the island everyone looks over at the herbivores seeing several Apatosaurs grassing from the high trees. There are Parasaurs drinking from the water's edge. Several Pachys are near the foliage comunicating in some odd manner. Farther off from there are a herd of Gallimimus standing far away from the other animals.

    "This is amazing!"

    "I can't believe I went along with this."

    "Guys, where are we?"

    3/17/2002 3:13:48 PM

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