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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 Movie Script Part 12
    By Vito Hardy

    CUT TO:


    "The next nest is right around this curve."

    "Are you sure? That GPS was wrong before."

    "I'm possitive this time that it's right."

    James stops the jeep. Dodgson, Baselton, and King get out and start toward the nest. Dodgson stops suddenly. They see two adult Tyrannosaurs and two babies. Dodgson turns on the bo and the same deafining shrick starts again. The adult rexes start backing away from the aweful noise roaring in anger at the intruders. King starts toward teh nest and goes in. He take one of the eggs beside the babies and starts back toward the jeep.

    "What's taking you so long, George? Go get the other egg."

    "I can't! I just can't!"

    Dodgson sighs. He starts in the nest, but then the plug in the bo is pulled out with because of his feet triping on it. Complete utter silence springs in the area. The rex's deafining roar is then heard. One of the animals start toward them. They both stand completely still. The rex sniffs the air around him. Then the animal bumps into Baselton. He screams and the animal puts it's foot in the air and stomps on him.

    "You stupid son of a bitch!"

    The animal then brings its head down and starts eating Baselton while he screams. Dodgson turns and runs back toward the jeep. He jumps inside to see everyone else staring forward in horror while they watch Baselton be eaten.

    "Go Ed! Go!"

    James starts the jeep and they speed off with both Tyrannosaurs chasing after them. They then turn several turns and then go off the road and into a dark area where the animals run past them. James smiles and takes the jeep back out on the road and goes in the oposite direction.

    CUT TO:


    The team walks slowly through the jungle looking for any danger in their area.

    THORNE(to Grant)
    "I think the other jeep is in this direction, but I'm not sure. We all got turned around when we had that little attack."

    "I know. We've got a lot of walking to do if we can't find our way back. There's got to be some old signs around here somewhere that'll tell us where we are."

    "The only possibility of that is in a complex building. It's been so long since I've been to this island that I'm not sure where the nearest one is or what's in it."

    "Some guide you are!"

    "Hey I didn't sign up to be a guide, and I'm not the one that would've known where everything was anyway. Muldoon, Arnold, and Harding were the only people that knew this island from top to bottom."

    "Yeah, and two of them are dead now so there's not much we can do about that."

    "Um....actually, Gerry died last year. He had cancer in the lungs. Sarah still has yet to really get over that lose."

    "Tell her I send me condolences."

    "That's double for me."

    "Ya know what Alan?"

    "What Ian?"

    "You and I have never really got along all that well. It's surprizing that you haven't tried to punch my lights out yet."

    "Believe me, I've thought about doing so several times."

    "Alright you two. That's enough."

    Camera switches back to the kids.

    "This place gives me the creeps."

    "I know. I feel the same way bro. It'll be ok."

    "I don't know. I mean I'm really scared right now."

    ROBERT(putting arm around Matt's shoulder)
    "Don't worry buddy. Your dad and I got ya covered."

    Matt smiles as they continue walking in the darkness. Camera switches to Kathy and Levine hand in hand.

    "I can't believe that pig eating jackass threw you out of the boat! When I find him I'm going to take that guy out!"

    "Hunny, you just stand back when I see Dodgson again and he doesn't have a gun. I'll get him back. Don't you worry."

    "I just don't want you to get hurt."

    "I've been dealing with African preditors for years dear. Don't worry about me. This guy is just a pussy cat compared to the Hyennas that I dealt with yesterday."


    "Don't worry about that now. I'll tell ya later."

    Camera switches back to Thorne at the front of the group.

    "We're getting no where in this darkness. We're going to have to find some trees and rest for the night. We'll continue again in the morning. The boat will be arriving to get us around noon so we'll have some time before we'll have to find our way to the dock."

    Everyone nodded their heads and they all got up in some nearby trees to rest. The people start looking out at the area surrounding them. There were Brachiosaurs eating in the far distance. Grant looked over to a small clearing not to far from where they were. He could see several triceratops in the field. They seemed to be doing something that was very out of the ordinary.



    "Look out there! The Trikes seem to be doing something!"

    The animals had made a large circle and were looking at two animals that were in the center of the herd. At the far end of the field was a lone animal looking at the other animals and roaring in dispair. The two animals in the center of the herd were roaring at each other.

    "Looks like their having a type of ritual of some kind. What can you make out of it Alan?"

    "It looks like to me that those two bucks are fighting over that lone female that is away from the rest of the group. It must be mating season!"

    The Trikes charged at each other locking horns as they tugged the opposite animal around. The trikes seemed to both be near the same size, but one was a slight bit bigger and seems to be wining the fight as the animals continue to push at each other. Finally the larger male backed the other one into the animals that were making the circle and then let go of the hold. The larger animal roared in victory as it moved toward the female.

    "It seems that it was a contest of strenth!"

    "Yes. The trike that was able to move the other one into the circle of animals lost. This seems to be the way to get mates for these animals. I'm sure it's more organized then something that the velociraptors would be able to come up with."

    This gets a laugh out of Malcolm for he is the only person that really knows what Grant is talking about.

    "What's a velociraptor?"

    "It's a vicious preditor that stands six feet high and nine feet long."

    "They also have killer claws on both feet."

    "They also have the speed of cheetas. I just hope we don't meet up with any. Their actually shouldn't be any anyway, cause there was only three when Ian and I were here and they were killed."

    "Actually Jack and I saw several of those things attack a Parasaur I believe. That is if I'm correct on the looks of the animals."

    "That can't be possible! They're all dead!"

    WU(shaking head)
    "Did you not pay any attention to the tour of the Genetics Lab Dr. Grant? You were even holding a baby raptor! Don't you remember that! There were several raptor eggs in the lab when this place was abandoned. Just because the eggs were left without my people and I to take care of them doesn't mean that the eggs didn't hatch. There are more then likely more then that one old Tyrannosaur as well because to that little fact. The animal populations on this island more then likely got very large when we left."

    "I still don't understand how the Suchomimus is here? Didn't their name come along after this incident?"

    "Yes, but we originally believed the Suchos to be Baryonx, because they were to similar to the Spinosaurs when we were first testing them. It wasn't realized untill later on when the Suchomimus was discovered that we actually discovered the Such before the Paleontologist that did."

    "Does the questions about this park ever stop?"

    "Not really. It seems everytime someone goes to one of these islands, something new is discovered."

    "Well we really need to get some sleep guys. If we plan on surviving this trip we'll need a good nights sleep although I'd rather be in my bed this will have to do. Now shut up and go to sleep!"

    "Yes mam'e!"

    Kathy gives Levine a mad look and then closes her eyes. Levine just continues to smile at her. He then lays on her shoulder and goes to sleep himself.

    "I'll keep watch. Someone will need to just in case there is danger.

    Grant nodds and goes to sleep himself. Camera fades with Thorne looking out at the landscape.

    Thanks for reading:) Please comment!

    3/24/2002 3:55:48 PM

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