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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 (Rewriten) Chapter 7
    By Vito Hardy

    Chapter 7: Dino Clearing

    Alan Grant and Jack Thorne were both putting a tent together in the clearing around the herbivores.

    "What are you doing," Levine asked.

    "We're camping here for the night," Grant replied.

    "Why can't we go to the Visitors Center and camp there," Wu asked.

    "Cause there might be something else waiting for us there," Grant replied annoyed. "This is much safer than the Visitors Center! Trust me."

    "Yeah I guess you're right," Wu said walking away from Grant.

    "Boy, this thing is heavy," Thorne said. He was dragging a very heavy case and couldn't hold it much longer. He sat it down and rested there on a tree trunk root.

    "That's funny I don't remember putting a very big batch of ammo," Thorne implied confused.

    "It's Probably not ammo," Grant replied.

    Thorne lifted the case up and unlocked it. Then he opened the case only to see
    Matt Benton looking up at them with a nervous face.

    "Um- hi guys, any room for me," Matt asked with a big smile.

    "Get out of that this instant," Thorne ordered.

    Matt jumped out.

    Levine ran over to the nearest jeep and opened all of the doors fearing the worse. He saw nothing and ran over to the other vehicle. He opened the back trunk only to see his son Vito Levine. Richard Levine looked shocked. Vito quickly jumped out of the back and ran over to Matt to stand with him.

    "Where's the rest of the ammo," Thorne asked annoyed.

    "Um- I kind of dunked some out so I could fit," Matt replied.

    Thorne threw his fist on one of the jeep dashes, and grined up at the two kids.

    "Let me get this straight," Thorne said. "We're living back in the 19th century!"

    "I guess so," Matt replied in the same tone of voice as Thorne.

    "You guess so," Thorne yelled.

    "Hey, kids, um, why did you come here," Malcolm asked.

    "Because, I want to spend time with my dad and my best friend at the same time," Vito said.

    "At this place," Grant said unbelievably. "Vito you should've really tried to make this happen some other time."

    "Well, where are we," Vito asked.

    "We're at a place where you are not supposed to be," Malcolm replied.

    "When we find the Visitor Center, I'm going to call for help and-," Levine was cut off.

    Then there was brushing in the bushes. The two kids stood there watching a weird looking lizard walking on two feet coming his way. Grant saw it had a long
    dome skull putruding but was very small, like three feet in height. It was a baby Pacycephalosaurus. It stood there in curiosity and sniffed the nearest boy's hand. They both stood there in disbelief.

    "It's a- a -a dinosaur," Vito said barly able to get the words out.

    Levine smiled as his son touched the strange looking dinosaur. And moments later his best friend did the same.

    "How is this- I - how," Vito said not believing what he was seeing.

    "It's a long story," Grant said smiling. "A very long story!"

    The tent finally completely up and Grant and the rest were in it trying to sleep.

    "Dad, I'm sorry about Matt and I coming, but how are there dinosaurs in this place," Vito asked.

    "Son, I gave you both simple instructions to stay at the airport and wait for Tracy," Levine replied.

    "I know and I'm sorry Dad, just forget about it," Vito said.

    "He's right Richard, there's nothing else to do right now but wait," Malcolm implied.

    "Yeah but wait for what," Grant asked. "Where is your girlfriend Richard?"

    "I don't know, Henry, you said she was here," Levine replied. "I hope she's alright.

    "She is here," Wu pleaded. "I swear I just talked to her on the phone yesterday!"

    "Kathy is here," Vito asked excited.

    "Afraid so," Levine replied.

    "Ok, in the morning I'll wake all of you up and we'll go searching," Thorne said.

    "Sure, and you two will stay with me when we go," Levine ordered.

    "Ok," both kids replied.

    Everyone finally went to sleep and that's the way things remained untill Matt was suddenly awakened by a sound in the distance.

    "Dr. Grant- Dr. Grant- wake up- please wake up," Matt pleaded.

    "What, kid," Grant grunted.

    "I here a thumping," Matt replied.

    Grant jumped straight up cause he thought he knew what the sound was.

    "Don't you feel it," Matt asked.

    "Shhhhhhh," Grant ordered. Grant took a long pause as he looked out side and turned around. "Don't move, don't even make a sound." Matt nodded.

    Grant moved and went outside. He looked at the foliage as he saw it brake down with a plop. An enormous creature walked straight past Grant. It had two, very small, four feet horns on its brows. But that's all Grant saw, the rest was too dark to tell. But he knew some how it was carnivorous. He stumbled back into the tent.

    "What was it," Matt asked.

    "It was nothing go back to sleep," Grant ordered.

    "Ok," Matt replied.

    Grant laid there with a very nervous expression on his face.

    1/30/02 8:36:15 PM

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