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    One of the sounds which made up the t-rex roar in JP is a airforce flight simulator. Apparently Spielberg found it so loud, he insisted it be part of the roar. (From: Cloner)
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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 (Rewriten) Chapter 6
    By Vito Hardy

    Chapter 6: Arival On Nublar

    An army airplane was begining to soar over the dreaded island known as Isla Nublar.

    "Ok everyone this is where you get off," the pilot said. "I won't land this plane so you're all going to have to parachute down. There are chutes attached to the vehicles. Just put all of your supplies in the vehicles. You'll have to open the back loading hatch and push the vehicles out, Dr. Thorne."

    "I'm on it," Thorne replied. "Give me a hand here people."

    Thorne, Levine, Grant, Wu, and Malcolm all went to the back of the plane. Thorne pulled the lever to open the back hatch. The five men began pushing the two jeeps out of the plane. Thorne pressed the chutes bottons and as the vehicles went flying out of the plane the chutes poped out of the back of the jeeps.

    Everyone watched as the vehicles sailed toward the island interior.

    "Alright people," Thorne yelled. "Get your parachutes on and be ready for a wild ride!"

    Malcolm looked over to Wu trying to get his chute on. He looked very nervous.

    "What's wrong Henry," Malcolm asked calmly.

    "What do you think," Wu replied angerly. "We have to jump out of this plane for crying out loud! I've never done this before!"

    Malcolm finished with his straps and stood.

    "I see," Malcolm said. "Well don't worry. If the fall don't kill you, I'm sure our friends down below will."

    "If that's supposed to be reasurring, it's not working," Wu replied.

    Malcolm walked over to the plane door and turned back to everyone else.

    "See ya down there," Malcolm yelled smiling and giving a thumbs up.

    He turned back around and jumped out.

    "GERANIMO," Malcolm yelled.

    Grant was next to go up to the exit door. He looked down below seeing Malcolm flying down toward Isla Nublar at top speed. Grant then crossed himself and jumped out of the plane.

    "ALL SYSTEMS GO," Grant yelled.

    Levine walked over to Thorne still straping everything on.

    "Better go meet death in the face before your place is taken," Thorne yelled over the sound of the engine.

    "Don't worry," Levine yelled. "I plan on getting my girlfriend out of here. I was just waiting for you."

    "I'm going to be last just to make sure that our good geneticist makes it down there with us," Thorne wispered making sure Wu didn't here them.

    "Yeah I think that's a good idea," Levine replied looking at Wu still trying to get his straps on correctly shaking with fear. "He's the one that got Kathy involved in this in the first place. He better be going down there to fix what's happened. I'll see ya down there."

    Levine walked over to the door and jumped.

    "BONZI," Levine yelled.

    "Ok, let's go Dr. Wu," Thorne yelled walking over to the door.

    "I cant' do it," Wu yelled. "I can't jump!"

    Thorne went over to him and praticaly draged Wu over to the door and pushed him out.

    "DAMN YOU," Wu yelled.

    Thorne laughed as he finished with his straps.

    "You'll be sending a boat for us tomarrow right," Thorne asked the pilot.

    "Yes sir," The pilot replied. "Don't worry the boat will be there for you waiting."

    Thorne gave a thumbs up and turned back toward the door and jumped out.

    "DEATH HERE WE COME," Thorne yelled.

    The people soared toward the ground at fast speeds with their parachutes exploding out of their backpacks. They all went flying downward toward the island interior looking down to all of the herbivores in their social groups in the clearing. Parasaurs drank from the laggoon, Apatosaurs moved around the clearing eating from the trees in the area. Pacycephalosaurs ran in the background ramming their heads in a ritual. There were several Gallimimus running away from the area because of the people sailing toward them. There were Triceratops and Stegosaurs in the clearing as well all protecting their young from possible preditors.

    "THIS IS AMAZING," Levine yelled.

    "WHERE ARE WE," Throne yelled.

    Malcolm suddenly heard another voice repeating in his head again. This time it was his own saying, "Oh ah, that's how it always starts, but then later there's running and screaming." He shock the voice out of his mind.

    Everyone then landed in the clearing as the Gallimimus came stampeading toward them. There are at least twenty of them all coming in their direction. The group ran for the jeeps which landed near an area of foliage. The people made it to their jeeps and got inside to safety. They started the engines and moved a ways away from the Gallis on a hilltop overlooking the clearing and other small portions of the island.

    1/29/02 5:18:33 PM

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