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    The graphics on the numerous computer monitors in JP's control room were actually created in a office full of SGI workstations near the set, then piped in to the monitors via long monitor cables.
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    Warpath: Jurassic Park 4 (Rewriten) Chapter3-4
    By Vito Hardy

    Chapter 3: Henry Wu's Invitation

    Richard Levine entered the office of Dr. Henry Wu sitting down. Levine was dressed nicely in cargo safari clothing. Wu was dressed in a brown Armoni Suit.

    "Dr. Levine, it's good to see you again," Wu greeted.

    "What do you want, Dr. Wu," Levine asked getting streight to the point. Alan Grant had warned him about this man before he left the dig in Montana to come all the way out to California to see this strange man that Grant hated so dearly.

    "It's Biosyn," Wu said. "Lewis Dodgson is planning an expedition to Isla Nublar. It's an island off the coast of Costa Rica that I'm sure Alan Grant has told you about."

    Levine turned around sighing.

    "I know that you probably never wanted to go to Isla Nublar, but there is no alternative," Wu said. "I have a team to go to the island to take care of Dodgson. I want you and Ian Malcolm to led the team. You might even be able to get Dr. Grant to go with you."

    "Malcolm, Grant," Levine asked turning about back around slowly. "You'll never be able to get them to return to one of those islands!"

    "That's your job," Wu replied smiling like he'd just got a new toy. "You could try lieing to Dr. Malcolm. Make him believe that you've never really heard of these animals for sure. Make it seem like you never watch the news or something like that. Get on his good side and you've got it made. Mathematicians are Chaotic, but not that great at judging character quickly."

    "I'm not going to that island," Levine yelled as he started to walk out of the office.

    "Kathy, will be sad to hear that," Wu replied.

    Levine turned around with his eyes wide not sure if he'd heard Wu correctly. "Wait a second! You don't mean Kathy Gennaro? Henry, tell me you didn't invite my girlfriend to that island?"

    "Not just invite, I'm afraid that she's already there," Wu said.

    "What," Levine screamed.

    "I couldn't stop her," Wu said trying to calm the man down. "I tried, but she refussed to listen. She's one of those adventure types you know? You heard what Sarah Harding did in 97. She'll be-"

    "Don't tell me she'll be fine," Levine ordered. "I have to get there right now. Tell me the other people going."

    "Well right now there is only you and Malcolm," Wu replied. "But we do have a guy named Jack Thorne making the field equipment so maybe he'll go with you."

    Levine started for the door. "We'll discuss this when I get back! You've got a lot of explaining to do!"

    Henry Wu turned away with a smile on his face. He walked over to a phone, picked it up, and started dialing. He listened to a cracky answering as someone on the other line picked up.

    "Hello," the voice on the phone asked. "I can't hear you? Who is it?"

    "Dr. Gennaro, it's Dr. Wu," Wu replied into the phone happily. "I'm calling to tell you that you're boyfriend is on his way there to join you and Diego."

    "I-help! please-help! -on-Nublar!-they're surounding-can hear them-especially at night--please-help," Kathy's voice cracked up in the phone.

    "Don't worry, Kathy," Wu replied with wide eyes. "We're on our way!" He put the phone down and ran back toward the entrance to his office to catch up to Levine.

    Richard Levine walked out of Wu's office and entered into the sunlight of the beautiful day. Suddenly he heard Wu calling for him from behind.

    "Stop Dr. Levine," Wu yelled. "Stop!"

    "Did you deside to join me," Levine asked.

    "I just got off the phone with Kathy," Wu replied. "She's in trouble! I'm coming to help you!"

    "There's little time," Levine said. "We must move now!"

    1/26/02 2:42:26 PM

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