Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    According to the JP3 DVD, the movie had the biggest jungle set ever created for a movie. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    Myassic Fart Part 2
    By Vito Hardy

    CUT TO:

    EX:Montana Badlands-Day

    Camera moves around to show several people all over each other kissing and having sex right ontop of a fossil of a Toronto Velociraptor. They all seemed to be screaming with delight untill someone walked up the hill and started yelling to them.

    "Hey if you guys want to join in a computer cyber sex we've got one going. I recogment that you come and look at it Dr. Cant.

    Camera focuses on Alan Cant standing up. He turns around to see Ellie Assler standing beside him. She starts to place a hancerchiff around his neck and then she starts chocking him with it.

    "How dare you cheat on me with that fag Billy Brennan! I can't believe you!"

    "I'm sorry Ellie. It wasn't my fault that we both got in trouble and went to jail to have me drop the soap and then get butt fucked by him!"

    ELLIE stops chocking him.
    "That's ok. I had a great time with your ex-wife last night anyway."

    Cant stares at her oddly

    "Ellie, she's been dead for two years."

    "Sex with the dead is cool!"

    Ellie starts moving down the hill when she trips over a very stupid and fat kid on her way down. They both tumble to the bottom of the hill and Cant runs down to them. Cant very concerned helps the kid to his feet.

    "You'll have to excuss Dr. Assler. She can really be a pain."

    "Alan! Aren't you going to help me up?"

    "You have a dick. You can get yourself up!"

    "Excuss you!"

    Suddenly a helicopter comes flying down very fast and then crashes into the dig site trailer exploding the trailer in flames. Two people come running out of the trailer. One of them is an old man named Juan Hammond and the other is the cartoon character, Launchpad McQuake.

    "Sorry about that Mr. Hammond. I don't know what happened."

    "I know exactly what happened you stupid dickshit! You crashed! No wonder Scrooge gave you to me! Damn that duck!"

    Alan Cant and Ellie Assler run up to the two people to see what the matter was.

    "Yes is this the Erotic Dig Site?"

    "Yes. I'm Alan Cant and this is Ellie Assler."

    "You stupid jerk! How dare you destroy our trailer like that! The only bed was in there! How are we supposed to have sex in there now!"

    "Calm down bitch! This is Jaun Hammond."

    "Did I say jerk? I meant to say God- I mean I'm sorry sir."

    "That's ok. I have a proposition tat I'd like for you both to take. If you do take it I trust you lots of pleasure in the future."

    "Yebba Debba Doo!!!!!!"

    "Scobby Dubby Doo!!!!!!"

    "Scrappy Dappy Doo!!!!!!"


    Everyone stares at Launchpad and then Hammond takes out a huge pincel and erasses Launchpad with it.

    HAMMOND(smiling evily)
    "Well let's go and meet your dome."

    3/3/2002 12:46:07 AM

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