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    JP Star Joseph Mazello (Tim) originally auditioned for the role of the young lead in another Spielberg movie, "Hook". Spielberg found him too young for the role, but promised Mazello personally that he would use him if the right role came up. (From: Matt)
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    Jurassic Park 3 The Novel Special Edition Chapter 39
    By Vito Hardy


    Biosyn's Jurassic Park San Diego complex was a large theater like structure that looked like what was used during the Greek times. Several guards were outside the fenced area blocking anyone from getting inside. A car then approached the complex at high speeds while the guards screamed at them to slow down. The convertable red Ford Torrus busted through the gates to the complex. Inside the car Grant was driving while Ellie held on for dear life. They moved through the complex as fast as they could making their way to the large theater. They entered through the main gates going by several equipment containers and construction devices. The area was almost a complete mess.
    Grant stopped the car in a small area that had small animal containment units and genetic testing stations. The two both jumped out of the car running forward to one of the cages where they saw a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex lying with a muzzle over it's face and it seemed to be sadated or sick.
    Ellie opened the cage and checked the animal. "He's sedated. Really heavily. Give me a hand."
    Grant helped her get the baby out of the cage. Ellie took the animal to car as they ran.
    "Hey, when the adult sees it's us with his baby, isn't he gonna be like, "You"," Grant asked. "You know. There may be some angry recognition for the explosion on it's mate from the boat."
    "Who knows," Ellie replied. "He may be just happy to see us."
    One of the guards ran up to the people with a gun in hand. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
    Grant turned around to face the guard. "We're taking the kid. If you really want to stop us, shoot us." Grant put the car into reverse and backed out of the area.
    "How will we find the adult," Ellie asked.
    "Follow the screams," Grant replied.

    The adult Tyrannosaurus Rex was rampaging down 23rd street of San Diego while a blond woman screamed in her car. She put the car into reverse and started backing away from the animal. She ended up crashing into another person's car pulling out into an intersection.
    Several people were running with pure panic as they ran away from the approaching animal.
    The rex looked strangly at another car that crashed into the other two and went sailing upside down. The rex looked up at a stop light and then bit into it crushing it instantly while sparks flew from the poll.
    A lage charter bus pulled around a corner going very fast. The Tyrannosaur curious of the large object moved up beside it and started running with the bus.
    "Get to the other side of the bus," the driver yelled.
    The rex roared and then smashed into the side of it indenting it in all sides and sending people sailing out of the other side from the impact.

    Two people stepped into a movie store with posters of the newest releasing films on the walls. People were casually walking around in the store when they saw a large bus coming at them with full speed. The people jumped out of the way as the bus went right through the building knocking off several shelves in it's path.

    Lots of people outside the store screamed and ran for their lives as the animal rampaged toward them. One man wearing glasses tried to escape by running into a store, however the rex was faster taking the man up into his mouth and crunching down untill all the man saw was black.

    Alan Grant stopped the car as he saw cars dancing around on the street trying to get away from the animal. Grant turned the car into a gas station to get out of the roadway.
    "He's too drugged," Ellie said trying to wake the animal.
    "He's never gonna know we have it if the thing won't make some kind of sound," Grant yelled.
    "Come on," Ellie yelled. "Wake up. Come on."
    The animal was barelly making a low wail, however, the rex turned toward them hearing the wail. The adult roared at them. Ellie looked up. "He knows."
    Grant heared a loud bang which made him turn back around.
    Suddenly, a large and orange 76 ball came rolling toward and then past them. The rex ducked under the gas station refueling area and ran under it after the people as Grant backed the car out of the station and back on the main road.
    Ellie stared back watching the animal following them. "Alan. Alan, slow dow a little."
    Grant looked back. "I don't think so."

    Several police cars started running toward the area of the disturbance and ran right into the adult Tyrannosaur. The police cars stopped and started backing up into the other direction.
    The baby rex was now wailing very loudly as Grant continued to drive very fast back toward the dock.
    "This guy's almost fully awake," Ellie said trying to keep hold of the animal. "Do you know where you're going?"
    "Yeah," Grant replied. "The waterfront's right on the other side of these warehouses."
    "Is there any way through," Ellie asked.
    "Oh, God, there could be," Grant replied.

    Suddenly, Grant took the car right through the side of one of the bulidings breaking the door and parts of the wall down with the impact. Grant stopped the car emediately and jumped out. He ran over to the other side and started trying to take hold of the baby from Ellie.
    "You have to follow me now," Grant said.
    "Okay," Ellie replied.
    "Here we go," Grant said grabing hold of the baby.
    "Okay," Ellie said. "Got him?"
    "Yep, yep," Grant replied. "There we go, ready?"
    "Where's the rex," Ellie asked. "Is it still behind us?"
    Suddenly the rex broke through what was left of the wall and started running after them.
    Grant ran with the baby in hand while Ellie ran close behind.

    Jeff Rossiter sat in his car at the waterfront on the phone. "Shoot it, shoot it. Tell them to shoot it."

    Grant and Ellie ran out onto the dock area going past Rossiter's car.
    "No, no, you idiot, the adult," Rossiter said into the phone. "Shoot the adult." Rossiter then saw Grant and Ellie running with the baby toward the boat. He started to get out of his car. "I want the baby back alive!" Rossiter started to run toward the boat chassing after Grant and Ellie.
    The baby still constantly wailed for help while Grant carried the animal toward the ship. The two ran onto the deck of the ship and out of Rossiter's view as he made his way up to the ship and onboard. "Dr. Grant," Rossiter yelled as he searched for the two people.
    Grant and Ellie ran toward the side of the ship as Rossiter came up behind them. "What have you done with it? I want that infant."
    Grant and Ellie then jumped off the boat and crashed into the water. Rossiter stopped when he saw a helicopter coming his way.
    Suddenly he heard the wailing of the baby coming from the cargo hold area. Rossiter stepped down into the cargo area slowly listening to the sound of the baby. "Are you there?" He stepped all the way down into the area and walked foward toward the area that the animal's sounds were coming. He stopped when he saw an object glittering on the ground. He picked it up to see it was the muzzle that was on the baby's mouth. He then saw the baby on the other side of a small net growling at Rossiter. "There you are." Rossiter started to move around the side of the net unaware that the adult Tyrannosaur was snicking up on him. Rossiter started chassing the baby around trying to capture him while the adult slowly came back into the cargo area. The adult rex roared softly when the baby went over to it.
    Rossiter saw the adult and froze. The rex roared at him and Rossiter backed away and feel because of some boxes in the way. He got back up and paniced. He started trying to escape running up the cargo ramp. The rex grabbed Rossiter by the leg and was about to sling him back into the cargo area when he heard the calls of what sounded like birds but were three velociraptors that came out of the darkness of the cargo hold scwauking at each other. The rex slung Rossiter toward the raptors and he fell infront of them. Rossiter screamed as the animals jumped ontop of him and things went dark as he felt his face being twisted off his shoulders.

    Alan Grant and Ellie Reiman ran back onto the boat with the large tranquilizer gun that Ed James had shown them earlier. Grant took the control to work the cargo area in hand as the rex's head came back out of the cargo hold.
    Ellie pointed the tranquilizer gun and fired sending the dart into the animals throat. The rex moaned as Grant pushed the button that sent the cargo doors down and shut leaving the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, the three velociraptors, and the baby rex inside.
    Grant signed with relief and took Ellie's hand as they walked away from the boat and back into San Diego.

    1/6/02 9:15:52 AM

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