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    The Dr. Burke character in TLW is believed to be a subtle 'dig' by Spielberg towards dino expert Robert Bakker, who has written that he consulted on JP when he really did not.
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    Jurassic Park 3 The Novel Special Edition Chapter 37
    By Vito Hardy


    The submarine had already submurged into the dark ocean and was now starting to leave Isla Sorna and Site B behind. The team saw before them several crew members working all of the instruments to the vessule.
    Levine was at a computer consule talking to the motion sensor controler with Guitierrez while the three Kirbys huddled in a corner sitting on the floor. Ellie and Grant were hugging while Ellie still cried over the lose of her husband. Billy sat on the floor beside Muldoon while he held his leg. He was buissy playing with his gun.
    "Dr. Levine," the man at the motion sensor controls said. "I think we have a problem."
    Muldoon overheard getting up and started walking toward the three men.
    "What is it crewman," Levine said.
    "Something huge is coming this way, sir," The man said pointing at the screen at a very large figure on the radar.
    "What is it," Levine said. "A shark? A whale?"
    "Sir, it's not registuring on computer," the crewman said. "It's telling me the creature doesn't exist, and it's too large for it to be a shark or even a whale."
    Muldoon looked at the radar to see what it was. "Bloody hell! That's a Pleisosaur!"
    "Don't tell me you just said Pleisosaur," Grant said walking forward with Ellie.
    "Get us out of here now," Muldoon yelled.
    "You heard the man," Levine yelled. "Get us out of here!"
    All of the crewmen started running around the sub trying to find ways to get away from the area faster, but they weren't fast enough.
    The Pleisosaur cought up to them and then rammed into the sub sending it spalling into a circle toward a rock surface back toward the island.
    The crewmen were barily able to get control back before they could hit the rock. Everyone slowly got back up after the impact. Amanda and Eric were both now unconsious with blood smeared on their faces. Paul noticed and started shaking them trying to wake them.
    "Is everyone alright," Levine said.
    "No we aren't bloody alright," Muldoon shouted. "Damage report people!"
    "We won't be able to take another hit like that, sir," A crewman said. " It'll crush us!"
    "Does this thing have missiles," Muldoon said.
    "Yes, sir," a crewman at the weopons station said.
    Muldoon looked out the main view glass and saw the animal rushing toward them at full speed. "Shoot the bloody basterd!"
    Then a missile was launched from the sub toward the Pleisosaur. The animal tried to avoid it but was to slow and the missile hit blowing the animal apart in seconds.
    "They should all be destroyed," Muldoon sighed.
    "Where did that thing come from," Levine said. "Those weren't on the island when I went there."
    "Yes they were," Grant said. "You just didn't explore that part of the island where they were."
    "My god," Levine said. "I'm glad we didn't. Malcolm would've had a heart attack."
    Grant and Ellie both laughed at this remembering how odd Malcolm used to be. They wished he was there right then so they could here his funny jokes that he used to say.
    All of those memories of Malcolm made them both want to go home even more. Ellie expecially needed to go home. She wondered how in the world she was going to be able to explain to her son and daughter that they no longer had a father to care for them. Also how was she going to explain to them that he was killed by prehistoric creatures that haven't been around for 65 million years. More tears came to her eyes as she thought of how aweful all this was. Her life would never be the same again, and she knew it.
    "My god," Muldoon said. "Just think about what would've happened if that thing had reached the mainland." Ian Malcolm's Chaos Theory would come true then. That Pleisosaur would make Jaws look like a crab."
    "Dr. Levine, we're getting something else," a crewman said.
    "Not another one," Levine said running forward.
    "No sir," the crewman said. "It's a boat. It appears to be leaving the island from the left side."
    Grant ran over to the sub's scope and took it up to see on the shore the Biosyn hunters loading what looked like to be a large animal. Grant squinted in the scope to try to make out the animal. He then realized with horror that it was an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex.
    "I knew something bad would happen because of those bastards," Grant hissed.
    "What's happened," Ellie said walking up to him.
    "They're loading an adult tyrannosaur into the boat," Grant yelled.
    "You can't be bloody serious," Muldoon said walking up to them. "We've got to stop them."
    "Ellie and I will take care of those idiots personally," Grant said. "Don't worry, Robert. By the time we're through with them they'll wish they'd never heard of Jurassic Park."
    The Sub continued moving through the dark water away from Isla Sorna, Site B, and the Lost World that was imagined and proved true by Dr. Ian Malcolm.

    1/4/02 10:41:45 PM

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