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    Only one dinosaur in all three JP movies has been killed by a human -- a raptor was killed by Kelly's devistating kick in TLW. (From: Cloner)
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    Jurassic Park 3 The Novel Special Edition Chapter 33
    By Vito Hardy


    The team ran as fast as they could looking up to see a helicopter coming over the horizon. Grant watched the direction that the helicopter was going trying to trace the area that they were going to try to land. He smiled as he ran. Ellie was going to save them. He knew that she would. Ellie had always been a true friend and was now going to be a hero.
    Grant then saw the outline of the large lab building that they were in a day before."This way," he yelled. "They're going to land near the lab!"
    They all continued running as they saw the choper begin to land in a field beside the lab that had a large growth of grass from pure fact of no mowing. A large door to the choper was opened as Grant and the others saw a man wearing a suit coming out with a large loudspeaker. Grant realized emediately that it was Mark because he then saw Ellie step out of the copter to stand beside him.
    Mark put the loudspeaker up to his mouth and began to yell in it. "Dr. Grant, we're here to rescue you! Come on!"
    Paul was the first person to get to them as Mark still shouted. "Don't do that," Paul yelled. "That's a very bad idea!"
    Just then everyone heard a screaching sound coming from high above as several Pteranodons swooped down to attack the people.
    Grant and company jumped into the helicopter as Muldoon pulled out his gun and started firing at the Pteranodons.
    "That's not going to help," Grant yelled. "Get in!"
    Muldoon did so as Mark pulled the door shut and the piolit took off trying to get leaverage. The choper went into the air as the piolit and co-piolit exhaled.
    Suddenly the choper started to shake and everyone was pulled back and forth throughout the plane. Amanda looked out the window to see the Pteranodons pulling on the bottom landing legs of the choper trying to bring it to the ground. She screamed as she looked at the animals pulling on the choper slowly bringing it back toward the ground. Then all of a sudden one of the animals came up to the side of the choper and rammed into it sending the helicopter spalling in a downward spiral. The pilots tried to get control of the craft back but could see that there was no hope.
    "Abandon ship," The piolit said. "Get out of here now!"
    "What about you," Ellie said.
    "Forget about us," The co-piolit said. "Just go!"
    Muldoon swung the door open and jumped out followed by everyone else. They all went crashing to the ground and watched in horror as their only way home went crashing into one of the village huts and went up in flames. Amanda and Eric started crying as Paul started hugging them. Ellie and Mark stared at each other in shock as they realized that they were now stuck on this island as well.
    "Now what do we do," Muldoon yelled. "That got us no where. All that got us was two more deaths and two more people here trapped on this bloody island."
    "Hey at least we tried to help," Mark yelled getting annoyed.
    "Hunny," Ellie said in a calm voice. "You'll have to overlook Robert. He's just a little steamed. He'll calm down."
    "We better find some shelter," Grant said. "There's not much more we can do here."
    "Where are we supposed to go," Paul said.
    "Well sense the Pteranodons aren't in the Aviary anymore then our best place to go would be the Pteratops Lodge," Grant said.
    "Well then let's get moving people," Muldoon said. "We don't have all day."
    Alan Grant, Robert Muldoon, Ellie Reiman, Mark Reiman, Marty Guitierrez, and the three Kirbys went forward back into the jungle toward the Pteranodon Aviary.

    1/2/02 5:29:16 PM

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