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    A line performed by the late Notorious B.I.G. in Puff Daddy's song "Victory" goes: "trying to make dough like Jurassic Park did." (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Jurassic Park 3 The Novel Special Edition Chapter 32
    By Vito Hardy


    Alan Grant moved through the jungle followed by the rest of the team leaving the river behind. Gutierrez and Paul were still carrying Ludlow because of his head injury caused by the Tyrannosaur.
    Paul Kirby looks over to his ex-wife and son walking beside him. He desides to end the tention between them by bringing up a happy time between all three of them.
    "Remember that one fishing trip?" Paul asked Amanda and Eric. "We went to the lake with our trailer," Paul continued, "and when I backed up, it fell into the water. And then I called the tow truck to pull it out, and then his car fell into the water with us. He wanted to knock my lights out, I miss fishing."
    Smiles lit up Amanda and her son's face, looking at Paul lovingly. "I miss fishing . . ." Paul trailed off, lost in his thoughts. Their conversation was interrupted when Muldoon cocked his left eye toward a direction to the left.
    Muldoon looked around holding his gun in hand. He smelled the air and bent over to pick up some leaves. He dropped them as the wind blew them back toward his legs. They were downwind. "The shed should be in that direction," Muldoon said pointing to the left into the foliage. "I'm not so sure we should go there anymore because of raptors. There is another nest on this island besides the one that you told me was in the main lab. I'm not exactly sure where it is though is the problem. Everyone follow me slowly."
    They started following Muldoon into the foliage slowly as to not make any noice. A small puring sound was then heard from the foliage beyond them. Muldoon stopped. Even though they were downwind the raptors could still sense them coming. They were now in big trouble. "Everyone," Muldoon wispered. "Start running in the other direction."
    "What's wrong," Amanda said starting to shiver.
    "We're being hunted," Muldoon said. "We have to leave now. Go!!!"
    Everyone started running for their lives back in the other direction that they had came now hearing the roars of velociraptors. Grant turned around to see five raptors running right toward them. They want the eggs Grant thought to himself. That's why they're after us. They know we have the eggs and they want them.
    Everyone kept running away from the raptors, Paul and Guitierrez trying to keep up while they carried Ludlow. Muldoon was in the lead as he came out at the game trail and saw the large structure that everyone knew to be the high hide.
    Muldoon lead everyone to the hide and started climbing the struts. They all climbed after him going faster and faster grabing strut after strut. The raptors finally make it to the hide and they then started making strange noises. Grant listened to them.
    "Oh, my god," Grant said. "They're communicating!" Grant couldn't beleive it. His theory on Raptor Inteligence had became fact. Grant smiled a little now believing that his research was actaully worth something.
    The raptors stared at the people in the hide waiting for something. Grant then grabbed the eggs out of his pack and got ready to give them to the raptors when all of a sudden they were yanked out of his hands by Ludlow.
    "What the hell are you doing," Grant yelled at John Hammond's Nephew.
    Ludlow started to climb down the hide. "Something I should've done a long time ago. I shouldn't destroy the animals. I should make my own somewhere else. I'll be rich and this time the Hammond family will be sucessful."

    Peter Ludlow then jumped out of the hide crashing on several velociraptors that broke his fall. He got up and started running in the woods as two of the raptors started following him. He saw the raptors and tried to pick up speed but it was hard for him to do so with his injury. Also with this his vision was starting to get blurry. He began to losse consisness and fell to the ground.
    The two raptors stopped at him and looked almost in shock about the odd man's new position. The animals sqawked at each other and then shook their heads. They both put their heads up and made a loud screaching sound that attracted the other three raptors away from the high hide allowing the team to escape from the hide. Grant jumped down from and started off in the raptors direction.
    "What are you doing," Muldoon said running after him.
    "We have to know what they are going to do to Ludlow," Grant said. "It has to be known. If we just leave him we won't know if he's still alive or not."
    "You know good and well that those raptors killed him," Muldoon said. "Think, Alan."
    "I know," Grant said. " But we must know what'll happen. We'll go across the jungle in that canopy." Grant pointed up in the trees."We'll be safe up there."
    Everyone followed Grant into the canopy. They all went from tree to tree trying to find Ludlow when Amanda looked down and spoted him. Peter Ludlow was laying face down in the dirt not moving.
    "Mr. Ludlow," Amanda said. "Mr. Ludlow are you alright."
    "Should we go get him," Guitierrez said.
    "No," Eric yelled finally saying something for the first time sense the rex boat attack. "Something is happening."
    They all looked down at Ludlow as they heard him caughing. He started to move slowly almost crawling trying to get away from the area.
    "I can't stand it anymore," Amanda said starting to climb down. "I'm going to get him."
    All of a sudden a velociraptor jumped out of the bushes below and jumped at Amanda causing her to slip and be tossed upside down with her feet hanging off of the branch. She screamed as the animal looked up at her and got ready to jump.
    "Amanda, no," Paul yelled.
    Muldoon pulled up his gun and fired. The animal was hit but jumped anyway trying to get at her, but Guitierrez had already started pulling her up and she was taken out of the jaws of death.
    The raptor that was hit was now starting to hobble away back in the direction of the high hide and it's nest.
    Another animal came out of the foliage and started walking around Ludlow as he tried to craw away from the raptor. The animal started walking over him as he started to panick and go faster.
    The animal then pulled it's head down on the neck of Ludlow and twist making Peter Ludlow's neck crack and break. Ludlow's body was then silenced. The raptor ran back into the jungle.
    "They set a trap," Eric said. "They actually set a trap."
    "Yes," Muldoon said. "Never thought they had it in them."
    "My god," Grant said. "This is unbelievable." Right then everyone heard an odd sound like a motor. It seemed to be the sound of a helicopter. Grant looked up and around. "Let's go people. I think our ride has arrived."
    Everyone then jumped out of the tree and started running toward the helicopter sound hoping that they were going to be saved.

    1/1/02 12:29:41 PM

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