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    The set of the popular game show "Who Wants to be a Millionare" was reportedly inspired by the control room in Jurassic Park. (From: Brad)
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    Jurassic Congo Novel Chapter 2
    By Vito Hardy


    Donald Gennaro exited his Fariari and walked up a long driveway to a very beautiful house on a back road in San Francisco California. Gennaro sighed as he continued walking toward the front door. He knew that this woman was going to be a very hard case just like Ian Malcolm was when he had to convince him to go to Isla Nublar all those years ago. Dr. Karen Ross was going to be just as hard. She had already survived one trip out into the Congo and he was sure that she would be very objective of going on another one.
    Gennaro walked up to the front door and rang the bell hearing a short jingle from the bell's ringing. Gennaro turned around looking at the scenery around the house. It seemed to be a very nice community with several beautiful houses, just like the one he was standing at right then. He saw children at play around the house directly infront of the one he was at. The kids seemed to be playing hide and seek as they ran around looking for hiding places while another stood facing a tree counting with his eyes closed.

    Suddenly the door behind him opened with a lovely woman standing there in a bathrob and a towel wraped around her head.
    "Yes," the woman said. "What is it?"
    "Are you Dr. Karen Ross of Earth Resources Technology Services," Gennaro asked shaking the woman's hand.
    "Formally of ERTS actually," Ross replied. "Who might you be?"
    "I'm Donald Gennaro of Cowan, Swain, and Daniel Ross," Gennaro replied trying not to confuse the woman with his boss. He wondered weather or not Daniel and this woman were related, but assumed that they weren't.
    "Ah, so you're a lawyer," Ross said rolling her eyes. "What do you creeps want this time?"
    "Oh, it's nothing like what you think doctor," Gennaro replied shaking his head. "I'm here to give a proposition for a very interesting adventure that I may have for you."
    "Well what kind of adventure would that be," Ross asked iritably with her arms crossed while she proped herself on the door frame.
    "Well, this could take quite a while to discuss," Gennaro replied. "Do you mind if I come in?"
    Ross sighed. "Sure, why not." The woman moved back into the house allowing Gennaro to step inside. The place was a mess, or well at least the living room was. It seemed to be full of pictures of gorillas. Karen Ross when into the kitchen and started making a pot of coffee. "Would you like some coffee Mr. Gennaro?"
    "Sure," Gennaro replied. "Thank you." Gennaro continued to look around at the photographs on the wall. Besides gorillas there were other pictures of Ross with a tall man with curly brown hair. "Who was this guy in this picture with you?"
    "Oh, that was a friend of mine," Ross replied. "His name was Peter Elliot. He's a primatologist."
    "You two look like a nice couple," Gennaro replied.
    "Oh, we were never a couple," Ross said. "I asked, but it never worked out. That photo was taken a week before I asked him out. I haven't seen him since then."
    Gennaro listened to the words sadely realizing the saddness coming from Dr. Ross' words. He could tell that this was a horrible subjust to her and decided not to say anything else.
    Karen Ross walked back in the messy living room with two cups of hot, steaming coffee and handed a cup to Gennaro.
    "So tell me Mr. Gennaro," Ross said. "What is the reason for this visit?"
    "I would like to discuss you coming with me on an expedition," Gennaro replied smiling as he sat down in a black leather chair to the side of the room.
    "What kind of expedition could you possibly ask me to come on that would be of any interest to me," Ross asked. She hoped this guy wasn't one of those idiots wanting to see the great white gorilla. Those bloody things gave her so many nightmares that she'd be rich if she got a dime for each one.
    Gennaro smiled. He assumed that this woman was smart, but wanted to try going at this the stupid way. "Actually I've heard that you've been to the Congo before and I was wondering-"
    "I know what you want and I can already tell you that I'm not going for it," Ross said angerily.
    "No, that's not it at all," Gennaro said. "Have you ever heard of Jurassic Park?"
    "I have heard of it yes," Ross replied confused wondering as to what that park would have to do with the Congo. "I've heard that it was some sort of nightmare in Costa Rica that caused several deaths during the dates of 1986, 1992, and 1997 if I remember correctly. I memorize a lot of historical dates. I've always been a history wiz. So what does this Jurassic Park have to do with the Congo?"
    Gennaro looked at one of the gorilla pictures behind the woman. This picture was very odd. The animal seemed to be making a hand gesture that looked almost like "Hello" in sign languange. "What was that gorilla called?"
    Ross turned around looking at the picture and then turned back around smiling. "Her name was Amy. She was the reason why I was able to get to the Congo with a Primatologist. Peter was taking her back to the Congo after several years of working with her at Berkely. They were teaching her sign language with great success. Peter still misses her. Amy was the main reason why Peter enjoyed life and after she left him things seemed to just change. Mr. Gennaro, you still haven't answered my question as to why that dreaded park has to do with the Congo?"
    Gennaro smiled and nodded. "I can see that I'm going to have to explain everything to you. You remind me of a friend of mine. His name is Ian Malcolm. Have you heard of him."
    Ross shook her head. "I'm afraid I've never met him, but I have heard that he's very Chaotic I believe the word is."
    Gennaro laughed. "That's exactly how he is. What I have to tell you deals with Jurassic Park in a way. It was started by a man named John Hammond and his genetics company InGen. They created genetically engineered dinosaurs from fossilized DNA. Afterwards they put these animals on two islands. They were named Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna. Nublar was the showroom for the tourist to see. Sorna however was larger and was were all of the genetic testing and breeding was done. Later on there was an opening tour that was run by yours truly, and the park proved to dangerous causing several people including Hammond to be killed. That island was destroyed. After that there were two expeditions that ended up on Isla Sorna all thanks to another genetics company called Biosyn. After the second expedition and a little Godzilla action in San Diego, Isla Sorna was finally destroyed. We thought for sure that every one of those animals were gone for good, however we were wrong. It appears that there has been several recent problems in the Congo, near the area where you found the Lost City of Zinj. The reports are of maulings and the people that have saw the killers have discribed them as being "Mosters From Another Time". I have reason to believe that these monsters are the work of John Hammond and the InGen Corporation."
    "What does all of this have to do with me," Ross replied with shock from hearing all of this information. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Could this John Hammond have made a dinosaur facility in the Congo? She shock her head. He wouldn't do that after hearing the nightmarish tale that she'd went through. Or had he heard the tale? Perhaps not. However she did wonder why this facility had been abandoned. She feared that those deadly white gorillas still existed in the Congo and that if she went it would be her last mistake.
    "You know your way around the region that we're going to," Gennaro replied. "You are the only one that can instruct us through that area."
    "What about Peter," Ross asked almost yelling. "He's a primatologist for crying out loud! He's much better then I am!"
    Gennaro looked puzzeled. What could this Peter Elliot guy possible give them help in? "Dr. Ross, we don't need a Primatologist. We need you. You know how to work technically equipment, he doesn't. You are a much better leader then he could ever hope to be. And on top of all that you're good at what you do and I need you. Please Dr. Ross help me. There will be a very large sum of money paid directly to you if you do this. It will come streight from our account at Cowan, Swain, and Ross. I got that permission from my boss himself. He wants these monsters out of the way almost as bad as I do. Dr. Ross, I need your help."
    Ross pondered on this development silentely not knowing what to say. She finally looked up at Gennaro and sighed. "Alright, I'll do it."
    "You won't regreat this Dr. Ross," Gennaro replied smiling. "You've made the right choice." The two got up and walked toward the door. Gennaro turned around as he exited. "I'd like for you to meet me at Guynn National Airport in three hours. We're leaving then. I have two more team members to get onboard. I thank you again for joining the team. See you in three hours."
    Karen Ross watched the lawyer jump in his car and start off down the street. She could sudenly feel her body trying to fall out from under her as she felt sick at her stomach.

    2/6/02 8:32:18 PM

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