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By Michael Crichton
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    JP4 Novel Introduction and Prologue
    By Vito Hardy



    A long time ago, on an island far far away, a man named John Hammond created what everyone knew today to be the place called Jurassic Park, where scientists cloned dinosaurs from DNA trapped in ancient remains of amber with mosquitos that were trapped inside the amber for hundreds of millions of years. Did this really happen? People like Dr. Alan Grant, a Paleontologist from Montana, and Dr. Richard Levine, a Paleontologist from Berkely have told several stories about the islands of death. One being Isla Nublar where the showcase for Jurassic Park was set up. The second being a part of Las Cinco Muertas or in English The Five Deaths. This island was called Isla Sorna or The second site for InGen, the bioengineering company that created these prehistoric animals.
    80 million years was a long time. Simply put, DNA does not last that long. At least, that’s what real scientists thought. Ones that didn't ever work for InGen.
    In 1992 Dr. Raul Cano extracted DNA from ancient amber, just like what the scientist of Jurassic Park did. 2 years later, in a 1,800-foot-deep coal mine near Provo, Utah, Dr. Scott Woodward found DNA molecules on what was suspected to be dinosaur bones. One thing was for sure: the DNA matched no known animal. However, these molecules only produced nine readable sequences from a single strand of DNA for a particular gene.
    A clone couldn't be created from such a small amount of information. DNA was too unstable and too easy to contaminate. This was especially true of extinct, ancient animals like dinosaurs, as there were already very little biological information about them.
    The fact was that no scientists could ever possibably believe that Jurassic Park did happen, or that the novel that Dr. Ian Malcolm wrote three years ago explaining the whole Jurassic Park story as being fact and only fiction. Malcolm was said as being a lunatic for what he wrote about. All of the Chaos factors and horrors of death from these so called monsters that surrounded the islands near Costa Rica.
    On top of that, some scientists believed that the DNA found in ancient bones and eggs wasn’t that of a dinosaur, but just pollutants. So until scientists have the ability to better recognize and harvest DNA, and until they can clone dead cells, there will be no modern dinosaurs. And it will most likely stay that way for a long time.
    This was the facts that has been stated by all scientists of the real world, not the InGen world that has nothing to do with anything. The InGen story was thereby closed to discussion and never brought up again by anyone formally involved in that company, had went to the islands, or were involved with the Biosyn Corporation of Palo Alto California.
    That was untill late 2001, when several accidents were reported in the Congo region of Zaire near Bokambu and Irian Jaya, where several pygmies of large animals had been reported seen back in 1992. These incidents were reported as maulings with large numbers of dead found. These incidents were just more troubling factors that faced the Congo along with the mystery of the Lost City of Zinj that appeared at the time to be inhabited by killer white gorillas. That mystery came to a close thanks to Dr. Peter Elliot of the Department of Zoology and Dr. Karen Ross, formally of Earth Resources Technology Services Inc. Those two people were able to stop the plague of these monsters and turn the Congo back into a normal everyday area.
    However, this new threat has been determined to not have been caused by Gorilla attacks, but as one local called them "Monsters from another time". The locals of these areas however have known to overexagerate things in the past, but one american lawyer had finally decided not to ignore this new information and check it out for himself. This was his story.



    In the darkness of the evening sky the Congo region of Zaire was calm with a short breeze blowing through the trees giving a feel of calmness to Vito McMillan. Vito was taking a vacation in the Congo to explore the beautiful forests to get a better experiance of everthing. Vito snickered. That was bullshit. The real reason he was there was because his stupid father had made him go visit his Aunt Angelita Castelo for the week and this was his first time to finally get away from her the whole trip and spend time with the one person he went on this trip with.
    Vito's best friend Travis Elliot was walking beside him as the two moved through the jungles. Travis had came along because this was his first chance to be with his best friend sence Vito had started going out with his girlfriend Lauren. Just the thought of that girl gave Travis shivers. Vito was hardly ever around him anymore because of that girl and he hated every minute of it. That's why he'd came along with Vito went he'd found out that his best friend was going to Africa for a whole week. Travis didn't care about meeting people or seeing the sights. All he wanted to do was spend time with Vito and this was so far his first chance to do so sence they'd arrived. That stupid Aunt of Vito's had been keeping them from doing anything for the past three days and it was just too much for both of them. So they'd finally decided to run off for a few hours. Angelita wouldn't miss them. She had an attention disorder and probably wouldn't realize that she was being robed if someone actually wanted any of the trash that the woman had. She was a complete slob.
    The two boys suddenly exited the forest area, entering into a large clearing that was just spectatualar. The view was amazing. There was yellow grass for miles and a beautiful mountain in the distance.
    "This is just beautiful man," Vito said smiling while he looked out at the suroundings.
    "Yeah man," Travis said. "I'm just glad that you brought me along. Untill now though we haven't been able to be alone and away from your Aunt." Travis shivered again at the thought of that horrid woman. He thought she was more scary then Michael Myers.
    Vito snickers. "I'm glad I brought you along too man. I needed some time away from Lauren."
    Travis rolled his eyes at remembering the girl that he despised.
    Suddenly a low purring sound was heard in the distance. This purring was nothing that neither boy had ever heard of before. It was definetely nothing that would be made by a member of the cat family. Then the boys heard a loud ear spliting roar that seemed very close.
    "I think we better get back to your Aunts man," Travis said. The boy turned around to start back in the other direction only to see a horrifying animal standing right before him. It stood six feet tall with long forarms, sharp teeth, and long curving claws on both feet. The animal was colored brown with what looked like black strips that maybe a tiger would have.
    Travis screamed and started running backwards. Vito turned around to see what was wrong with his friend to only see the animal jump right on him ripping through the boys body with it's claws. Vito screamed and started running in the other direction away from the monsterous animal. He ran faster and faster moving closer to the foliage where he hoped he could climb a tree to safety. However he soon felt himself falling with a terrible weight on his back. He looked up to see the monster ontop of him with it's claws piercing his skin. Vito screamed as the animal riped at his head and eventually riped it clean off his head and then darkness fell over the Congo as the animal feasted with others of it's same species coming out of the foliage to join in the feast.

    2/3/02 1:37:36 PM

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