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    JP4 Novel Chapter 1
    By Vito Hardy


    The law offices of Cowen, Swain, and Ross in San Francisco was shinning in the bright sun on a lovely, but breezy day. A dark figure stepped into the building wearing a suit and tie. He stood 5'11 and had an area of balding appearing on his head. He walked foward into a lone room at the back of the building with the words Daniel Ross on the glass of the door.
    The man walked into the room only to see Daniel Ross sitting at his desk looking at some papers. Ross looked up from his papers and smiled. He stood and walked to the man extending a hand to shake.
    "Welcome back, Donald. I'm glad you're finally over the diesease that almost took your life. Dysentery is a very dangerous illness. I'm so glad that you are a survivor," Ross said shaking his hand.
    "Cut the crap, Daniel," Donald Gennaro ordered. "You know good and well that the InGen case is not solved. We have gotten rid of Isla Sorna yes. However we still have those problems in the Congo. This new threat could possibly be a cause of InGen's mistakes. I have to get a team together to check it out."
    Donald Gennaro, 41 years old, and long time lawyer at Cowen, Swain, and Ross came across a deadly illness not to long ago while on a buisiness trip to Kenya. Gennaro remembered it well. He was sitting on a helocopter beside his good friend Robert Muldoon when he all of a sudden became fatigued. Gennaro was presumed dead after what had happened because he was kept in a hospital in Kenya for years trying to recover. Muldoon was ofcourse with him for awhile, but had to leave to help a man that Gennaro knew well as being Peter Ludlow, the nephew of John Hammond. Gennaro snickered at the fact of remembering the one man that almost caused Gennaro to die faster then he wanted. Gennaro had always wanted to live a long life and that was almost cut short when he went to Isla Nublar. Ever sense then Gennaro has done nothing but think about how he was going to finally get rid of all of those animals. He was close to being able to do so, but after he caught the aweful illness that almost claimed his life it took him away from doing so and several more people ended up dead because of two expeditions that were sent to Isla Sorna by the Biosyn Corporation. The first was made by Lewis Dodgson. Ian Malcolm was however able to stop Dodgson from completing his plan which Gennaro thanked his good friend for. Then four years ago in 1997 Jeff Rossiter desided to try again at getting the dinosaurs, but Alan Grant and Muldoon were able to stop him. After all of that Rossiter's son Matt Rossiter desided to close Biosyn permantly ending that problem.
    Now Gennaro was back and ready to take action to stop this threat that had caused so much death, and he'd do anything to destroy the animals that Hammond made all those years ago.
    "Okay, Donald, I get your point," Ross said putting up his hands in defense. "Don't worry. I have everything taken care of. You'll leave in two hours to go talk to a woman named Dr. Karen Ross, formally of Earth Resources Technology Services, Inc. She was one of the people that went on that expedition several years ago to stop the white gorillas that were killing other members of her company's expedition teams. You'll have to be careful with her. She's became a cynical in her past few years, and not the same beauty stricks her anymore. I really don't see what your worries are though. InGen has been bankrupt for years and Jeff Rossiter of Biosyn is dead now so I really don't see why this is so important to you, but if you want to do it then so be it."
    Ross went over to his desk and took four small piece of paper out of a small box on the top. He turned around and handed them to Gennaro.
    "Here's four tickets for you,and whomever you may invite to go with you on this expedition," Ross said. "I hope that you and your team enjoy your stay in Africa. I also want you to know that if you are unsucessful in this attempt that this is your last chance and getting rid of these animals. Good luck."
    "I'm going to need it, Daniel. Beleive me when I say that I'm going to need it," Gennaro said. He then turned around and walked out of the office with his head held high

    Donald Gennaro walked out of the offices back into the sunlight of the day. He smelled the warm salty air and continued walking off to his brand new Fariari. He quickly began dialing a phone number on his cell phone. The dial tone and ringing went through the phone as there was a clicking with the phone picking up.
    "Hello, this is the office of Donald Gennaro," a woman said through the phone. "This is his secretary speaking, how may I help you?"
    "Kathy," Gennaro replied into the phone. "It's me, Donald. I'm returning the office now. The meeting was a success. Please have some things ready for my departure. I'm going to the Congo."
    "Understood sir," Kathy said. "I'll be ready for you."
    "Thank you," Gennaro replied. Goodbye." Gennaro hung up and opened his car door. He had to admit to himself that he was very nervous. He never wanted to be forced into going to an area filled with those InGen monsters again. However he now had no choice. He had to find out what was in the Congo and the first thing he had to do was go see Dr. Karen Ross.

    2/4/02 7:19:10 PM

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