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    By Velociraptor87


    It was a beautiful day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining brightly, happily, on the inhabitants of the Earth.

    This is why she found it so ironic when she found herself being grabbed, tied up, and thrown into the back of a van, right in the middle of broad daylight. The black Volkswagen Bus then sped down the street, leaving no sign of it’s existence other then the faintest of rubber etched onto the pavement from its whirring tires.


    Samantha Dorries was your typical, average, American girl. She had dazzling blue-green eyes, wavy brown hair, and a job as a Commercial Artist. She was 24 years old and had everything she could ever ask for, which is very little. She lived in Dillon Beach, a small town in California in which pretty much every house had an amazing view of the ocean.

    Her house was small, but it fit her needs; a kitchen, a studio room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a TV room. She spent most of her time in the studio room doing commissions for retailers who needed her talent. The only other being that occupied the house was her brown-and-white kitten, Veren.

    Sam had a good deal of friends who were, surprisingly, her own age. On her free time, she liked to just sit with them and talk at the beach, or go places with them. She was living the American Dream, basically.


    ”What do you think, Veren?”

    She was in her studio room, sitting on a stool while a canvas in front of her had a long-uninhabited cabin in the middle of the woods, grown over with vines and moss and trees surrounding it. It was quite the picture.

    The cat blinked at it with large, green eyes, before curling up into a ball and purring deeply. She laughed. “That bad, huh?” She sighed, before dipping her brush into the black and marking the piece of art with a huge, black x.

    ”I don’t know.. I’ve been in some sort of bad bunk lately.” The cat’s head reappeared, and he yawned, stretching his tiny little paws out ahead of him, before sitting up and swishing his tail back and forth.

    ”Oh… so the prince arises from his slumber now, of all times, hm?” She hoisted him up and carried him out the room, taking him to the small kitchen and setting him down in front of a teeny tiny bowl. It was filled with kitty food.

    ”Eat up and get fat, you porker.” He looked up at her, still swishing his tail, before looking back down and munching gratefully on the food.

    She then sighed dully and went to the living room, plopping down in a chair and picking the phone up off the receiver. It was an old phone; one with the turning wheel to dial numbers. Sam was planning on calling her mom to see how everything was.. it was a daily routine for her. Her father had a few brain tumors right behind his left ear. It didn’t seem like anything serious, just the remains of his lung cancer that had traveled up to his brain. It seemed as if they could cure it would a good few zappings of radiation treatment.

    She twisted the dial with her paint-smeared finger, before clicking her tongue and listening to the other end ring and ring and ring.

    ”Hello! Bob and Vicky aren’t here right now, so leave a happy message!” ---Beep!---

    She rolled her eyes, not suppressing a grin. “Hey Mom, it’s just me. Call me back whenever you can, just want to see how dad’s doin.. I love you. Bye!”

    And with that, she set the receiver back down, before standing up and going to the front door.

    Pause.. She turned back around and went to the kitchen. “If I find any crap on my carpet when I get back, -you’re- cleaning it up.” The kitten blinked and licked his lips.

    Sam was out the door.

    4/2/2005 2:00:49 AM

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