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    A (joke) warning sign on the street during the San Diego scene in TLW says 'No Dinosaurs, Skating, Skateboarding.' Interestingly, a blown-up picture of this shot ran in a Time Magazine article about the movie, allowing millions to see the joke if they looked carefully.
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    Age of the Dinosaurs chapter 7
    By Velaciraptor

    Loner felt bad about Glow's death. The only thing he was happy about is that he escaped alive. He walked for about twenty miles and got tired. He rested on a nearby log.
    Two Gallimimus walked by, not noticing Loner on the log. Loner crouched low, ready to pounce and kill. The second Gallimimus stopped and sniffed the air, while the first went ahead, leaving Loner and the Gallimimus alone.
    Loner growled and jumped on its back and clamped down on its throat, suffocating it and he soon got a good meal. He went in search of water. He walked for about a mile and found a lake and he drank from it.
    A head emerged from the water's surface, then a neck. Loner was frozen in his place, scared. The head came closer and sniffed Loner curiously.
    "Let me guess, a Velociraptor?" it said. Loner nodded, ready to attack if this water creature attacked him. "What are you?" he asked. "Plesiosaurus, my name is Bell." "And mine is Loner." He could now see she wasn't going to attack.
    They stared at one another for a few minutes and Bell made the first move. "It was nice meeting you," she said. "We might meet again. Bye Loner!" "Bye Bell," Loner said and walked away.
    Loner came to a big rock that was in his way. He must climb it. He hopped from one rock to another, going upward and when he got to the top he looked down at the other side, and saw...another Raptor!
    She looked up and growled. She was about Loner's age and probably had gotten lost. The other Raptor stood her ground and Loner could see scars along her back.
    "I don't want to fight," Loner said. The other Raptor quit growling and said sharply, "Then what DO you want?!" "I was just passing through. My pack was in a stampede, I was the only surviver, so I guess I'm trying to find a pack." The other nodded. "I got lost. I'm curious about everything and wandered off."
    "My name is Loner. And your name is...?" "Scarredback," she replied, licking a fresh wound on her thigh. "How did that happen?" he asked. "Compy," Scarredback answered. At the mention of Compy made Loner think of Glow. He nodded and said, "So want to search for a pack together?" Scarredback looked up. "Sure."

    4/2/2002 5:44:24 PM

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