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    When Nedry meets with Dodgson in San Jose (JP) they are at a beachside restaurant with the ocean clearly in the background. San Jose is situated inland, away from any ocean. (From: 'MW834')
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    Age of the Dinosaurs chapter 5
    By Velaciraptor

    Loner couldn't see what was about to attack him, since it was behind thick leaves of a tree. The unknown carnivore growled again, stepped out of the leaves and became known. Giganotosaurus.
    The Giganotosaurus roared and took another step towards Loner. Loner took a step backwards-and fell tripping on a rock sticking out of the stream. The Giganotosaurus rushed forward to the helpless fallen Velociraptor but just then a Tyrannosaurus grabbed hold of the Giganotosaurus' side and knocked him down.
    Loner got up and ran across the stream, when a Compsognathus started to follow him. Loner looked back and tripped again! Clumsy raptor, he was at the moment.
    The Compy stood there watching Loner, not wanting to harm him. Loner got up and hissed at the Compy, who only flinched and squeaked. "Bad breath," the Compy muttered. A roar broke the silence that followed and the Compy and Loner looked over to the fight.
    The Giganotosaurus was on its feet again and had the Rex's arm between its jaws. Its neck and side was bleeding pretty badly, so the Rex would lose but the Giganotosaurus may die later.
    The Rex's jaws clamped down on the Giganotosaurus' neck, and he jerked and Loner and the Compy heard a sharp crack. The Giganotosaurus roared again and fell down, dead, and the Rex began its feast. Another Rex, smaller, probably its baby joined in the feast. Loner turned to the Compy.
    "And...you don't want to harm me?" he asked. The Compy shook its head. "Of course not. I got kicked out of my pack and a lone Compy would be stupid if it decided to attack a Raptor." "Why did you get kicked out?"
    The Compy hesitated, and said, "Because, I had made friends with a herbivore, a Triceratops. So I got kicked out." Loner snorted and said, "What's your name? Mine's Loner." "Glow," replied the Compy, who jumped up and caught a bug. "Why's it Loner?" "Because, my parents died in a stampede and I was the only survivor-well my egg was. Another Raptor found me and well, adopted me but died of a Carnotaurus." Glow sighed. "I got my name because when it gets dark, I sort of glow in the dark." Loner giggled and said, "Let's get walking before the Giganotosaurus carcass attracts more carnivores that'll see us," and the two friends ran off.

    4/1/2002 7:39:00 AM
    (Updated: 4/1/2002 8:48:35 AM)

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