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    TLW star Julianne Moore collabarated with JP3 star William H. Macy in 'Boogie Nights', 'Psycho', and 'Magnolia'. (From: 'livinglikeaking')
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    Age of the Dinosaurs chapter 1
    By Velaciraptor

    The Velociraptor mother nudged her eggs that were in their nest. She loved her eggs dearly. About a kilometer away a pack of Raptors were hunting a herd of Parasaurolophus. One Raptor didn't think and ran out of the bush and jumped on a Para that was drinking from a stream. The herd snorted and started running in the direction where the mother Velociraptor and other mothers were caring for their eggs.
    She nudged her eggs again and huddled the eggs up. About two minutes later she looked up, and listened. There was a rumble in the distance and other Raptors were looking around also. Then the Paras came in view. The came over the hill quickly. The Raptor was frightened and picked up two eggs in her mouth. Since there were only three eggs one was left. She ran off with the other female Velociraptors, away from the stampede.
    The Paras were too fast and overtook the mother Velociraptor. One Para's foot dropped on her tail and slammed it to the ground making her drop her two eggs. She screeched in pain and loss of her two eggs and probably her third and last. The herd had attracted two hunting Tyrannosaurs and they came out of the trees and saw the hurt mother.
    One sniffed her and then made its attack. It grabbed her in its jaws and turned away from the other Tyrannosaur. The other roared and grabbed it by its tail. The first one dropped its carcass and turned around sharply and caught the second by the neck. With its neck in its jaws the first said, "Go hunt a Para. One might be hurt and it'll be a larger meal than this small Raptor!" and let the second go, picked up the Raptor carcass and walked off.
    The second snorted and trudged off in the direction where the herd had stampeded silently when the pack of hunting Velociraptors overtook the Tyrannosaur. They surrounded him and hissed delightedly. Then one by one they jumped on the helpless Tyrannosaur and scratched and bit him to death.
    Back in the nesting ground of the Velociraptors, one egg was untrampled amazingly. The egg wiggled for about two minutes, then a crack cut across the surface and a tiny screech was heard. A baby Velociraptor emerged from the egg, the only one alive in these nesting grounds...

    Coming Soon:
    Chapter2 Please comment (or insult)

    2/24/2002 6:08:31 PM

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